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thinkahol *

Afghanistan "sovereignty" - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    A spate of horrific civilian killings by NATO in Afghanistan has led Afghan President Hamid Karzai to demand that NATO cease all air attacks on homes.  That is likely to be exactly as significant as you think it would be, as The Los Angeles Times makes clear: "This should be the last attack on people's houses," the president told a news conference in Kabul. "Such attacks will no longer be allowed." Karzai's call was viewed as mainly symbolic. Western military officials cited existing cooperation with Afghan authorities and pledged to continue consultations, but said privately that presidential authority does not include veto power over specific targeting decisions made in the heat of battle. So we're in Afghanistan to bring Freedom and Democracy to the Afghan People, but the President of the country has no power whatsoever to tell us to stop bombing Afghan homes.  His decrees are simply requests, merely "symbolic." Karzai, of course, is speaking not only for himself, but even more so for (and under pressure from) the Afghan People: the ones we're there to liberate, but who -- due to their strange, primitive, inscrutable culture and religion -- are bizarrely angry about being continuously liberated from their lives: "Karzai's statements . . . underscored widespread anger among Afghans over the deaths of noncombatants at the hands of foreign forces."
Muslim Academy

American presidential elections and Afghan war - 0 views

    The candidate for the elections from the Republic Party Mitt Romney says that the afghan war should be considered but the decision depends upon the congress and the defense ministry and the future of Afghanistan is based on it. There are also progressive development between America, Afghanistan and the Taliban and there is always a hope for the best. The residents of America are also against the afghan war. According to a survey it was found that only 27 percent people back the afghan war and almost 66 percent people are against this. So it is also a factor of the reduction of the support of the war.
Muslim Academy

9/11 and it's after effects - 0 views

    The human race has witnessed many crises that have changed the course of history. These crises brought destruction to the world peace. The most destructive events in world history were the world wars which lead to loss of human life and resources. After the world war the crisis that has engulfed the whole world is the 9/11. The incident of 9/11 was seen as the direct threat by the Americans but the steps taken by America have now made the entire world a dangerous place to live in. The aftershocks of the 9/11 were observed in every part of the world. The United States of America blamed Muslims for the 9/11 incident which was made the reason for war against terrorism. This war against terrorism was started by Americans in Afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of the world. American believes that Islamic extremists are a big threat to American existence and they should be finished to bring peace to the world. For this, America first blamed Afghan mujahedeen and started a war there. The war is still on the go but it sees that America has lost the war as the death toll of the allied forces is still high.
Muslim Academy

Urdu Language - 0 views

    Urdu is not a basic language it is a derived language, actually it is the mixture of many other basic and derived languages like Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Hindi and even there are some words in Urdu which are borrowed from English. The term Urdu was derived from a Turkish word "Ordo", which means camp, army or group. The Urdu language was developed between the Muslim soldiers of the Mughals armies, these soldiers originally belonged to different civilizations and they were Turks, Arabs, Pathans, Persians, Rajputs, Jats, Afghans, Balochis and Punjabis. These soldiers lived together for many years of their lives to fight against their common enemy during which they used to interact with each other by communicating in their respective dialects, which gradually merged into each other and evolved into the present form of Urdu. It is due to this reason that Urdu was first known as "Lashkari Zaban" or the language of the army, which was later changed to "Urdu-e-Muallah" meaning the exalted army which was given by the great Shah Jahan, who was a Mughal Emperor. "Rekhta" meaning scattered was another name used for this language until the present name Urdu came into use.
Muslim Academy

Causes of Extremism in Pakistan - 0 views

    Pakistan is currently the flashpoint of international politics due to numerous reasons. Among the broad array of factors that make Pakistan highly essential and important country in world politics, the two main factors are the geographic location of Pakistan as well as the international War on Terror. Pakistan is located right in the middle of some great powers of the world that are Russia, India, China, similarly the country like Iran is also a neighbor of Pakistan. The presence of the United States along with International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) countries has also significantly increased the importance of Pakistan in World Politics. Other factors that make Pakistan the central point of interest in world politics are the alleged presence of wanted extremists across the Pak-Afghan border, Nuclear Capability, State of the Art Missile System, one of the most professional and capable Military and Spy Agency and the hub of international trade.
thinkahol *

