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Blur Photo in Moving Object | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Blur Photo in Moving Object - Capture or record motion in an image is one thing to be the thinking of many photographers when they were photographed sporting events or other fast moving objects. Sport Photography does offer the opportunity to photograph the movement of the participants, and most of all the types of photography can take advantage of the suppression motion in a photograph, even when the movement is very small or slow. The following are some tips to capture or record the motion of an object:

How To Hold a Camera When Photographing | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    How To Hold a Camera When Photographing - How to hold a digital camera when taking pictures is one of the key factors that determine the level of sharpness and focus of the photos you took. The main reason why is the creation of photo blur due to camera shake. Usually caused by camera shake and how to hold your body position is wrong when the shutter button is pressed. Camera Shake or camera shake often occurs when shooting in low-light conditions (low light) as well as the use of slow shutter speed.

    The position holds true digital camera can help you to minimize or even prevent camera shake, and is certain to result in a sharp blur-free photo. Know and understand how to hold the camera the correct position is considered very important to produce good photographs.

    Methods of Holding Position Digital Camera
    How my friend holding the camera or photographic device usage is actually just individual taste problems, and there is no right and wrong, but to build a habit and determine the proper attitude when shooting from the beginning will give many advantages to you in the future. At least my friend will be seen as a professional photographer when shooting, at least it's a good reason to try it? Here are some tips you can do buddy:

    Hold the camera using the right hand to grasp the handle right side of the camera, and place your thumb on the back of the camera, three fingers pointing forward and curled index finger rests on the shutter button. Digital cameras are now mostly well-grip shape that automatically leads Three position where your fingers should be. Hold your digital camera with a strong but not too strong if you do not want to result in blurry photos. The position of the left hand can vary depending on the type of digital camera you have, if my friend using a DSLR camera, then your left hand should be under the weight of the camera with the goal of cameras using the palm of the hand. Thumb and index finger

Natural blur / 500px - 0 views

    Natural blur This photo was made with a technique known as "panning". Something similar is possible to get with photoshop filters.

Limit the Auto ISO Setting | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    The existence of a digital sensor allows a photographer to change the ISO sensitivity represents the level sensor to light when shooting pictures. This is an advantage for those who shoot in lighting conditions change often. Bright light, dim would not be a problem, you can quickly adjust the ISO before shooting and see the results, and you certainly do not have to worry about the blur. Take advantage of the features of the camera ISO you about this. In the era of digital photography, you can forget about ISO settings and concentrate on what you take. But you do not get too excited and dismissive. AUTO ISO has its own limit. The main limiting factor is the tendency of the auto ISO camera to use ISO without consideration of the consequences they produce. As we all know, that the camera could not consider about NOISE generated, but not for lovers of our pictures, and if you care about the quality of the art that you make, chances are you're also not too happy with the NOISE in your photographs. A camera may be able to set the ISO up to 3200, but if you really want to use it every time photographing? For those who say 'No' they always consider the ISO before shooting, until the camera manufacturers provide feedback to the ISO limits are used. No one ever knew who first had the idea of ??limits on the use of ISO, but initially the cameras feature Nikon's ISO maximum use, and in the end some camera manufacturers follow them. Who first sparked this idea is not important, because now almost all camera manufacturers have added features automatic ISO usage limits to the cameras now and in the future. Many novice photographers are not aware of this feature, and they should be able to take advantage and begin to improve photo quality by not allowing too high ISO setting.

Tutorial Slow Sync Flash in Photography | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    One of the functions or features that will be fun in exploration is Slow Sync Flash. certainly not only fun but will produce more exciting. Options At Low Light Photography When shooting subjects in low-light conditions or low light, generally you will have two options, namely photographed using a flash or use a slow shutter speed. 1. Flash When you use the camera on AUTO mode, it will automatically select the shutter speed relatively quickly when photographing subjects with low-light conditions (low light) by using the flash. This means that your subject will have good lighting, and if the subject is moving then the movement will 'freeze' and razor-sharp results. The problem is likely you will be the subject of the photo is too bright and the background will look very dark, given at the time of the shooting there was not enough time for the camera to take a light around him. 2. Slow Shutter Speed Another option is to turn off the flash and then photographed using a longer shutter speed to let in more ambient light into the image sensor and produces well-exposed photo. This could be an effective technique, if you are photographing landscape in which all the elements in the photograph is silent, but if the subject of your photo portrait moves the course will produce a blur, of course you do not want it right? Both options above are techniques you can do, but of course they also have drawbacks. The other option is try to consider using Slow Sync Flash
Bakari Chavanu

6 Tips for Perfect Composition in Portrait Photography - 11 views

  • Photographers who do not closely examine the surroundings within the frame of their image are those who come away with images that have great distractions
  • There is nothing more painful for a portraitist than taking a portrait that is beautifully posed, gorgeously lit, and absolutely unusable … simply because no attention was given to background composition!
  • Keep eyes in the upper third This is the most natural spacing for a portrait. Try not to divert from this rule unless you are deliberately creating tension. Another exception of this rule is when a subject is full-bodied in the bottom third of the frame.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • By pulling the subject away from the background and shooting on Aperture priority (f4.0), you will create a small depth of field to blur the backdrop and allow for artistic texture
  • To make the best use of perspective, work to change your camera-to-subject angle. Often by moving a little to the right or left, or getting higher or lower, you can completely abolish that distracting tree branch or telephone pole
    Frame within a frame.
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