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Robert Ogden

Keychain pops up everytime - 0 views

    "The following works for 10.6.8 (successfully tested by several users): Open Keychain Access (you can search for it using Spotlight). Under Category, select Passwords In the Applications listed, double-click Google Drive: this will open a smaller settings window Click the Access Control tab  Select "Allow all applications to access this item" and click Save Changes (you may need to enter your password to confirm)."
Robert Ogden

Using Moodle: how to remove the message "Incorrect access detected, this server may be ... - 0 views

    "Re: how to remove the message "Incorrect access detected, this server may be accessed only through x address, sorry." by Howard Miller - Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 12:21 AM In lib/setuplib.php look for this line     redirect($CFG->wwwroot, get_string('wwwrootmismatch', 'error', $CFG->wwwroot), 3);   Change the 3 to 1. "
Robert Ogden

Manually uninstall Google Chrome in Windows - Google Chrome Help - 0 views

    "Manually uninstall Google Chrome in Windows If you're having problems uninstalling Google Chrome through your Windows Control Panel, follow these steps to manually remove the browser: These instructions involve modifying your Windows registry. If you're uncomfortable or unfamiliar with editing your registry, you may want to consult a computer technician before you start. You may also want to consider backing up your registry before proceeding. Make sure extensions are displayed for your files. Here's how: Go to the Start menu > Control Panel. (Windows 8 users: Learn how to access the Control Panel) Double-click Folder Options. Click View. Make sure the "Hide extensions for known file types" checkbox is deselected. Right-click this link. Click Save Link as and save the file name as remove.reg. (Select "All files" as your file type.) Exit Google Chrome completely. Double-click remove.reg on your desktop. In the confirmation window, click Yes. Click OK. Enter the keyboard shortcut Windows key +E to open Windows Explorer. In the Windows Explorer window that appears enter one of the following in the address bar: Windows XP:%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google Windows Vista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google Delete the Chrome folder in the directory that opens. Google Chrome should now be uninstalled."
Robert Ogden

Download Toolkit to Disable Automatic Delivery of Internet Explorer 9 from Official Mic... - 0 views

    "Click on the link to download the package and select 'Run' or 'Open'. You will be asked to accept the end-user license agreement (EULA) before you gain access to the package contents. The package contains 4 different files. Pick a location where you would like to place the 4 files above by clicking on 'Browse'. Once you have specified the location to place the extracted files, click 'Ok'. Launch an elevated Command Prompt by navigating to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> and then right click on "Command Prompt" and select "Run as Administrator". Type "CD" followed by the path to where you have extracted the 4 files in step 2 above. In the Command Prompt, type "ie9_blocker.cmd /B" and hit Enter to set the blocker on the machine. You will see confirmation in the Command Prompt: "Blocking deployment of Internet Explorer 9 on the local machine. The operation completed successfully." You can now close the Command Prompt window. "
Robert Ogden

Google Apps update alerts: Scheduled Release track features update 12/14/12 - 0 views

    "Scheduled Release track features update 12/14/12 Released on 12/14/2012 Gmail: Users using the new compose experience in Gmail now have the ability to insert files up to 10GB from Drive directly into an email . Gmail will automatically check that recipients have access to any files being sent. The following features are intended for release to these domains on December 18th: No new features to announce"
Robert Ogden

Delegate calendar access - Google Apps Help - 0 views

  • Your delegate can also subscribe to notifications about events on your calendar, such as changes to events, canceled events, and invitation responses.
Robert Ogden

MacBook Pro unable to connect to internet after waking from sleep » Jamie Starke - 0 views

  • Here’s what worked for me: Open Finder. From the Menu at the top, choose ‘Go’ -> ‘Computer’. Open your hard drive (probably called ‘Macintosh HD’). Open the ‘Library’ folder. Open the ‘Preferences’ folder. Locate the ‘SystemConfiguration’ folder (likely at the bottom). Drag this folder to your desktop (as far as I can tell, this is to back it up incase something goes wrong) Once the copy is complete, drag the original to the trash. In Finder, open Applications (If you don’t have it on the sideback, use ‘Go’ -> ‘Applications’). Open the ‘Utilities’ folder. Open ‘Keychain Access’. Select ‘login’ from the list of Keychains. In the list to the right, locate an object with the name of your wireless network. Select it and press ‘delete’ on your keyboard. Select ‘System’ from the list of Keychains. Repeat steps 13 and 14 above. Restart your MacBook. Once your computer has restarted, connect to your wireless network.
Robert Ogden

Mac OS X v10.6: Active Directory binding lost on network transition (.local domain) - 0 views

  • Symptoms If network access is interrupted, a Mac OS X v10.6 client may not be able to reconnect to an Active Directory domain whose name ends in ".local".
  • Resolution Lengthen the default timeout for .local name lookups by editing the following file: /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/IPMonitor.bundle/Contents/Info.plist The key/value pair is: <key>mdns_timeout</key> <integer>2</integer> The integer value is in seconds; changing it to at least 5 should allow the Mac OS X client to reconnect to the Active Directory domain after a network interruption. In some configurations, a larger timeout value may be required. You can change this value by using the sudo command and a text editor to edit the preference file directly. Or you can use the Terminal command below, making sure to enter it all on a single line: sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :mdns_timeout 5' /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/IPMonitor.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
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