Members of U.S. platoon in Afghanistan accused of killing civilians for sport - 0 views

    For weeks, according to Army charging documents, rogue members of a platoon from the 5th Stryker Combat Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, hatched a plan to randomly target and kill an Afghan civilian, and to get away with it.
Skeptical Debunker

Another Tough Break for Cheney Crowd | Talking Points Memo - 0 views

    One of the things that never gets mentioned in the endless praise of military tribunals is that their actual record is really bad. And now comes word that Najibullah Zazi, the Afghan immigrant arrested last year for planning a bombing campaign in the US, began spilling the beans over the last month about the plot, his accomplices and more. Zazi is expected to plead guilty as part of a plea deal this afternoon in Federal District Court in Brooklyn.
Michael Hughes

Taliban blow up girls' school - religious perversion strikes again - 0 views

    Taliban militants blew up a girls' school in Pakistan's Khyber district in the pre-dawn hours Monday morning. Of course, it's not that heinous a crime because they obliterated the school while empty. The parents of the little Afghan girls should consider themselves lucky - no blood, no foul.
Michael Hughes

Undoing damage in Afghanistan wrought by Bush-era diplomat - 0 views

    Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post advised the White House a few weeks ago to "page" former Bush administration ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad because his "healing powers" could restore Afghan President Hamid Karzai's soundness of mind - a suggestion more insane than Karzai himself.
thinkahol *

Republicans Aim Info-War at Obama - 0 views

    Finally, Congress appears ready to hold some high-profile hearings - except they won't be about the most important scandals of the past decade, like how the United States was misled into the Iraq invasion, how the Afghan War was bungled, how torture became a U.S. practice, or how bank deregulation and Wall Street greed nearly destroyed the economy.
thinkahol *

Lowering America's War Ceiling? | Truthout - 0 views

    On July 25th, for instance, while John Boehner raced around the Capitol desperately pressing Republican House members for votes on a debt-ceiling bill that Harry Reid was calling dead-on-arrival in the Senate, America's new ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, took his oath of office in distant Kabul.  According to the New York Times, he then gave a short speech "warning" that "Western powers needed to 'proceed carefully'" and emphasized that when it came to the war, there would "be no rush for the exits." If, in Washington, people were rushing for those exits, no chance of that in Kabul almost a decade into America's second Afghan War.  There, the air strikes, night raids, assassinations, roadside bombs, and soldier and civilian deaths, we are assured, will continue to 2014 and beyond.  In a war in which every gallon of gas used by a fuel-guzzling US military costs $400 to $800 to import, time is no object and -- despite the panic in Washington over debt payments -- neither evidently is cost.
thinkahol *

They Died in Vain; Deal With It | Common Dreams - 0 views

    Many of those preaching at American church services Sunday extolled as "heroes" the 30 American and 8 Afghan troops killed Saturday west of Kabul, when a helicopter on a night mission crashed, apparently after taking fire from Taliban forces.  This week, the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) can be expected to beat a steady drumbeat of "they shall not have died in vain." But they did.  I know it is a hard truth, but they did die in vain.
Omnipotent Poobah

The Case of the Whining General, Stanley McChrystal - 0 views

    One of the biggest elephants in the Afghan war room is General Stanley McChrystal, head honcho on the ground. McChrystal's no dummy. He's shown himself to be a capable leader (minus his involvement in the despicable Pat Tillman affair), but he may suffer from what many people who can walk on water do - extreme irritation when his advice is questioned.
peoples movement

Rethink Afghanistan War - 1 views

    Vote NO on any spending bill that would send more troops to Afghanistan.
Michael Hughes

Afghan President is a better diplomat than domestic leader - 1 views

    Although President Hamid Karzai's shining moment this week with Chinese President Hu Jintao may not equal the historical drumfire of Nixon and Chairman Mao's 1972 "handshake felt around the world", Mr. Karzai's trip to Beijing was yet another illustration of his foreign policy sagacity.
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