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Kiley Pratt

1 Jour 1 Actu - 1 views

    This is a great site about current world events in a level of French that is easy to understand. Not only can you learn about foreign issues, but I was also able to improve my french reading and comprehension
sterling pelsue

Ducks Unlimited Waterfowl Migration Map - 0 views

    Follow the ducks this season with the most comprehensive migration map on the web. Read real-time reports from DU Field Editors, Avery Pro Staff and other hunters across North America. Check out the latest radar and forecasted weather conditions as you plan your next hunt.
    Follow the ducks this season with the most comprehensive migration map on the web. Read real-time reports from DU Field Editors, Avery Pro Staff and other hunters across North America. Check out the latest radar and forecasted weather conditions as you plan your next hunt.
Carina Isbell

Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention - 0 views

    I just started this class and I love it! I believe that the way to be healthy and avoid disease is by what you put into your mouth, and this class has been helping me understand that in a very easy and comprehensible way.
Will Aldrich

SeaWorld Trainer Talks Blackfish and Captivity - 0 views

    This video is truly exceptional. This video really helped me to understand what actually happens behind the flips and tricks that the average customer of SeaWorld gets to see. This video gave me a deep comprehension of how the training and showcasing of these animals really helps the society to grow and educate themselves on how phenomenal and important these creatures really are. This video also showed me how important a marine mammal trainer's job is all about. This video is a must see if you're doing research on captivity, becoming a trainer, or the animals in general. Highly recommended.
Turner Brett

Snow Avalanches | National Snow and Ice Data Center - 0 views

    This website is a tremendous source of comprehensive snow science information, discussing the characteristics of snow, how it forms, the weather and climate that snow is involved in, and how it affects humans and animals. This is a very informative site.
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