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Heatherwood Hospital Visit : Wes Streeting Mission 2024 to Cut NHS Waiting Lists - 0 views

    Health and Social Care Secretary Wes Streeting reiterated his commitment to reducing NHS waiting lists during his visit to Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust's Heatherwood Hospital in Ascot on Friday. Streeting toured the Berkshire hospital, which is helping tackle backlogs of planned operations with dedicated surgical services, thereby cutting local waiting lists. The health secretary spoke to staff and patients at the hospital before meeting regional health representatives to discuss the issues facing services at a town hall event. His visit follows his recent call for an independent investigation into the NHS, pledging to be honest about the state of the health service and serious about fixing it. "The NHS is broken. Millions of patients are waiting too long for treatment, often in pain and discomfort," Streeting said.

Revolutionary NHS Reforms by Wes Streeting: A New Vision for UK Healthcare - 0 views

    Health and Social Care Secretary Wes Streeting has on Wednesday laid out his vision for reforming the National Health Service, stating that the NHS is "broken but not beaten" after years of Conservative governance. In his address to the annual Labour Party conference in Liverpool, Streeting highlighted the current challenges facing the NHS, including record-high waiting lists, ambulance delays, and difficulties in accessing GP appointments. Stressing that "reform or die" is the choice facing the NHS, he rejected the idea of simply increasing funding without systemic changes. Streeting noted some initial successes since Labour took office, including employing 1,000 more GPs and negotiating an end to junior doctors' strikes. He revealed that crack teams of top clinicians will be deployed to hospitals across the country to roll out reforms: to treat more patients and cut waiting lists.

NHS Staff Absences: Labour & Nuffield Health Partnership Targets Joint Pain - 0 views

    "Record long NHS waits are forcing huge numbers of people out of work, including doctors and nurses," said Wes Streeting MP, Labour's Shadow Health and Social Care Secretary as Labour announced a new partnership with Nuffield Health today to tackle joint pain issues among NHS staff and reducing waiting lists. Musculoskeletal problems, including back, knee, hip, and neck pain, are the second leading cause of NHS staff absences, surpassed only by mental health issues. In December 2023 alone, NHS workers missed a record 198,000 days due to these issues, marking a 13 per cent increase from the 174,000 days recorded in December 2019. Nurses and health visitors accounted for 52,000 of these days, up from 47,000 pre-pandemic, while doctors took 3,500 days off, a 9 per cent increase from 2019. The partnership with Nuffield Health will provide up to 4,000 extra places for NHS staff in Nuffield Health's Joint Pain Programme at no cost.

Junior doctors accept government pay offer - 0 views

    Junior doctors have accepted the government's pay offer by 66 per cent, marking the end of the most prolonged industrial dispute in the history of the NHS. Following this new deal, a newly qualified doctor starting foundation training in the NHS will now receive a basic salary of £36,600, compared to around £32,400 prior to the agreement. Beyond pay increases, the government and junior doctors agreed to work together to resolve wider issues affecting the workforce, including training and rotational placements. Health and Social Care Secretary Wes Streeting made resolving the strikes his top priority, holding talks with the British Medical Association's (BMA's) junior doctors committee on his first day in office. Streeting expressed his relief that the offer was agreed upon within weeks, ending the strikes ahead of looming winter pressures on the NHS.

Elective care reform: CCA backs expansion of pharmacy-based ENT services - 0 views

    The Labour government published its elective care reform plan today (6 January), outlining the necessary steps to reduce patient waiting times, including expanding non-surgical ENT [ear, nose and throat] services in community pharmacies. As set out in its 'Plan for Change', the government aims to restore the constitutional standard of 92 per cent of patients receiving treatment within 18 weeks by March 2029. Additionally, it plans to address the ongoing challenges in meeting cancer waiting time standards. Health secretary Wes Streeting emphasised the urgency of reform, highlighting that over 6 million people are currently on a waiting list, waiting for more than 7 million episodes of care, like a test or an operation. Streeting said: "For those millions of people, the fundamental promise of our NHS - that it will be there for us when we need it - has not been delivered. This can't go on." "The actions in this plan will reform elective care, giving patients timely local access to diagnostic testing, with straight to test pathways and action to reform outpatient care,
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