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Best Wedding Photography Techniques For Beginner | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Best Wedding Photography Techniques For Beginner - Have you ever been in a position like this: Entering a new world of photography and got an offer for the first time photographing a wedding? In the heart must feel a little confused and looking for tips on how to capture a moment that marriage is so sacred and important for the wedding couple. This article is a continuation of the article you are looking for wedding photography techniques.Jika technical explanation, then you will not find it in this article, we will assume that you already understand the basics of photography like the concept of exposure triangle, base composition, and others. Learn How to Manipulate Light. The ability to reflect or scatter (diffuse) light flash is key in Wedding Photography. you will definitely see a lot of weddings in the building's lower lighting conditions, if you are allowed to be use flash (some places like the church does not allow) see if it is possible to reflect light flash into the ceiling? (remember that the reflected light flash on the wall with colored surface will change the color of your photograph), or consider also using flash light diffuser to be softer. The building does not allow the use of wedding flash? then you at least use a fast lens with a wide aperture or raise the ISO setting. A lens that features image stabilization (IS / VR) would be helpful.

Digital Photography Magazine - Your #1 Guide for Better Digital Photography | - 0 views

    Online and on newsstands, Digital Photo is the top digital photography magazine. Get the latest news, equipment reviews and previews, photography tips and more. Check out the online edition of our photography magazine at

Before Buying a Digital Camera - 0 views

    With so many digital cameras for sale, choosing the best digital camera can be quite a daunting challenge and many people will discover that they didn't make the right decision, but only after buying the wrong camera. Digital camera consumers typically fall under one of 3 primary groups: beginners, enthusiasts and also professional people, and understanding the place you match will assist you to determine exactly what characteristics will be crucial, as well as which kind of digital camera makes 'sense' for your situation. Additionally, you should consider precisely how much quality you're prepared to swap out for flexibility, because digital cameras are ranging from big and cumbersome high quality Digital SLR cameras (Single Lens Reflex) to compact ultra-portable digital cameras, many of which might not actually have a flash. This guide has been written to hopefully assist you in making a more informed choice. VITAL POINTS TO CONSIDER * Digital camera categories: Cameras usually are separated within types: ultra-compact, compact, semi-pro or enthusiast, and digital SLR, and many brands make models in a number of classes in order to seize a lot of markets. At both ends of the span, the ultra-compacts are created to be probably the most convenient, typically fitting within pockets simply and utilized as key rings, whilst the DSLR cameras will be specialist high quality instruments which have the largest selection of choices, including external flashes, lenses as well as tripods. The majority of devices fit in the center two classes, with compacts possessing a decent range of quality, image resolution, coupled with selections, and the expert variety including top quality coupled with more significant control over manual selections coupled with gadgets. * Compatibility with Computer: It is very obvious that digital camera you want to purchase, probably you may like to use it with your home computer to email, store and print the digital photos. As a result, once ag

Setting Mode in the Camera Digital | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    This time we will discuss some basic shooting modes are owned by the digital cameras in general (be it a DSLR or compact cameras). This information can be said is the basic techniques in photography in particular the use of a camera, but we hope this article is useful for those of you who are starting photography world, and began to eksplore shooting modes other than auto. AUTO mode We think not need to talk about the AUTO mode setting (automatic), considering almost all digital cameras have this feature. AUTO Mode instruct the camera to use the 'judgment' in deciding the best Shutter Speed??, Aperture, ISO, White Balance, Focus and flash to get the best results. Some digital cameras still provide control of the flash and Red Eye Reduction in the AUTO setting. Mode settings would provide relatively good results in most circumstances, but keep in mind you need to tell the camera additional information about the type of shots to be taken, so that the images can be in accordance with what you want. Referring to the statement, the following are some modes the automatic camera settings on the camera can give instructions about the photo you want.

Travel Photography Simplified: 4 Changes that Made me a Better Photographer - 0 views

    When I look back and analyze how my photography has changed over time, I see that the last couple of years were the most eventful in regards to the evolution of my photography. I see that rapid advances in technology, in combination with my attempts to simplify various aspects of my photography, gradually changed my entire workflow.

Neon Photography & Digital Retouching by Slava Thisset | Inspiration Grid | Design Insp... - 0 views

    Neon Photography & Digital Retouching by Slava Thisset Russian photographer Slava Thisset combines digital art and photography to create these vibrant images.

