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Bill Kuykendall

Bangor Publishing reaches printing agreement with Sun Media Group - Business - Bangor D... - 0 views

  • Bangor Publishing Co., owner of the Bangor Daily News, on Friday announced plans to shutter its Hampden printing plant later this year. The company has reached agreements with media partners to print its daily newspaper.
Bill Kuykendall

SOJ eNews | SOJ eNews | WVU journalism project ranks as national finalist - 0 views

  • After earning first place in the regional competition, West Virginia Uncovered was named a national finalist and was one of three projects recognized nationwide as Best Independent Online Student Publication for a large university.
    This is a program that I helped organize while serving as Shott Professor of Journalism at WVU in Spring 2008 and throughout the following year after returning to UMaine.
Bill Kuykendall

May 2013 Newsletter: Inside the Awards Days - 0 views

  • Recapping the Awards Days, upcoming exhibition openings, and introducing this year's Joop Swart Masterclass participants
Bill Kuykendall

8 Gorgeous Nature Blogs for Earth Day - Blog - - 0 views

  • This Sunday, April 22nd will mark the 42nd observance of Earth Day. According to Earth Day Network, “More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.” To inspire you to get in on this year’s celebration, here are eight amazing nature-related blogs on
    This site hosted 8 links to different wordpress blogs, which depicted various nature scenes in honor of Earth day. Looking through these blogs, you can see several amazing pictures of environmental landscapes, as well as beautiful pictures of birds and other animals. One of them had some incredible photos of snakes, something I don't generally like to look at. Through the medium of photography, I was able to enjoy the sight of them a little more.
    I really liked the way this website was organized with multiple wordpress blogs that were all nature themed. I value how this was created in honor of Earth Day because I really appreciate and love Earth Day. The photographs that were on the blogs were either a nature scene or an animal/insect picture, but either way it was still dedicated towards Earth Day.
Bill Kuykendall

8 Tips for Taking Sports Photos Like a Pro - 1 views

  • Following these eight tips should greatly improve your photography, and have you become the envy of all your friends. The key, above and beyond these eight tips, is to always keep shooting! Practice makes perfect, ensuring you have a steady hand and are ready when the big play happens.
    This article was great. Although most of this information included was touched upon in lectures throughout the semester, there was still some valuable information to be garnered. They mention of using different angles and views of a scene can greatly enhance a photo, like how Sports Illustrated began laying as close to the ground as possible and shooting upwards towards the football players. This changed the way football games are covered photographically, and they say now that is the method everyone is using. Also, the mention to avoid chimping, a term I was not familiar with. Essentially, they are saying to avoid looking at the LCD on your camera to view your latest photos as it takes your attention away from the action, and can result in an injury on your part.
    I wish I would have seen this when I did my pictures for the Harlam Shake. While I got a few good shots, I wish I would have gotten a few that I saw with my eyes and through the lens but my inexperience got the best of me. I really like this article because I like to take action shots but they never come out the way that I want them to. I am glad that this was found. I will use this in my June photography class!
    This article was really informative and makes me more determined to focus more on my photography techniques. Both this article and NMD 341 have taught me that practice makes perfect and in order to produce quality photographs you need to be patience and go the extra mile.
Bill Kuykendall

The World's Most Arresting Images | Mother Jones - 2 views

    All of these images are extremely powerful, each portraying a unique emotion within myself. Some are terribly horrifying but others are exciting or humorous. I would have loved to seen more of the images that were submitted for this competition because clearly there are a lot of views in the world and many photographers with a powerful image to share.
    Wow. talk about impact and telling a story, each photo has their own story in and of itself!!! The one that stood out for me of course was the man who had half of his head removed. I cannot imagine a day in the life of that man, but if I were an editor of a health magazine, you would best bet I would have a photographer creating a photostory about that mans life.
    All of these images are extremely emotional and all tell a story within the picture itself.
Bill Kuykendall

For 2nd time, LePage warns schoolchildren off newspapers - Politics - Bangor Daily News... - 2 views

