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Robert Ogden

Google Forms - Kern Kelley - 0 views

    Tons of google form templates to use for Test and Quizzes, Administrative Forms, and other misc. forms.
Robert Ogden

Google Apps Script - Google Apps Script - Google Code - 0 views

    Reading Spreadsheet data using JavaScript Objects, apply this to the Professional Development form.

Tom Brady and Patriots handle Texans, 41-28, will face Ravens in AFC title game - Patri... - 0 views

  • &nbsp;395 E-mail E-mail this article To: Invalid E-mail address Add a personal message:(80 character limit) Your E-mail: Invalid E-mail address Sending your article Your article has been sent. FOXBOROUGH — The rematch is on. Related Patriots 41, Texans 28: Patriots’ place is in AFC title game Patriots-Texans box score Game pictures Patriots notebook: Rob Gronkowski hurts arm again, done for the season Survey: Which Patriot gets the game ball? On football: Ninkovich picks good time for INT When opportunity knocks, Shane Vereen answers Finn: Vereen takes chance and runs with it Wes Welker looms large in victory over Texans Texans lament missed chances <!-- DEBUG: Status: 11, Link text: Texans notebook: Schaub departs with great disappointment, Link URI: XqD5NF4EEeKdHOc60ScRlQ&xp=/doc/story/headlines/headline/p&, Link UUID: XqD5NF4EEeKdH
    • Robert Ogden
      Great victory last night.
Robert Ogden

Downloading YouTube videos - YouTube Help - 0 views

  • Downloading videos from YouTube is not supported, except for one instance when it is permitted. You can download MP4s of your own uploads, so as long as they do not have any copyrighted content or an audio track added through the Audio tool.
  • There is a limit of two downloads per hour for downloading your video to MP4. The Download MP4 button will not appear next to your videos if you've already downloaded two videos in an hour
    You can download the YouTube videos you have uploaded form your YouTube Account. 
Robert Ogden

Gmail's new compose and reply experience - Gmail Help - 0 views

    You can now write messages in a cleaner, simpler experience that puts the focus on your message itself, not all the features around it. Here are some of the highlights: Fast: Compose messages right from your inbox. Simple: Redesigned with a clean, streamlined look. Powerful: Check emails as you're typing, minimize drafts for later, and even compose two messages at once.

absence report.pdf - 3 views

    • anonymous
      Testing this
    • Robert Ogden
      Awesome form! Do you use this if you are taking time off?
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