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Choosing DSLR Lens Guide | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Choosing DSLR Lens Guide - In the last article we talked about the type of DSLR lenses on the market, and it could be the beginning to answer the following question: Which lens should I buy? In this article will discuss some of the factors for consideration when going choosing a DSLR lens. Each of the features below will be different in each lens. Lens Speed The speed of the lens could be the subject of when you are looking for a new lens. Speed ??or how fast a lens is actually closely related to the maximum aperture is owned by the lens. Aperture is the size of the lens aperture when the shutter button is pressed (or how much light enters the camera). Aperture is denoted by F (f-stop). you can read our article about the aperture at: Understanding Aperture in Photography. The smaller the number the bigger the hole, and there will be more light coming in at one time. This means the shutter speed becomes faster, the reason why the term 'fast' or 'faster' The magnitude of the maximum lens aperture can help you in several ways, among others:

Tutorial Photography Shutter and Aperture Priority | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Photography Shutter and Aperture - Some time ago has reviewed the Exposure Triangle, in which there are three essential elements namely ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. We also have reviews how the impact when changing each element to your photo? This article is a continuation of the above review, if you previously requested to use the manual mode to learn Exposure Triangle, now we try to use these elements in two digital camera scene modes, namely photography Mode Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority.

When The Right Time Using P, S, A, M Mode on The Camera? | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    When The Right Time Using P, S, A, M Mode on The Camera? - Aperture Priority (A) is effectively used for photographing a stationary object, for example, landscape (except slow speed), interior or still life. In A mode, you can set the aperture to get the depth of field as desired, and the camera will adjust its speed. Speed ??Priority (S) is very effective for photographing moving subjects such as waterfalls, sports and panning. With this mode, you can specify the shutter speed to create the effect of moving as desired, and the camera will determine the appropriate aperture for you. Manual (M). Although the cameras already have very sophisticated metering systems, but can also occur sometimes measurement errors, especially in difficult conditions such as event staging. To get the 'fix' a photographer who has had flight hours will determine the ISO speed, shutter speed and aperture for the shooting was his. Manual mode is also often used for studio shooting where lighting is measured by the flash meter. Program (P) mode is most often used to create photo coverage, where the priorities are the moments that move very fast and will not be repeated. In this mode, the camera is in full control, and you only have to shoot it.

Getting to know Aperture In Photography | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Aperture In Photography - In the last two articles we've talked a lot about the elements essential part of photography, where the photographer beginner in learning this should leave auto mode settings, and still use the manual mode to determine the exposure at the time of the shooting. We're a little more offensive about the "Exposure Triangle" where in it consists of three important elements of photography, namely: ISO, Shutter-Speed ??and Aperture

Pocket Camera Tips For Beginner Photographer | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Pocket Camera Tips For Beginner Photographer - A few days ago, many are asking, what if I only have a pocket camera and do not have the ability to change the shutter speed and aperture manually, but these elements is crucial in the world of photography? We think that's a very good question. you basically have two choices in dealing with cases like this. Upgrade Your Camera! This option can be the most ideal option if you want full control over the camera Aperture and Shutter Speed??, though you can do photography tips below but still you can not accurately perform for the camera settings. you have the two best options if you decide to upgrade the camera, the first is to buy a DSLR camera, or it can be a pocket camera that has manual settings or often called the prosumer. DSLR camera is probably the right choice if you want to have more control over and is not limited to just Aperture and Shutter speed. you will have the flexibility to choose a variety of lenses, shoot with manual mode and control of settings such as ISO, White Balance, Exposure, and others. Another alternative is to buy a pocket camera that features photography. Right now a lot of compact cameras on the market are equipped with manual control or semi-automatic. The first option is of course to make you spend more to upgrade the camera, if you still do not have more budget, try to follow techniques while photography is in the second option.

Best Wedding Photography Techniques For Beginner | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Best Wedding Photography Techniques For Beginner - Have you ever been in a position like this: Entering a new world of photography and got an offer for the first time photographing a wedding? In the heart must feel a little confused and looking for tips on how to capture a moment that marriage is so sacred and important for the wedding couple. This article is a continuation of the article you are looking for wedding photography techniques.Jika technical explanation, then you will not find it in this article, we will assume that you already understand the basics of photography like the concept of exposure triangle, base composition, and others. Learn How to Manipulate Light. The ability to reflect or scatter (diffuse) light flash is key in Wedding Photography. you will definitely see a lot of weddings in the building's lower lighting conditions, if you are allowed to be use flash (some places like the church does not allow) see if it is possible to reflect light flash into the ceiling? (remember that the reflected light flash on the wall with colored surface will change the color of your photograph), or consider also using flash light diffuser to be softer. The building does not allow the use of wedding flash? then you at least use a fast lens with a wide aperture or raise the ISO setting. A lens that features image stabilization (IS / VR) would be helpful.

Setting Mode in the Camera Digital | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    This time we will discuss some basic shooting modes are owned by the digital cameras in general (be it a DSLR or compact cameras). This information can be said is the basic techniques in photography in particular the use of a camera, but we hope this article is useful for those of you who are starting photography world, and began to eksplore shooting modes other than auto. AUTO mode We think not need to talk about the AUTO mode setting (automatic), considering almost all digital cameras have this feature. AUTO Mode instruct the camera to use the 'judgment' in deciding the best Shutter Speed??, Aperture, ISO, White Balance, Focus and flash to get the best results. Some digital cameras still provide control of the flash and Red Eye Reduction in the AUTO setting. Mode settings would provide relatively good results in most circumstances, but keep in mind you need to tell the camera additional information about the type of shots to be taken, so that the images can be in accordance with what you want. Referring to the statement, the following are some modes the automatic camera settings on the camera can give instructions about the photo you want.

