Circuit elements are - resistor, capacitor and inductor. These are oppose the flow of electricity. Their opposition is collectively know as impedance. This is a interesting topic check out the link. Thanks a lot.
Transformer is a device which is used for changing the voltage of an AC power source to higher or lower value.
Principle of transformer in physics
It is based on principle of mutual induction that is an emf is induced in a circuit due to a current changing in a neighbouring circuit.
Ideal voltage source is a two terminal device, which supply voltage constantly and continuously to load connect across it. We can also define ideal current source as this.
Surface tension is a property of liquor. Due to this property liquid surface behave like a membrane and hold object on it. One of popular application of this topic is spherical shape of rain drop. We discuss this in detail in our post surface tension in physics.
Defination of reciprocal lattice
The reciprocal lattice in Fourier space is an infinite periodic three-dimension array of points whose spacing are inversely proportional to the distances between planes in the direct lattice.
The concept of reciprocal lattice can be explained by two important properties of the crystal planes :
1. Slope of the planes
2. Interplanner spacing