Word for Mac closes unexpectedly or error "The application Microsoft Word quit unexpect... - 0 views
Robert Ogden on 14 May 13"Resolution To resolve this problem, follow steps below. Microsoft Word for Mac 2008 or Later Step 1: Quit all applications On the Apple menu, click Force Quit. Select an application in the "Force Quit Applications" window. Note You cannot quit Finder. Click Force Quit. 4. Repeat the previous steps until all active applications. Warning When an application is force quit, any unsaved changes to open documents are not saved.. Step 2: Remove Preferences Quit all Microsoft Office for Mac programs. On the Go menu, click Home. Open Library. Note The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu. Open the Preferences folder. Look for a file that is named com.microsoft.Word.plist. If you locate the file, move it to the desktop. If you do not locate the file, the program is using the default preferences. If you locate the file and move it to the desktop, start Word, and check whether the problem still occurs. If the problem still occurs, quit Microsoft Word, and restore the file to its original location. Then, go to the next step. If the problem seems to be resolved, you can move the com.microsoft.Word.plist file to the trash. Quit all Microsoft Office for Mac programs. On the Go menu, click Home. Open Library. Note The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu. Open the Preferences folder. Open the Microsoft folder. Locate the file that is named com.microsoft.Word.prefs.plist. Move the file to the desktop. Start Word, and check whether the problem still occurs. If the problem still occurs, quit Word, and restore the file to its original location. Then, go to the next step. If the problem seems to be resolved, you can move the com.microsoft.Word.prefs.plist file to the trash. On the Go menu, click Home. Open Library. Note The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To disp