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alex thorn

Leahy says Clinton should withdraw - Yahoo! News - 0 views

  • Sen. Patrick Leahy is suggesting that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton abandon her White House run.
    Sen. Patrick Leahy is suggesting that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton abandon her White House run.
Skeptical Debunker

Jobs Bill Looks Ready To Pass Major Hurdle After GOPers Join Dems | TPMDC - 0 views

  • Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) broke with his party and voted with the Democrats. So did Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME). It had been uncertain earlier in the day whether any Republicans would help Democrats reach 60 votes and overcome the threat of a GOP filibuster. With Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) out of the Senate after being diagnosed with stomach cancer, Democrats needed at least two Republican votes to overcome a GOP filibuster threat. "Work with us on this," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said moments before the vote. "Show us you're serious about legislating." Reid also warned Republicans: Fail to support this bill, and the minority would "confirm their reputation as the 'Party of No.'" The bill, which is much smaller than some original proposals, would exempt businesses from paying Social Security payroll taxes this year after hiring from the nation's pool of millions of unemployed. The Build-America Bonds Act of 2009 would be renewed by the jobs bill. The scaled-down bill would also extend some tax breaks for small businesses, renew highway programs through December, and put $20 billion in the highway trust fund.
    At least two Republicans joined Democrats in a key cloture vote moments ago, allowing debate on a jobs package to move forward. After overcoming this hurdle, debate on the bill can begin.
thinkahol *

Sen. Dianne Feinstein: Urgent Action Necessary to Stop Health Insurance Corporation Greed - 0 views

    At a time of great hardship for many Americans, it is unconscionable that a few mega-corporations can simply misplace a few decimal points and quickly rack up millions of dollars in unjust profits.
thinkahol *

Sen. Bernie Sanders: A Real Jaw Dropper at the Federal Reserve - 0 views

    At a Senate Budget Committee hearing in 2009, I asked Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke to tell the American people the names of the financial institutions that received an unprecedented backdoor bailout from the Federal Reserve, how much they received, and the exact terms of this assistance. He refused. A year and a half later, as a result of an amendment that I was able to include in the Wall Street reform bill, we have begun to lift the veil of secrecy at the Fed, and the American people now have this information.
Asif Sheeraz

Watch Meray Mutabiq - 21st March 2009 - 0 views

    Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, In fresh episode of Meray Mutabiq Talk With Ansar Abbasi Investigation Analyst, Rauf Klasra Analyst, Salhiya Zafar Sen. Analyst.
Skeptical Debunker

McCain Avatar Ad: JD Hayworth's Drudge Report Ad Condemned By McCain - 0 views

    John McCain wasn't mad until after he turned blue in the face. The Arizona Senator's re-election campaign slammed his Republican challenger, J.D. Hayworth, Thursday over a new political ad that depicts McCain as a member of the blue-hued species from the film 'Avatar.' Hayworth's Oscar-themed ad attacks McCain for not being a true conservative, with copy that reads "John McCain, nominee for Best Conservative Actor." KNXV-TV reports that McCain's campaign asked Hayworth to remove the first iteration of the ad because it was insulting to Native Americans. Hayworth's camp refused, telling Sen. McCain to "get a sense of humor," and instead released a second advertisement that added more blue to McCain's face.
Skeptical Debunker

McCain Bill Making Medicare Untouchable Via Reconciliation Contradicts His Record - Yah... - 0 views

  • In a direct challenge to Democratic leadership, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) introduced an amendment on Thursday night that would prohibit Congress from using reconciliation to make changes to Medicare. Framed as an effort to protect the sanctity of entitlement programs, McCain's measure would deprive Democrats of a stream of revenue for their health care bill. The party has targeted hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts and savings to the Medicare program that it would turn around and use to pay for other reforms. But for McCain to be the Republican face behind this effort is to distract, a bit, from its seriousness. The Senator has a fairly lengthy history of voting for reconciliation bills that do exactly what his current amendment prohibits: change Medicare. As pointed out by a Democratic source on the Hill, the Arizona Republican has voted for nine out of 13 reconciliation bills that have been offered during his time in the Senate. Of those nine, four included cuts to Medicare.
    Republican politicians in general, John McCain in particular - hypocrites of the highest degree. Yes, most politicians sooner or later, one time or another display hypocritical tendencies. However, Republicans and John have taken it to new heights.
thinkahol *

Sen. Benjamin Cardin's impressive feat - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    But what makes Cardin's conduct special is that he wasn't merely condemning exactly that which he does; that would just be garden-variety nationalistic hypocrisy.  It's that he went a step further by specifically denouncing those who hypocritically defend values they simultaneously subvert: it's a double, meta form of hypocrisy that is really difficult to construct.  That's what makes it impressive.
thinkahol *

Criminalizing free speech - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    Alex Seitz-Wald of Think Progress rightly takes Sen. Rand Paul to task for going on Sean Hannity's radio program -- one week after commendably leading opposition to the Patriot Act on civil liberties grounds -- and advocating the arrest of people who "attend radical political speeches."  After claiming to be against racial and religious profiling, Paul said:  "But if someone is attending speeches from someone who is promoting the violent overthrow of our government, that's really an offense that we should be going after -- they should be deported or put in prison."  Seitz-Wald correctly notes the obvious:  "Paul's suggestion that people be imprisoned or deported for merely attending a political speech would be a fairly egregious violation on the First Amendment, not to mention due process." 
thinkahol *

