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Frank Kunnumpurath

Automatic Duck Feeder - 0 views

    Peckomatic is a automatic demand bird feeder. The advantages of automatic feeding over hand feeding are many. First, of course is the saving of feed. It helps combat the wastage of feed that used to happen with traditional feeding methods. Peckomatic automatic chicken feeder is weather resistant, shielded from the weather and very efficient for keeping your chickens feed with little waste and even less attention. The system works on a 'feed on demand' basis, which releases small quantities of grain/pellets at a time.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Saxony Duck Using Automatic Duck feeder - 0 views

    The PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder is weather resistant, shielded from the weather and very efficient for keeping your duck feed with little waste and even less attention. If pellet or wheat constitutes the diet, either the ½ inch or the 5/8 inch regulator disc can be used. When the feed is crumble or milo, the 3/8-inch regulator disc from PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder can be used.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Baikal Teal Duck Using Automatic Duck feeder - 0 views

    Baikal Teal Ducks feed on seeds and grain for which the PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder can be used to combat the wastage of feed that can happen with traditional feeding methodsIf feeding corn, the inch or 1-inch regulator disc can be used. The 3/8-inch regulator disc from PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder can be used when crumble or milo constitute the feed.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Swedish Duck Using Automatic Duck feeder - 0 views

    The Swedish Blue is a breed of domesticated duck which emerged during the 19th century in Swedish Pomerania. The PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder helps combat the wastage of feed that used to happen with traditional feeding methods. The ½ inch regulator disc can be used for pellet, wheat, cracked corn, peas and barley. When the feed is crumble or milo, the 3/8-inch regulator disc from PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder can be used.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Cape Teal Duck Using Automatic Duck feeder - 0 views

    Cape Teal is a small, stocky tropical African duck. For feeding seeds to Cape Teal ducks PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder can be effective. The PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder helps in overcoming the wastage of feed that can happen with traditional feeding methods.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Copper Pheasant Using Automatic poultry Feeder - 0 views

    Automatic poultry feeding mechanism not only saves feed but also discourages vermin onto the site. Pellets, cracked corn and wheat can be provided as feed using the 5/8-inch regulator disc from the PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Feeder. The ¼-inch regulator disc can be used to feed millet and mash.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Hamburg Chicken Using Automatic Chicken feeder - 0 views

    Hamburg chickens are a very ancient breed with deep roots. For corn, the suitable size of the regulator disc would be ¾-inch or 1 inch. The 1/2-inch regulator disc from PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Chicken Feeder can be used when crumble, pellets, wheat and oats.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Northern Shoveler Duck Using Automatic Duck feeder - 0 views

    The Northern Shoveler inhabits wetlands across much of North America and it is easily distinguishable from other waterfowl due to its large spatulate bill. The ¼ inch regulator disc can be used when the feed is millet or mash. The 3/8-inch regulator disc from PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder can be used when crumble or milo make up the feed.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Melanistic Mutant Pheasant Using Automatic poultry Feeder - 0 views

    The melanistic mutants can survive in the wild. In captivity, they have to be fed with proper food to get adequate nutrients, minerals and vitamins. The PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Bird feeder fulfills the need to feed the pheasants timely in a better way. The ¾ inch regulator disc helps to supply the corn and grains to these pheasants correctly.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Puna Teal Duck Using Automatic Duck feeder - 0 views

    Puna Teal ducks are hardy and will thrive on grain and pellets. Crumble can be fed through the 3/8 inch regulator disc of he PECkOMATIC Automatic Duck Feeder . The ¼ inch regulator disc can be used when the feed is millet or mash.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Bronze-Winged Duck Using Automatic Duck feeder - 0 views

    The bronze winged duck is so called for its bronze colored speculum. To feed crumble or milo, the 3/8 inch regulator disc is the most suitable. When feeding cracked corn or peas, it is recommended to use PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Duck Feeder's ½-inch regulator disc to feed these ducks.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Chukar pheasants Using Automatic poultry Feeder - 0 views

    The pheasants can be fed with grains and millets to make them more healthier and reproductive. Feeding can be done more easier by making use of PECKOMATIC Automatic bird feeder kit. For this, the ¼ inch regulator is used. By using this bird feeder kit, the birds get their food in correct ratio and proportion.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Siamese Fireback Pheasent Using Automatic Pheasant feeder - 0 views

    Diard's Fireback is another name for Siamese Fireback Pheasant. When feeding cracked corn or peas, it is recommended to use PECkOMATIC Automatic Feeder's ½-inch regulator disc to feed these pheasants. If feeding corn, the 1-inch regulator disc can be used. The opening ensures the easy flow of feed. It is wide enough to regulate the flow and it does not clog up the feed.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Blue Eared Pheasant Using Automatic poultry Feeder - 0 views

    The Blue Eared Pheasant is a monotypic species found throughout mountain forests of central and western China. To feed pellets, the ½-inch regulator disc from the PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Feeder can be used. This size regulator disc can also be used to feed crumble, wheat, oats, cracked corn, peas and barley.
Frank Kunnumpurath

New Hampshire chicken Using Automatic chicken Feeder - 0 views

    The New Hampshire chicken, as the name implies, originated in the state of New Hampshire. The 3/8-inch regulator disc from PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Chicken Feeder can be used when crumble or milo constitutes the feed. For corn, the apt size of the regulator disc would be ¾-inch.
Frank Kunnumpurath

Lot of 4 PECk-O-MATIC Demand Bird Feeder Kit - 0 views

    PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Chicken Feeder kit is easy to set up simple mechanical system that uses no batteries, electrical power or electronic parts. More importantly, it is fun to watch your birds and fish using PECk-O-MATIC PECk-O-MATIC Automatic Poultry Feeder kit is a highly reliable, on-demand gravity feeder that keeps your feed secure and away from elements and mice. Whether you are using in indoors or outdoors, PECk-O-MATIC Demand Bird Feeder kit engages your birds in pecking and grabbing with its Catch-Dish and thus reduces boredom and aggression. PECk-O-MATIC Demand Bird Feeder Kit Includes : 1. One Feeder-Funnel 2. Six Regulator-Disks 3. One Trigger-Rod 4.One Catch-Dish-Lock 5.One Pail-Hanger 6.One Catch-Dish
Frank Kunnumpurath

Peckomatic demand Feeder Online Store - 0 views

    Peckomatic automatic bird demand feeder is available in online store for buying. Peckomatic is available as Lot of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 peckomatic demand bird feeder kit. Pail / bucket holder and pail / bucket hanger are also available. Parts of Peckomatic demand feeder kit such as Catch-dish, Trigger-Rod and Catch-Dish-Lock are also available for sale.
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