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Ann K

Nelson Mandela Quotes (Author of Long Walk to Freedom) - 2 views

    • Ms. Ronning
      ~ Choose your favorite quote from the list of Nelson Mandela quotes listed. (there are multiple pages) ~ Highlight the quote and add a "sticky note".  Please make sure that what you write is not posted as "Private", instead change it to your class' group.    ~In that box respond to the following prompts:  I like this quote because… I think this quote means…  This quote connects to my personal life because…
  • “It always seems impossible until it's done.”
    • Talei K
      I like this quote because hard thing's in life always seem to be "impossible," but once you've overcome that hardship than it wouldn't seem impossible anymore because you've already done it. I think this quote means that everything that seems impossible isn't once it's done. It would seem ALWAYS seem impossible at first, but then once you're done with it you know that you can do that, once thought impossible factor, over and over again. This relates to my life because I had to write a 6 page essay for a class. At first, I panicked and thought I couldn't get this done. But then over time, I had 6 pages written! At first I was really shocked that I could do it (because I thought it was basically impossible for me to do that), but then once I got it over with, I felt that written 6 pages wasn't that difficult anymore. I didn't feel the way I started. I felt that I could actually write a 6 page essay without being scared.
  • “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.” ― Nelson Mandela
    • Sam S
      I think this quote means to never give up even if there are obstacles. This quote tells us even if there are more obstacles in the way just push through. This connects to my personal life because in subjects that I am bad at I still work hard and push to get pass the obstacles
    • Muneo O
      Sam S, I liked the way you interpreted the quote, but I think that this quote is more about the fact that after you accomplish a goal, the journey is not nearly over. I can see where your interpretation comes from, and it is still a very true statement, but I think that this quote means something a little bit different. Overall, I think that this quote was more about how the journey is long, but you wrote about how to overcome that obstacle.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • “It always seems impossible until it's done.”
    • Jeri K
      This quote is something that is relatable in my personal life. Last year, I went to Bangkok, for a swim meet and before I was ready for the meet, I went around and saw the others' records, and I saw that I was one of the slowest. I thought that it was impossible to get in the top 3, but when the results came out, I found out that I was 3rd place! Although I thought it was impossible to get in the top 3, I got in!
  • “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
    • Jane W
      I like this quote because it connected with my life. I have fallen many times in order to reach a goal that I really wanted to reach. This quote means don't  judge a person because they reached the goal, but to judge a person by how many times they have failed and the many things they did in order to reach the goal. This quote relates to me because at first I wasn't good at math, but even though I kept on getting bad grades I kept on studying and I never gave up and at the end because I kept on trying I always got A's from that point on. I can relate to this quote because my parents have always told was that success isn't important, but it's what I went through to accomplish the goal.
  • “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ― Nelson Mandela
    • Shelley Choi
      Hey Yoonaaaaa :)) I believe that your experience helped further Nelson Mandela's saying of courage and fear. It seems as if courage isn't the absence of fear - no one is really without any fear. Yet, we should be able to overcome that fear. :)
  • “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.”
    • Bryan M
      I think this quote means that if you do something that you think is very tiring, there will be more to do. I like this quote because it tells people not to think that if you finally finished one thing, there will not be other things that will be as hard as that. This happens to me many times. I finally get through a tiring school weekday and I feel dead. After two days, I have to get through ANOTHER school weekday. So instead of thinking that you are done, be ready for the next week. 
    • Sam S
      I think this quote means to keep trying and don't stop until you have what you want. I like this quote because it tells you to never give up even is the challenge is too big. This quote connects to my personal life because even if there are obstacles in the way I do anything to get through.
  • No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
    • Mohammad A
      I like this quote because It means all the people are the same.  I think this quote means the black guys is good. This quote connects to my personal life because the color of their skin is black but the heart is the opposite   
    • Hannah K
      I like this quote because it shows that Nelson Mandela sees good in every single person, and even though other people have treated him badly he still defends them. I think this quote means that nobody was born to hate on somebody, they had to be taught to hate, and if they can be taught to hate then they can also be taught to love. This connects to my life because last year some kid made fun of me and told me I had "small eyes", even though it kind of hurt it doesn't really matter to me now. -Hannah
    • Samantha H
      I agree and like this quote because people have hated me, it was not fun. they were taught to hate, that is probably the only reason they hate. People think based on others and what they were taught. It is kind of like you don`t talk to strangers because you were taught not to. ~samantha
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
    • Simon L
      I believe that this is true in many ways. A man's knowledge and wisdom can leave to sucess and it can be one very powerful tool to accopmlish life's task. Some people fight for Education like Malala (Eglish Class) who is an Middle east asian girl who got shot on the head just so girls can go to school. This shows the importance of Education and how significant it can be to change the world.
  • “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
    • Andrew L
      I think this quote means that successes are not the most important things to judge, but depends on how much you didn't give up and stand up again and I really liked this quote because nobody want's be judge by their successes. The reason why is because when they judge by their successes, only few people will be satisfied and not the others.
    • Maham H
      I agree with what you said but the part I don't agree with you is the part when you say that nobody wants to be judged by their successes.
