"Lit2Go is a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. You can:
* Download the files to your Mp3 player and listen on the go,
* Listen to the Mp3 files on your computer,
* View the text on a webpage and read along as you listen,
* Print out the stories and poems to make your own book."
An abstract, citation, playing time, and word count are given for each of the passages. Many of the passages also have a related reading strategy identified. Each reading passage can also be downloaded as a PDF and printed for use as a read-along or as supplemental reading material for your classroom.
If you're looking for free audiobooks, this is a good site. You can subscribe to it via iTunes if you want, or simply donwload the podcasts (and print version in PDF) manually.
Resource aimed at children in the American school system, but culd be adapted for EFL or ESL purposes. The interactive graphic organizer is a great tool to help students organize their ideas coherently.
As a teacher you can apply for an educator's account in DIIGO. You can set up classes and DIIGO automatically creates private groups for each class. And ads are limited to education-related sponsors.
A quirky site - a range of story scenarios are presented, and you fill in some information. The site then creates a story based on your information. Can be a fun activity to generate a story which could then be used for other language practice.
This blog post describes several alternatives to FUTUREME.ORG for pre-dating email messages -- one is useful for OUTLOOK users and the other is a web-based alternative called "Time Cave" which, unlike FUTUREME, requires a registration.
An interesting medium, allowing you to combine various graphical elements and text, and then create a 'path' that leads the viewer from one element to another. Possible applications in storytelling.
Web site provides a link to download a free (for non-commerical use) program that lets young learners compose a 'non-linear' story. Also, if more than one USB mouse is connected to the same computer, children can work on the same 'non-linear' story together. I imagine that to be a noisy albeit enjoyable experience. Let me know if it works for you!