Now That David Koch Is Gone From NIH Cancer Board, Formaldehyde Is Finally Classified A... - 0 views

    What's that word they use for a society where the group of those with money and power are above the law? Oh, that's right: Oligarchy! While this regulatory capture continued, how many of us filled up our homes with these toxic products? Via Think Progress: Large manufacturers and chemical producers have lobbied ferociously to stop the National Institutes of Health from classifying formaldehyde as a carcinogen. A wide body of research has linked the chemical to cancer, but industrial polluters have stymied regulators from action. Last year, the New Yorker's Jane Mayer reported that billionaire David Koch, whose company Georgia Pacific (a subsidiary of Koch Industries) is one of the country's top producers of formaldehyde, was appointed to the NIH cancer board at a time when the NIH delayed action on the chemical. The news was met with protests from environmental groups. Faced with mounting pressure from Greenpeace and the scientific community, Koch offered an early resignation from the board in October. Yesterday, the NIH finally handed down a report officially classifying formaldehyde as a carcinogen: Government scientists listed formaldehyde as a carcinogen, and said it is found in worrisome quantities in plywood, particle board, mortuaries and hair salons. They also said that styrene, which is used in boats, bathtubs and in disposable foam plastic cups and plates, may cause cancer but is generally found in such low levels in consumer products that risks are low. Frequent and intense exposures in manufacturing plants are far more worrisome than the intermittent contact that most consumers have, but government scientists said that consumers should still avoid contact with formaldehyde and styrene along with six other chemicals that were added Friday to the government's official Report on Carcinogens. Its release was delayed for years because of intense lobbying from the chemical industry, which disputed its findings. An investigation by ProPublica found th
thinkahol *

Republican Budget Extremist and Cruel - 0 views

    Sen. Sanders calls out GOP and Dems on corporate tax rates, breaks for wealthiest.
thinkahol *

Russ Feingold: Democrats Are 'Dancing With the Devil' - 0 views

    MINNEAPOLIS -- Former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) took direct aim at a key part of the Democrats' 2012 electoral strategy during his keynote address at Netroots Nation here Thursday evening.
Asif Sheeraz

Watch Live With Talat - 31st March 2009 - 0 views

    Senator Jhangir Badar Sec. Gen. PPP, Khuram Dastagir Khan PML-N, Hamid NAsir PML-Q, Ahmed Raza Kasuri Advocate SC, Raja Riaz Ahmed Sen. Provincial Min. Punjab, in Special episode of Live with Talat Discusses Currant Issue with Syed Talat Hussain and Khaild Jamil.
thinkahol *

Obama Must Enforce Oil Speculation Laws - 0 views

    With Wall Street speculators driving up oil and gas prices to near record highs, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today urged President Obama to ask for the immediate resignation of federal regulators who won't enforce a new law to stop excessive speculation in oil markets. Gasoline pump prices in Vermont averaged $3.90 a gallon today, a penny more than the national average. At the same time, big oil companies posted record profits. ExxonMobil's $10.7 billion first-quarter profit was 69 percent greater than one year ago.
thinkahol *

As Government Revenues Reach A 60-Year-Low, DeMint Claims They're At A 'Record' High | ... - 0 views

    It's an often-repeated talking point among Republicans as Washington debates taxes and spending: "We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem." It's recycled, like much of today's Republican thinking, from President Reagan, but Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) stretched the argument to its breaking point on MSNBC this morning when he said that government revenues are currently at "record" highs:
thinkahol *

FDL Book Salon Welcomes Lawrence Lessig, Republic, Lost: A Declaration for Independence... - 0 views

    If, as Lessig conclusively demonstrates, Congress is indifferent to the will of the people and to democratic debate - because it has been captured by monied interests to whose interests it exclusively attends - then the people lose the ability to affect what government does in any realm. It doesn't make much difference which problem you believe is most pressing: this is the dynamic that lies at the heart of it. Inaction on climate issues is due to the power of polluters and energy companies; the power of the private health insurance industry blocks fundamental health-care reform; endless war and civil liberties abuses are sustained by the power of the surveillance and National Security State industries; and a failure to achieve real Wall Street reform is due to the fact that, as Sen. Dick Durbin amazingly acknowledged about the institution in which he serves, "the banks frankly own the place." Without finding an effective way to address that overarching problem, the only recourse for citizens becomes either passive acceptance of their powerlessness (i.e., apathy and withdrawal) or disruption and unrest fomented outside of the electoral system (the driving ethos of OccupyWallStreet).
Michael Haltman

How do you know when a president is lying? - 1 views

    Jobs were offered by the White House Chief and Deputy Chief of Staff to clear the field in primary elections, yet President Obama did not know about it? Sounds a little far fetched to me.
thinkahol *

Interview with Sen. Russ Feingold - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    The Wisconsin Democrat faces a very tough re-election fight:  why the outcome genuinely matters
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