High ISO - grain is not always bad | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Actually the use of the ISO is not a 'rule' actual of photography, but mostly it was a lot of discussion on of photography tutorial, that we avoid as much as possible NOISE and GRAIN on the results of our photos using ISO setting as low as possible in any lighting conditions when shooting. Use a low ISO will give the images a smooth, clean and sharp as the lighting conditions when shooting course. There are certain times in which to raise the maximum ISO setting could create some interesting photo effects, but on the other side of many of the training course on us as much as possible to use a low ISO. GRAIN or photo noise can give the feel of the sand and crude quality, and for most people it can present a different mood to the picture. It could be said that in the current era of digital of photography will be more difficult due to the efforts of digital camera vendors and try to reduce the NOISE GRAIN better when using high ISO settings. This is easily done when the film camera era, which is the film with a high ISO will result in shades of sand or Grain naturally beautiful. Another way to get GRAIN on the photographs captured using a low ISO setting, is to use software like GIMP or Photoshop, but somehow we'll be more fun to get the effect GRAIN when shooting with the camera.

How to Choose Ideal Setting Shutter Speed | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    What is Shutter Speed? The easiest way to describe the Shutter Speed ??is the time span or the length of the camera shutter is open. In the era of film photography, shutter can be interpreted as a time frame scenes expose the film or scene being photographed. In the era of digital photography, shutter speed means how long the camera image sensor 'Seeing' a scene or scene being photographed. Different Shutter Speed Intended use of shutter speed can be varied for different purposes. Shutter Speed ??is measured in seconds (per second), the speed represented by ordinary fractions such as 1/1000 or 1/50. You can see clearly, that the larger the denominator, the greater the speed. average speed is ideal when shooting normally 1/60, and photographed using a lower speed than that without the help of a tripod or brace will be difficult because most likely will result in a blurry photo. Setting the Shutter Speed ??common in digital cameras usually are 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8, and so on, even many cameras give you the option of measurement shutter speed in seconds of full (not fragments) as 1 second, 2 seconds, 10 seconds, and so on. Second unit will be very useful in the field of low-light photography or when you are trying to capture the motion of the object. Many photographers use a shutter speed slower than 1/60 sec and that means all of their photos to be blurry. For the best results in the use of shutter speed slower then my friend should use a tripod so that the camera can be stable and there will be no shock at the time of shooting.

Indoor Wedding Photography Ideas to Get a Beautiful Picture | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Indoor Wedding Photography Ideas to Get a Beautiful Picture - Questions often once there when we are shooting indoors. How to produce a good photo when shooting indoors? Camera settings which we will discuss here comes from some experience when photographing corporate events, weddings were held in the building. This setting allows you to take pictures of people or as a foreground subject, but still get the colors or the light in the background. Settings for Indoor Photography Use the camera settings in Manual mode. This setting allows you to gain full control over your digital camera settings. Set the maximum aperture eg f/4.0 or f/2.8. Set the shutter speed at 1/60, because it will be difficult to take pictures using only your hands at speeds below 1/60 sec. As a reference, do not ever shoot with a shutter speed below Focal Length size that you use when shooting using only your hands. Example: do not ever shoot with shutter speed below 1/50, if you use a 50mm prime lens and take pictures simply by using hand (without a tripod). you will need External Flash, if possible, the reflected light flash to the ceiling so that light can be more evenly distributed. Test it by shooting a couple of times and see how it works. If the image is less bright or underexposed, try raising the ISO (from 200 to 400) until you get the results you want.

Getting to know White Balance In Photography | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    White Balance In Photography - White Balance is one aspect of photography where many digital camera owners do not understand and know how to use it, but the subject can be regarded as being 'suitable' to be studied, because it will have an impact on the photos you create. So for those of you who even today still avoiding White Balance, this article seems quite interesting to observe. will try to present it as simple as possible and easy to follow.


