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Reduce Medicines Waste: New NHS Suffolk Campaign Urges Patients to Return Unused Medici... - 0 views

    The NHS in Suffolk and North East Essex has launched a new campaign to reduce the amount of unused medicines that cost the NHS around £300 million a year. Across the UK, it is estimated that £100 million worth of medicines are returned to pharmacies, with an additional £90 million of unused prescription medicines stored in homes. Through social media, posters, and videos, people are encouraged to return unused prescriptions to pharmacies and avoid stockpiling or throwing them away. Reducing medicines waste not only saves money that can be reinvested into patient care within the NHS, but it's also better for the environment. Tania Farrow, who is leading the campaign on behalf of NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB), highlighted that everyone has a part to play in reducing medicines waste.
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