  • WINSLOW, Maine — For the third time, and the second time at a school, Maine Gov. Paul LePage has warned of what he sees as a newspaper industry in Maine full of liars. “My greatest fear in the state of Maine: newspapers,” LePage told children at the St. John Catholic School on Friday, according to a report from the Central Maine Morning Sentinel. “I’m not a fan of newspapers.” Afterward, he told reporters that he prefers TV and radio news because he believes they don’t spin the news.
    This article has proven to me how ignorant the leader of our state is. I completely agree that there is a "spin" put into many of the stories that come out of media outlets, but I believe that saying, local newspapers are full of lies compared to news on television, is a lie itself. In fact, I see television as having more bias by the simple fact that there is someone other than yourself reading the news. I hope that the younger generations of our state or anyone for that matter aren't trusting of the politicians that are in charge of our communities. People need to question what's going on in the world.
    I don't think that newspapers tell any more or less lies than any other media source. It doesn't matter how the news is portrayed, whether in the paper, on tv, or on the radio, it all goes back to the source. If there are corrupted people working at a local newspaper, then certainly it is more likely that they will spread lies in order to get ratings. But, this doesn't mean that a tv news station couldn't also do the same thing. The likelihood of a company giving false statements or references is not linked to any particular media, only their contributors. Somehow this man was elected when 61% of Maine didn't vote for him, and statements like this as well as the attack on UMaine's wind power are what make it hard to have faith that he can actually help this state.
    I really hate our Governor....hes not doing the best job. I think kids should be reading the news paper instead of watching things like the Colbert report or any kind of spoof on government and news. While Colbert report may be good for adults who can distinguish fact from fiction (usually) kids should be reading the newspaper for that reason, learning how to read a newspaper!.
Bill Kuykendall

Photographing People When You Travel -- National Geographic - 3 views

    I really enjoyed reading this article about photographing people while traveling. Ever since I was young my family and I would vacation to Europe and I would always photograph with my dad. My dad always encouraged me to take photograghs of interesting people while traveling so that is why I found this article very relatable. The article gave great tips about how to approach taking a photograph of someone while traveling.
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    These will be some helpful tips for when I travel abroad to Chile next semester. I will be taking a Latin American Photography class and I will be glad to have a little bit of background before immersing myself.
    This was a very interesting article and I think it will help me when I take my trip to Paris this summer. I wouldn't have thought that focusing on a subject's animals would help relax them, but it makes sense. After all, even here, if someone approaches you and adores your pet, you are probably going to be friendly towards them. Although I will probably take more architectural pictures, it is good to know some tips if I decide otherwise and find some interesting people to photograph.
    This was a very helpful and interesting article that showed simple ideas but explained them in a great way. Photographing people while traveling is something I have always done and thought it was interesting that many of the suggested concepts for people to adopt in the field are things I naturally do. However, i never thought of interacting with pets as a way to get others to be more comfortable with me. It makes for a good point. Befriend the bestfriend of someone and they would feel more comfortable around you. Many of these ideas will be kept in my mind for future photography in the field.
    haha this article resignated with me because when I went to Paris during spring break I looked like a complete creeper with my camera by my side and snapping pictures of locals. I wanted to get pictures of locals in their everyday life living in Paris but unfortunately I did not really know how to go about it, and not to mention that most people in Paris are tourists. However this is a really good article and when I go back to traveling I will make sure I remember their tips.
Bill Kuykendall

iPhone Photography - Photo Tips - National Geographic - 2 views

  • I always felt that if I took the creative effort to produce a beautiful photo, the quality should be good enough to sell to the top photo agencies, like Geographic’s Image Collection. Today, we’re getting much closer to having camera phones that allow us to achieve this benchmark.In this gallery, I provide tips on how to improve your iPhone photography, accompanied by examples from my own travels.
    NGS photojournalist Cotton Coulson shares his iPhone photo techniques.
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    Many of the tips found in this article pertain to the idea that because your quality of photos will be less, then the composition and perspective of the photos needs to be of a higher quality. Just because your Iphone camera isn't an expensive Nikon or Canon does not mean that you still can't compose strong photos with intriguing content. It makes the user think about more technically sound concepts for photo creation and relies less on things like clarity or sharpness, both of which could be altered in post production of the photographs.
    There were a lot of good points made in this article about why a smartphone camera can be an acceptable tool for photography. I particularly liked the suggestion about focusing on close ups rather than action shots. It makes sense because the iPhone can only have such a fast shutter speed, making it better for still images and landscapes rather than sports. Although I don't have an iPhone, I will certainly think about these tips when I photograph with my smartphone.
    This article was very informative and helpful. There were multiple tips in the article on how to shoot photographs using an iphone camera. There were many photo techniques on how to produce solid photographs without having a hightect Canon or Nikon. This article was interesting to me because I am a big fan of taking pictures on my iphone. I have up to 2000 photos stored on my phone and I love how convience and quick it is to take a quality picture on my iphone 4s. Its crazy to think about the future and what kind of camera the next iphone will have..
    That was one of the things I loved about my iPhone, it had an amazing camera and I would shoot pictures with it CONSTANTLY. This article is a really good article for people who have an iPhone, If I had mine this would have been a better article for me. I cant imagine what cameras on phones will look like in 40 years,.
Bill Kuykendall

