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Robert Ogden

Word for Mac closes unexpectedly or error "The application Microsoft Word quit unexpect... - 0 views

    "Resolution To resolve this problem, follow steps below. Microsoft Word for Mac 2008 or Later Step 1: Quit all applications On the Apple menu, click Force Quit. Select an application in the "Force Quit Applications" window. Note You cannot quit Finder. Click Force Quit.  4. Repeat the previous steps until all active applications. Warning When an application is force quit, any unsaved changes to open documents are not saved..  Step 2: Remove Preferences Quit all Microsoft Office for Mac programs.  On the Go menu, click Home.  Open Library. Note The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu.  Open the Preferences folder. Look for a file that is named  If you locate the file, move it to the desktop. If you do not locate the file, the program is using the default preferences.  If you locate the file and move it to the desktop, start Word, and check whether the problem still occurs. If the problem still occurs, quit Microsoft Word, and restore the file to its original location. Then, go to the next step. If the problem seems to be resolved, you can move the file to the trash.  Quit all Microsoft Office for Mac programs.  On the Go menu, click Home.  Open Library. Note The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu. Open the Preferences folder. Open the Microsoft folder. Locate the file that is named  Move the file to the desktop.  Start Word, and check whether the problem still occurs. If the problem still occurs, quit Word, and restore the file to its original location. Then, go to the next step. If the problem seems to be resolved, you can move the file to the trash.  On the Go menu, click Home.  Open Library. Note The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To disp
Robert Ogden

How to Launch GUI Applications from the Terminal - 0 views

    "$ open Usage: open [-e] [-t] [-f] [-b ] [-a ] [filenames] Help: Open opens files from a shell. By default, opens each file using the default application for that file. If the file is in the form of a URL, the file will be opened as a URL. Options: -a Opens with the specified application. -b Opens with the specified application bundle identifier. -e Opens with TextEdit. -t Opens with default text editor. -f Reads input from standard input and opens with TextEdit."
Robert Ogden

Making Gmail your default mail application - Gmail Help - 0 views

  • Making Gmail your default mail application Share Gmail Blogger Buzz Orkut Google Reader Bookmarks » More Comment You can designate Gmail as your default mailto handler. This means that when you click on any hyperlinked email address, a Gmail compose window will open so you can send a message to that address from Gmail. To do so in Windows: Download the Gmail Notifier. Right-click the Notifier icon in your system tray, and select Options. Check the box next to Use Gmail for internet mailto: links. Click OK. If you decide later that you don't want to use Gmail as your default email application, simply uncheck the box. And, if you're using a Mac, you can set your default mailto handler by following these steps: Download the Google Notifier. Open the Notifier. Click the Mail icon on the Menu bar and go to Preferences... Select the Gmail tab and choose Gmail as the program from the Compose mail in drop-down menu.
Robert Ogden

Keychain pops up everytime - 0 views

    "The following works for 10.6.8 (successfully tested by several users): Open Keychain Access (you can search for it using Spotlight). Under Category, select Passwords In the Applications listed, double-click Google Drive: this will open a smaller settings window Click the Access Control tab  Select "Allow all applications to access this item" and click Save Changes (you may need to enter your password to confirm)."
Robert Ogden

InDesign Help | InDesign Crashes with Blank Dialog Boxes on Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 - 0 views

    "Issue When working within InDesign or InCopy CS5 or later on a 2012 Mac OS X Lion system, you receive a blank warning dialog box that causes the application to crash when performing certain functions."
Robert Ogden

Set Up Your Print Server - Chrome Devices for Business Help - 0 views

    "Set Up Your Windows, Mac, or Linux Print Server For set up instructions, see Connect your classic printers with Google Cloud Print. The process to set up printers on Windows, Mac, and Linux print servers is identical to the directions to set up a printer attached to a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. Networked printers print fine with Google Cloud Print, using the same setup you use to configure individual printers. If you're using a "headless" Linux print server, click here for Google Cloud Print installation instructions. Note: If you have 2-step verification enabled for your account, with step 7 in these directions, you will need to put an application-specific password in the password field instead of your regular password when you first set up Google Cloud Print. Printer Sharing You can share your printer with anybody using a Google Apps account or a Google Account. "
Robert Ogden

Manually uninstall Google Chrome in Windows - Google Chrome Help - 0 views

    "Manually uninstall Google Chrome in Windows If you're having problems uninstalling Google Chrome through your Windows Control Panel, follow these steps to manually remove the browser: These instructions involve modifying your Windows registry. If you're uncomfortable or unfamiliar with editing your registry, you may want to consult a computer technician before you start. You may also want to consider backing up your registry before proceeding. Make sure extensions are displayed for your files. Here's how: Go to the Start menu > Control Panel. (Windows 8 users: Learn how to access the Control Panel) Double-click Folder Options. Click View. Make sure the "Hide extensions for known file types" checkbox is deselected. Right-click this link. Click Save Link as and save the file name as remove.reg. (Select "All files" as your file type.) Exit Google Chrome completely. Double-click remove.reg on your desktop. In the confirmation window, click Yes. Click OK. Enter the keyboard shortcut Windows key +E to open Windows Explorer. In the Windows Explorer window that appears enter one of the following in the address bar: Windows XP:%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google Windows Vista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google Delete the Chrome folder in the directory that opens. Google Chrome should now be uninstalled."
Robert Ogden

MacBook Pro unable to connect to internet after waking from sleep » Jamie Starke - 0 views

  • Here’s what worked for me: Open Finder. From the Menu at the top, choose ‘Go’ -> ‘Computer’. Open your hard drive (probably called ‘Macintosh HD’). Open the ‘Library’ folder. Open the ‘Preferences’ folder. Locate the ‘SystemConfiguration’ folder (likely at the bottom). Drag this folder to your desktop (as far as I can tell, this is to back it up incase something goes wrong) Once the copy is complete, drag the original to the trash. In Finder, open Applications (If you don’t have it on the sideback, use ‘Go’ -> ‘Applications’). Open the ‘Utilities’ folder. Open ‘Keychain Access’. Select ‘login’ from the list of Keychains. In the list to the right, locate an object with the name of your wireless network. Select it and press ‘delete’ on your keyboard. Select ‘System’ from the list of Keychains. Repeat steps 13 and 14 above. Restart your MacBook. Once your computer has restarted, connect to your wireless network.
Robert Ogden

Creating a new browser user profile - Google Chrome Help - 0 views

    ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default
Robert Ogden

SonicWALL Global VPN Client Download Site - 0 views

    Download 32 & 64 bit client for Sonicwall VPN.
Robert Ogden

How to Disable Google Chrome Updates » SitePoint - 0 views

  • Enter the following commands in the Terminal application.To disable automated updates:view plainprint?$ defaults write checkInterval 0  $ defaults write checkInterval 0Change the 0 to a 1 to re-enable updates.To set the update frequency:view plainprint?$ defaults write checkInterval <frequency>  $ defaults write checkInterval <frequency>
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