Camera is the third eye of a human being and photography is the vision of that eye. Every Photography tells a story. It is an art of also it is an instant creative art. The key feature of a success...

photography wedding videography

started by aleena0029 on 02 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
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Best Pictures of Winter In Digital photography By Mikko Lagerstedt - 0 views

    Have you ever imagine of seeing best pictures of winter with animals roaming in the streets and human riding on the cycle going through the mist lit by street light. If not then see the digital photography of night by Mikko Lagerstedt. He is from Finland and most of his work is of his own environment. He mastered in night photography with a different taste. His exposure level is amazing and composition are stunning.
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Breathtaking Landscape Photographs In Digital photography - 0 views

    Photography is all about light and this is more true for the landscape photographs. Most of the time you try to get good pictures even with your expensive camera but outcome just disappoint you. Here we are presenting some outstanding examples of landscape photographs in digital photography for your inspiration.

Using Focal Point In Photography | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Focal Point In Photography - For those of you new to his world of photography, when you shoot with a digital camera occasionally try to stop and ask yourself this: "What is the focal point of the picture?" Maybe some other beginner photographers have asked similar questions such as: What is the Point-of-Interest? What will attract people's attention from this photo? what elements of the picture stand out from the rest? What is the subject of my picture?

Tutorial Photography Shutter and Aperture Priority | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Photography Shutter and Aperture - Some time ago has reviewed the Exposure Triangle, in which there are three essential elements namely ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. We also have reviews how the impact when changing each element to your photo? This article is a continuation of the above review, if you previously requested to use the manual mode to learn Exposure Triangle, now we try to use these elements in two digital camera scene modes, namely photography Mode Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority.


Over the years, I have been asked why professional photographers are so costly. I recently came across this post by another Photographer Jennifer Ilene Photography. And it's a great response to t...


started by jonilochtefeld on 20 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

6 Tips for Capturing Dramatic Skies in your Landscape Photography - 0 views

    Don't let the land in landscape photography fool you-a great landscape photo relies just as much on the sky. Boring gray skies make for boring landscape photos. But capturing a dramatic sky in camera is trickier than it seems. With the sky lighter than the land, the camera will typically overexpose the sky, turning a brilliant blue into a vague and unexciting gray. But, with a little fine tuning, it is possible to capture a sky that is the cherry-on-top of a great scene on land. Here are six tips for capturing more dramatic skies in your landscape photography.

Perfect Portraits Photo Gallery | - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 06 Mar 10 - Cached
    Online and on newsstands, Digital Photo is the top digital photography magazine. Get the latest news, equipment reviews and previews, photography tips and more. Check out the online edition of our photography magazine at
Top Photo

40 All Time Best Pictures From - 0 views

    Photography is a graphic with light and it is very tough to choose best pictures. Initially photogrphs were taken on film which is a strip coated with light sensitive chemicals . It was costly and slow process. Now a days digital sensor is used instead of film to record the light. That has revolutionized the process of photography. With the onset of net it is now also very easy to share photography.On web there are many big websites hosting shred photographs from the community members. These are a kind of social media for the photographers. Flickr, photoshelter, photocommunity are some examples.500px is a recent stunner in this field. But among all these stands out. This website hosted the most creative work and during the last decade and here are some examples of best pictures from that work.

How To Hold a Camera When Photographing | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    How To Hold a Camera When Photographing - How to hold a digital camera when taking pictures is one of the key factors that determine the level of sharpness and focus of the photos you took. The main reason why is the creation of photo blur due to camera shake. Usually caused by camera shake and how to hold your body position is wrong when the shutter button is pressed. Camera Shake or camera shake often occurs when shooting in low-light conditions (low light) as well as the use of slow shutter speed.

    The position holds true digital camera can help you to minimize or even prevent camera shake, and is certain to result in a sharp blur-free photo. Know and understand how to hold the camera the correct position is considered very important to produce good photographs.

    Methods of Holding Position Digital Camera
    How my friend holding the camera or photographic device usage is actually just individual taste problems, and there is no right and wrong, but to build a habit and determine the proper attitude when shooting from the beginning will give many advantages to you in the future. At least my friend will be seen as a professional photographer when shooting, at least it's a good reason to try it? Here are some tips you can do buddy:

    Hold the camera using the right hand to grasp the handle right side of the camera, and place your thumb on the back of the camera, three fingers pointing forward and curled index finger rests on the shutter button. Digital cameras are now mostly well-grip shape that automatically leads Three position where your fingers should be. Hold your digital camera with a strong but not too strong if you do not want to result in blurry photos. The position of the left hand can vary depending on the type of digital camera you have, if my friend using a DSLR camera, then your left hand should be under the weight of the camera with the goal of cameras using the palm of the hand. Thumb and index finger
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