Learn How To Create Better Photos By Reading These Extremely Useful Tutorials | Top Des... - 0 views

  • Learn How To Create Better Photos By Reading These Extremely Useful Tutorials
    Although I learned many of these topics from NMD 341, some of them were useful for future photography. For example, I enjoyed the night time picture taking tips. Some of those were common sense for anyone who has camera experience, but there were a few small details that I would not have thought of otherwise. These tutorials were well organized and simple, making it easy to read many of them in a row.
    These tutorials are perfect for helping with the basic knowledge of the camera and how to produce quality photographs. These tutorials are exactly the kinds of tutorials I enjoy watching because they are informative and suggestive. A lot of the information in the tutorial I have learned in our class from Bill, but there will other tips that I found interesting about lighting and technique.
    I really enjoyed these videos and I think they will help me greatly in my photography class in June. They are very informative but the tips are what I found most interesting.
Bill Kuykendall

The Rise of Tablets... And Why You Should Care - 0 views

    "whether Apple's iPad ultimately succeeds or fails, it is yet another sign of an emerging device class. With Google (Google), Microsoft, and others investing in researching tablet-style computers, this is a trend that will not begin or end with the iPad."
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    I also have mixed thought on tablets. On one hand, they are just another device with which to occupy our time and money when we already have smartphones and laptops. However, I would agree with the idea to use them for students to get textbooks and other useful tools. It is definitely easier to just buy multiple e-books and have them all on hand wherever you go. But, you can also get this with a Kindle. Though it doesn't have the internet features that a tablet does, if its only purpose is for books, then that is the logical choice. I could see an awesome benefit being music, as such is the case with the iPad. Many students enjoy listening to music when studying, which involves both the book and often the internet, making the tablet an ideal alternative to a traditional laptop.
    I'm not a big fan of tablets. Although they are convinient and easy to bring places, a laptop or smartphone is capable of creating the same thing.
    This article, although seemingly very old, did a great job of catching interest in the subject, and asking important questions about the topic that made me think. I believe it's clear cut that the iPad ended up being fairly successful, but the question of, "is it necessary to have another category of devices" is an important one. Personally I feel as though the iPad is definitely an important piece of tech, as portability and ease of use are two key factors integrated into it's design, which are also key factors in the reception of any new piece of tech.
    I feel like most people who have an iPad also have an iPhone. Why have both?! they both have the same capabilities, theyre basically the same thing only one is larger than the other. I am not a fan of tablets at all, I had an iPad thinking I would use it to take notes in classes, I hated taking notes on it! I would rather type on a legitimate keyboard than on a touch screen
Bill Kuykendall

Photographs Of Boston Marathon Bombing | NPPA - 1 views

    It was cool to see two versions of practically the same picture through the "comparison" link. It's fascinating to think about how many people could be taking the same picture and have each one come out so unique. This is often based on the photographer's preferences and viewpoint. Many photographers chose to blur out some of the horror of this event, which is another way to present a version of an image that is unique to the photographer.
    Interesting to look at both photos, side by side, as you can really see how much is removed from a scene with just a little image doctoring. The SI cover completely masks the dust from the second bombing, which is clearly visible in the second, wider shot. Also, towards the end of the article there is another example in which a victim's leg has been photoshopped to appear like their pants, instead of the more gruesome image. It's a tough call as to whether the photographer should tweak the photo to save viewers from the grotesque sight, or if they should keep it the same so we never lose information from the original event.
    I felt like this was one of those find the differences games that you find in the newspaper on sunday? Yeah, thats what I thought of first. I like looking at the differences in the pictures and I like thinking about where one person was, relative to the other person taking the photograph. On a side note, I feel like all of the photographs that were taken at the Boston Marathon Bombing should have been posted, no matter how horrible they looked. This was A. A newsworthy event, and B. it shows REAL LIFE. This happens and it was a tragedy, therefore people should see what happened
Bill Kuykendall

YouTube - We can live with it - 0 views

    Video story of a remarkable young girl, 9-year-old Delila, who is blind and partially deaf. She was not expected to live due to serious health problems but her love of life and the help of family and staff at the WV School for Deaf and Blind have given he
    This was an incredible documentary of this awesome young girl who was born 100% blind with retina detachment. After watching just a couple minutes of the video you can't help but feel sad, and at the same time, extremely happy for her own happiness. When the interviewer asks her if she is sad, she replies saying, "No not at all," and offers words of wisdom to those who are sad, saying, "It'll be okay, it's not that bad, and it will get better." This girl is a hero to me, and I'm sure anyone else who has had to suffer from a disability and overcome it. She shows that nothing in life can stop you from being happy, and the way you view the world is in your heart and mind, not your eyes.
    My mother always told me that "things could be worse" and I agree with my mother, however I find this little girl SO inspiring. Not only is she overcomig her disability at such a young age, but the fact that she is overcoming it is remarkable to me. I think this girl will go really far no matter what her disability/disabilities are. She should never feel look down on.
Bill Kuykendall