Getting to know Shutter Speed in Photography | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Shutter Speed in Photography - Shutter speed is one of the elements of photography that are in the "Exposure Triangle". As we have emphasized in previous articles, that in order to explore the "Exposure Triangle" it would be nice if you leave for a while automatic mode and switch the setting to manual mode. The three elements of the "Exposure Triangle" include ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed??, previously we have already covered a bit about ISO, and now it was time to discuss what is Shutter Speed???

Indoor Wedding Photography Ideas to Get a Beautiful Picture | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Indoor Wedding Photography Ideas to Get a Beautiful Picture - Questions often once there when we are shooting indoors. How to produce a good photo when shooting indoors? Camera settings which we will discuss here comes from some experience when photographing corporate events, weddings were held in the building. This setting allows you to take pictures of people or as a foreground subject, but still get the colors or the light in the background. Settings for Indoor Photography Use the camera settings in Manual mode. This setting allows you to gain full control over your digital camera settings. Set the maximum aperture eg f/4.0 or f/2.8. Set the shutter speed at 1/60, because it will be difficult to take pictures using only your hands at speeds below 1/60 sec. As a reference, do not ever shoot with a shutter speed below Focal Length size that you use when shooting using only your hands. Example: do not ever shoot with shutter speed below 1/50, if you use a 50mm prime lens and take pictures simply by using hand (without a tripod). you will need External Flash, if possible, the reflected light flash to the ceiling so that light can be more evenly distributed. Test it by shooting a couple of times and see how it works. If the image is less bright or underexposed, try raising the ISO (from 200 to 400) until you get the results you want.
Top Photo

Incredible Wallpapers Of Astronomy photography By Hubble - 0 views

    Astronomy photography is a very special field and is revolutionized by the invention of space telescope Hubble. According to wikipedia "The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a Space Shuttle in 1990 and remains in operation. A 2.4-meter (7.9 ft) aperture telescope in low Earth orbit, Hubble's four main instruments observe in the near ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared. The telescope is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble."
Al Tucker

Photography Tutorial: A Quick Guide to Understanding Your DSLR Camera | Kevin & Amanda - 0 views

    Great for beginners - very clear explanation of aperture priority and shutter priority modes for both Canon and Nikon cameras.
Linda C

Living in the Stills - 0 views

    Notes: Exposure - The light meter is different from the exposure setting. - Keeping your light meter at "0" doesn't necessarily mean it's the perfect setting. Just don't stray too far from the "0". Adjust to your liking. - Positive numbers on your exposure setting will make your photos brighter. - Negative numbers make your photos darker. Aperture - Small numbers (like f/1.4) have larger openings, which let in more light. - Big numbers (like f/16) have smaller openings, which let in less light. Shutter Speed - Seeing 100, 250, 320, etc. on your viewfinder means "1/(number seen)", like "1/100". - Try not to use 1/60 or less when handheld, that's when you use a tripod or look for something steady. - Using longer exposure (slow shutter speed) will let in more light. - Using shorter exposure (fast shutter speed) will let in less light. ISO - ISO is the sensitivity of your camera to light - Lower numbers are less sensitive to light, which give smoother photos. - Higher numbers are very sensitive to light, which give very grainy and noisy photos.

Tutorial Auto Mode on Camera Digital | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Tutorial Auto Mode on Camera Digital - Some time ago there was an interesting question. The question was something like this: "I have been a long time tried to use Manual mode to learn photography, but the results are far from expectations. Existing solutions? ". If you learn photography, and you are learning to use a DSLR camera using Manual mode feel so scary, so this time we will be a little review tips is usually done when learning to use the manual. Let the Auto camera settings to guide you, the AUTO setting is set in such a way as to certain conditions such as Portrait, Macro, Sports, Landscape, etc. For example, use the Sports mode. At Canon 500D camera in the room, we get the settings: f/3.5, 1/230 sec, ISO auto.

Blur Photo in Moving Object | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Blur Photo in Moving Object - Capture or record motion in an image is one thing to be the thinking of many photographers when they were photographed sporting events or other fast moving objects. Sport Photography does offer the opportunity to photograph the movement of the participants, and most of all the types of photography can take advantage of the suppression motion in a photograph, even when the movement is very small or slow. The following are some tips to capture or record the motion of an object:
Bakari Chavanu

6 Tips for Perfect Composition in Portrait Photography - 11 views

  • Photographers who do not closely examine the surroundings within the frame of their image are those who come away with images that have great distractions
  • There is nothing more painful for a portraitist than taking a portrait that is beautifully posed, gorgeously lit, and absolutely unusable … simply because no attention was given to background composition!
  • Keep eyes in the upper third This is the most natural spacing for a portrait. Try not to divert from this rule unless you are deliberately creating tension. Another exception of this rule is when a subject is full-bodied in the bottom third of the frame.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • By pulling the subject away from the background and shooting on Aperture priority (f4.0), you will create a small depth of field to blur the backdrop and allow for artistic texture
  • To make the best use of perspective, work to change your camera-to-subject angle. Often by moving a little to the right or left, or getting higher or lower, you can completely abolish that distracting tree branch or telephone pole
    Frame within a frame.
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