With the rise of cell phone usage, candidates across the country are starting to use mobile texting as an effective campaign tool. As mobile computing blurs the line between online and offline campaigning, we are going to see more use of crossover technologies by political campaigns.
'Brochureware' is the term used to describe static websites. You know the type, the ones with pages that have not been updated since the 1990s. They are usually all text with a few images thrown in. If you're lucky, the only interactive element might be a contact form.
Because the challanges of school board elections are not much different than any other local elected position, a school board campaign website can help make the difference!
Sometimes elections, particularly local elections, come down to only a handful of votes. While all the moral support in the world is nice, a candidate cannot win an election until they get their supporters into the voting booth.
Politics lives and breathes on voter polls and surveys. For local candidates with limited budgets, there are online survey tools that can gather feedback in order to perfect a campaign's message and methods.
Generally, there are two types of election campaigns, the primary and the general election campaign. The primary ballot lists all the canddiates who are looking to run for that office...
Campaign yard signs are an important element in local campaigning. Over time, a single campaign sign can be seen by hundreds or even thousands of people. Multiply that effect by the total number of yard signs promoting a campaign, and you have a powerful