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Robert Ogden

Teacher Profile: Ms. Abbott | Burlington High School Help Desk - 0 views

    What this language department teacher abandoned the textbook.
Robert Ogden

18 iPad uses: How classrooms are benefiting from Apple's tablets | Education Dive - 0 views

    "iPads are quickly becoming a popular and powerful educational tool for classrooms. Beyond the immediate benefit of engaging students, iPads can improve education efficiency and standards. However, many teachers are unsure of how to use them effectively. Coupled with concerns over the costs involved, iPad implementation in schools is seen as an unnecessary and expensive risk. "
Robert Ogden

Pingree School Moodle Site - 0 views

  • Welcome to the Pingree School Moodle SiteMoodle is one of many VLE's, Virtual Learning Environments. Here at Pingree, teachers will explore how to use this technology in support of their courses. You may log in as a guest to explore the site's features, or contact the administrator ( to set up an account.Click the login button in the upper right to enter as a guest or to use your username and password if you have them.

iPads for Teachers - Bancroft Workshop - 1 views

    Things to think about, ground rules, setup , uses in the classroom
Robert Ogden

MimioConnect - Lesson Plans for Interactive Whiteboards - Online Teacher Community - 0 views

    "The light on my MimioTeach is an amber color and I can't get it to calibrate at all. Any suggestions? Answer:  Looks like you need some help with pairing your MimioHub with your MimioTeach. Here are the steps you will need to follow in order to sync these two units (Make sure your MimioHub is connected to your computer) 1. Open Mimio Settings in the software. Go to Classroom Devices. 2. You will see the MimioHub listed. (if it's not there, the MimioHub is not in a USB port) 3. Hold down the status light (button) for about 5-7 seconds. It will start flashing amber and you will see MimioTeach appear on your list of Classroom Devices. It will say "available." 4.Select the device and click Connect. 5.The Status light on the MimioTeach will turn solid green. Question sender:  Andrea C."
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