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Afghan vice president dies aged 57 - 0 views

    Afghan first vice president and powerful former warlord Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim died suddenly early Sunday, the presidential spokesman said.

R2-D2 Actor Kenny Baker Dead At 81 - 0 views

    13 August 2016 Kenny Baker, the actor behind the famous droid R2-D2 in Star Wars, died earlier this morning according to his family at age 81. His family reported his death on August 13th, citing problems with his lungs and his ongoing illness. His niece Abigail Shield also provided a statement on his death.

Afghan officials say five NATO deaths were 'friendly fire' KABUL - 0 views

    Afghan officials said Tuesday that five NATO soldiers who were killed in the south of the country died in a "friendly fire" error during an air strike.

Kiev authorities agree with militia to evacuate Boeing crash casualties - 0 views

    Representatives of Kiev authorities and militia in the southeast of the country agreed to start evacuation of the bodies of those people who died in the crash of the Malaysian airliner Boeing-777, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman who heads the state committee investigating the air crash said on Sunday.
MJ Blast

RK Laxman Cartoon Collection - 0 views

    "Common man" character created by legendary Indian cartoonist icon RK Laxman would live in our heart forever. RK Laxman cartoon collection speak a lot about democracy and no one better than him was able to explain the Indian daily life and politics with cartoons. Legendary Indian cartoonist RK Laxman has died in hospital at the age of 94 following multiple-organ failures.

अमित शाह बोले- एयर स्ट्राइक में मारे 250 आतंकी, कांग्रेस बोली- राजनीति कर रही... - 0 views

    भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) के अध्यक्ष अमित शाह ने एक रैली में भारतीय वायुसेना द्वारा पाकिस्तान स्थित आतंकी कैंपों पर की गई एयर स्ट्राइक को लेकर बड़ा दावा किया है। गुजरात के अहमदाबाद में एक रैली में भाषण देते हुए अमित शाह ने कहा कि एयर स्ट्राइक में 250 से ज्यादा आतंकी मारे गए हैं। बता दें कि एयर स्ट्राइक में मारे गए आतंकियों की संख्या को लेकर सरकार की तरफ से कोई आधिकारिक आंकड़ा जारी नहीं किया गया है।
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