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thinkahol *

‪Gladwell on Income Inequality: We're Off the Rails‬‏ - YouTube - 0 views

    Complete Premium video at: Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell discusses America's dramatically changing notions of wealth and income inequality since the mid-20th century. Gladwell notes that top-earning Americans faced a 91% income tax rate during most of the 1950s. "What's amazing is that, if you even bring this up now, people don't believe you," he says. ----- This excerpt was taken from a program titled "The Magical Year 1975," featuring Malcolm Gladwell. It was recorded in collaboration with the New Yorker Festival, on October 3, 2010. Malcolm Gladwell has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1996. He is the author of, most recently, "What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures," and the Times best-selling books "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference," "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking," and "Outliers: The Story of Success."
thinkahol *

Wall Street, investment bankers, and social good : The New Yorker - 0 views

    Much of what investment bankers do is socially worthless.
thinkahol *

The 9/11 Cover-Up | Health Policy | DISCOVER Magazine - 0 views

    Thousands of New Yorkers were endangered by WTC debris-and government malfeasance.
thinkahol *

News Desk: Bin Laden Dead, Torture Debate Lives On : The New Yorker - 0 views

    Well, that didn't take long. It may have taken nearly a decade to find and kill Osama bin Laden, but it took less than twenty-four hours for torture apologists to claim credit for his downfall.
thinkahol *

Tax reform for the rich and ultra-rich : The New Yorker - 0 views

    THE FINANCIAL PAGE about the Bush tax cuts and a more progressive tax system. At the core of the fight over whether to extend the Bush tax cuts is a simple question: who counts as rich? The Obama Administration's answer is that you're rich if you make more than two…
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