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Watch Trump Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson\'s History Blunder - 0 views

    Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson makes a new history blunder on television in a recent CNN interview on Saturday. On the program, Pierson discussed Trump's recent comments referring to President Obama as the founder of ISIS. Following the video, she essentially corroborated his claim by mentioning that "after 2007, al-Qaeda was essentially in ashes."

Salami: IRGC changed equations of biggest empire of history - 0 views

    IRGC Second in command says that the IRGC is the only entity which can discern the enemy's hidden weaknesses.
Doc Darko

Top 5 Anti-Obama books - 0 views

    It seems that, more than any other president in recent history, Barrack Obama provided inspiration for numerous books attacking him and his policies.

Zarif: 5+1 initiative belongs to history - 0 views

    Iran's Foreign Minister says that the country is not ready for negotiations when they are done for the sake of negotiation only.

Political Science News - Latest Articles on Breaking News - 0 views

    Interesting and latest articles on breaking news and politics involved. Cold war, Singapore democracy, India Pakistan war history, AFSPA, Venezuela crisis, Currency Wars, G7 Group, Brexit news, Kashmir issue, Realist vs Idealist etc

News: Chinese Media Warns US Would Face 'Absolute Nightmare' in Conflict With China, Ru... - 0 views

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently characterized Moscow's relations with Beijing as "the best in their entire history,"
Walter Antoniotti

Election Issues 2016 - 0 views

Election Issues 2016 These one-page 2016 Election Issues may be of interest.

education resources Learning teaching civics history political science

started by Walter Antoniotti on 19 Jul 16 no follow-up yet

15 girls who paved the best way for Kamala Harris - 0 views

    The victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is history-making-for its arrival amid a pandemic, for the tumultuous nature of the 2020 contest, and for its Vice President-elect. Harris, the California senator, will
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