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Omnipotent Poobah

Two on the Dole are Worse Than One in a Lobbyist's Bush - 0 views

    Politicians are busy with the seven deadly sins these days. California assemblyman Michael Duvall is going heavy on lust with a lobbyist. But it could be worse, Chuck Grassley and Max Baucus are working on greed while on the healthcare lobby's dole.
thinkahol *

YouTube - Ron Paul Hosts Third Party Press Conference - 0 views

    Rep. Ron Paul Hosts Third Party Press Conference with Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, and Chuck Baldwin.
thinkahol *

US Uncut Debuts With Nationwide Protests Against Tax Dodgers by Chuck Collins - 0 views

    The latest from a growing international movement to make corporate tax dodgers pay ... so public services don't have to.
thinkahol *

Evil Corporate Tax Holiday Gains Bipartisan Support | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog... - 0 views

    The madness that is the proposed tax repatriation holiday is continuing and gathering steam. More and more members of congress are coming out of the woodwork, scratching their chins in contemplative consideration as it were, pretending that they've just realized what a great day a corporate tax holiday would be - not that they've taken gazillions of dollars from the firms lobbying for it or anything. The latest convert seems to be Nevada Democrat Shelley Berkley. Berkley's plan is to offer a pseudo-holiday - not the full-fledged happy-ending massage the companies wanted (i.e. a reduction from 35 percent+ to 5.25 percent) but a mere ten-point shave: Representative Shelley Berkley, a Nevada Democrat, is the latest lawmaker to consider legislation allowing multinational companies to send offshore profits to the U.S. at a reduced tax rate. Her proposal, which was confirmed yesterday by Berkley's communications director, David Cherry, would allow companies to return profits to the U.S. at a 25 percent tax rate, 10 percentage points below the maximum statutory rate. Most companies publicly supporting a holiday, such as Duke Energy Corp., have spoken favorably of the 5.25 percent rate that is being offered by Representative Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican. One thing that people must understand about this tax repatriation business is that it's a wholly bipartisan affair. It's not solely the work of evil Republicans. This is a scheme that requires heavies in both parties to help ram the knotty, hard-to-sell legislation through. On the Democratic side, unsurprisingly, the main actor is going to be Chuck Schumer. John Kerry is also involved with this nastiness. Barbara Boxer led the 2004 effort and the failed 2009 campaign to get a holiday, and is rumored to be lurking somewhere in this business. Note that Cisco, a California corporate heavyweight and one of the companies lobbying most ravenously for this tax holiday, has been a consistent lifelong contributor
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