Airplane Lavatory Self-Portraits in the Flemish Style - 2 views

    This article is an awesome find, and surely gives me an idea to kill time while on an ariplane. The pass time, Nina Katchadourian, an artist, goes to the bathroom on the plane, and uses the tissue paper to create clothing/accessories to where, then photographs herself with them. Although it's a very strange idea, the result is hilarious and makes me think it is probably a good way to alleviate boredom on a long flight.
    I LOVE THIS! I wish I would have thought about this on my way to Paris...that 7 hour flight was a b***h! I had nothing to do! I like how she had both male and females dress up in toilet paper. It was a good use of time and the photographs are very well done! The lighting is beautiful!!
Bill Kuykendall

Nancy Pelosi defends altered photo of Democratic women - Politics - Bangor Daily News -... - 2 views

    This was interesting, as we looked at this photo in another one of my classes. The photo depicts the Women of the House Democratic Caucus, but some of the women weren't really there when the photo was taken. A few of the ladies were photoshopped in afterwards. Some people criticized the action, but it doesn't bother me at all, really. There wasn't anything negative about adding the women, and the only reason it was done was to accurately portray who is involved with the House Democratic Caucus. I support their use of photoshop!
    I would not be bothered by this at all. The people who were not there (although they did not give an excuse in the article) probably had a good excuse to do so. If the people were not altered into the photograph it would not have bee an accuate portrayal of the Caucus. The people who did criticize were probably not part of the caucus therefore justdo not undrstand the story. I also think that if the picture looks like the women WERE there then there really is no problem, however if the use of photoshop was horribly done, then I could understad a little bit further why people were upset.
Bill Kuykendall

Subzero temperatures don't stop Orono couple from sleeping in teepee - Bangor - Bangor ... - 1 views

  • James and Laura Winters of Orono sleep in a teepee. Although the couple and several of their 11 children live in a round house, a wooden dome-shaped home on the property, the two have enjoyed nights in their teepee for the last three and a half years. The Winters get through Maine’s sub-zero temperatures with nothing but several blankets, including one electric blanket that plugs into a powerstrip at their bedside.
    This was an amazing article and video of James and his wife Laura Winters. I actually know James, who was in my NMD 102 class. I think it's incredible they would put themselves through such extreme temperatures to get more in touch with nature. I'm definitely going to ask him about this next time I see him.
    I feel like this is definately a way to connect with nature, however I would probably do it in the summertime therefore I am not freezing all night long. I admire their courage and their dedication, but I think this is a bit out of the ordinary. I do give them props though, hopefully they will thaw out soon!
Bill Kuykendall

The World's Most Powerful Photographs - YouTube - 0 views

    This video is a collection of some of the most powerful photos you've seen, or have yet to see. There is a voice explaining how these are photos that capture an important moment in history, global history or simply the history between two people, which people can, themselves, relate to. All of the photos shown in the video, I think, were incredibly well done, most of which I had never seen before. Imagine how awesome it must be for one of the people who took one of these photos to see themselves in a youtube video entitled, "The World's Most Powerful Photographs."
Bill Kuykendall

America 101: Defining the U.S. through photography - CNN Photos - Blogs - 2 views

    This was an incredible collection of photographs depicting various parts of the U.S., and many different events that were taking place throughout our history. Although they don't all relate to the same theme or action taking place, they are all intended to define the U.S. in some sort of way.
Bill Kuykendall

Where Children Sleep - 1 views

  • Where Children Sleep- stories of diverse children around the world, told through portraits and pictures of their bedrooms.
    This project is very intriguing, and made me sit back and reflect on how where I slept had an impact on my own personality. This project is a group of photographs which portray children and the environment that they sleep in. The author thought about how important his location he slept in was to him, and how it reflected who he was. Therefore he got the idea to photograph many different children, from very diverse backgrounds. The photographs of their rooms really do reflect the characters themselves. Very interesting!
Bill Kuykendall

A Free Photo Lighting Lesson - - 0 views

    This article describes Scott Kelby's new app, which is a tutorial on how to achieve the lighting affect you want. It demonstrates how he achieved 20 different shots through 13 lessons. These range from indoor studio shots, to outdoor sports photography. This is a great idea, as many photographers could find this as a useful portable guide on how get a perfectly lighted photograph. Best thing of all, the article explains that it is free. Good thing for us college students!
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