  • “Courage is not the absence of fear — it s inspiring others to move beyond it.”
    • Maham H
      I like this quote because it inspires me to be brave and not scared. I think this quote means that if other people are scared and there is only one person that has courage then that inspires other people that there is nothing to be afraid of. This quote connects to my personal life because once I had to say a speech in front of my class for a project. Only one person in my class was brave and volunteered. After she was done reading the speech, everyone started volunteering including me because we all had realized there is nothing to be afraid of.
    • Samantha H
      I agree with your comment, it explained exactly what the quote means. the only point that was not Acknowledged is that to be brave you most have fear, and it is not not having the fear it is being able to overcome it.
    • Ann K
      I like this quote because it shows how we shouldn't give up and even if we fall down, that we can stand back up again. I think it means that the number of successes doesn't matter, but the number of times we come back up after we fail in something. This relates to my personal life because it teaches me how to come back up even though I might not meet success, but it won't matter because I rose up again. As the quote says, I think we aren't supposed and shouldn't judge someone by the number of times they succeeded, but how many times they couldn't do something but still came back up. It relates to my life because whenever I fail in something, I eventually have to come back up, trying it again and again until I get it right; I can't give up. It also relates to my life because people shouldn't judge me by how many times I got something right and succeeded, just like how the quote says. 
    • Talei K
      Hey Ann! I agree with your opinions on this quote and your thoughts about it. I like the way you explained the quote. It was very thorough and thought out. You explained everything properly and well. You give a really good example in your life and make it relatable to others.
  • “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
    • Tayne K
      Now that I read it, I think that is a very good explanation of what courage is. I once had to make a speech in front of the whole school, and it scared me to death. But I had to make the speech, so I willed my self to finish the speech, in which I did without making a single mistake. Being brave is not having no fear. That is not possible. courage is how to get over the fear. 
  • It always seems impossible until it's done.
    • Jay B
      I like this quote because people always would say, "It's impossible". However, they do not even know if they can actually do it or not, and people just gives up right away. Nelson Mandela says this because while people doubt themselves, if they actually do it, they start to think, "Oh, it wasn't that hard." I think that this quote means that you have to keep on going even though it seems as if it is impossible to do or solve. I also think that this means to tell the people to persevere and not give up what they are doing even though it seems impossible and hopeless. This quote connects to my personal life because the games such as flappy bird are just really hard to beat. People said, "Oh flappy bird is just so hard, it's impossible to beat." As I was playing, I said, "It's impossible to even go through the first 10." However, I didn't give up I kept on playing, and now I feel like the game isn't that hard and as Nelson Mandela said, "It always seems impossible until it is done." As I passed my goal point, I felt, "Maybe it wasn't impossible after all." I think that we shouldn't doubt our own abilities of doing things. We should just give it a shot first and look at the results. Without even trying, there is no use of even worrying about it.
    • Yoona C
      I agree with you that Flappy Bird previously seemed impossible. But it's confusing about how you got your highscore. You could've hacked the game and gotten it instead of doing it yourself, which is just cheating to make the game easier.
    • Tayne K
      I agree with your statement at parts, but I think that there are things that you better not try and say it's impossible. Extreme bravery/trying things is not what it is, but it becomes stupidity
  • “It always seems impossible until it's done.” ― Nelson Mandela
    • Shelley Choi
      I like this quote because it is very relatable to everyone. Although it's short, it contains deep meaning, and these seven words can make a difference in our lives. I think this quote means that Nelson Mandela is trying to tell his people and others not to give up and keep continuing to try. At some point in anyone's life, something seems impossible, but we always have to try first - and succeed or fail. If we don't try at all, we'll fail anyways, so why not worth a try? I believe that this quote also relates to my personal life when playing the violin with an orchestra. I had a solo in front of hundreds of spectators in the audience, and I thought it would be impossible to play. I could get stage fright and stop in the middle of my piece, or make a huge mistake in which laughter may erupt. Yet I knew I had to do it, and I did it :) It wasn't as bad as I expected; not perfect either, but enough to satisfy myself that anything is possible.
  • “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.”
    • Ellie Y
      I like this quote because it explains everyone's life. Every person in the world has to overcome his or her fear, or a wall that blocks him or her from achievement/goal. I think this quote means that when a person overcomes something, they will always have a new obstacle to pass. When I finished studying hard for a quiz and got a good grade, it didn't mean that I was done with studying or trying hard. I had to work hard for other things. It is also not just for school, but anything in life (ex. Flappy Bird). When you finish something difficult, there will always be another, possibly harder, hill to climb.
    • Maham H
      I like how you related the meaning to your school life but could you give another example about that?
    • Yehjee K
      Hi Eleanore, I agreed with what you said about working hard but having more to do in the future. I have a question though. What is one thing that you have worked on for a long time but never achieved 100%?
    • Jane W
      Hey Ellie, I agree with what you said. Even though we pass a door we still have another obstacle ahead of us. What you said was true and will always be true, because there really is no end. Good job on writing :)
  • Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
    • Daniel R
      I like this quote, because the education is one of the best way for us to learn more about the world and the people. Education gives us knowledge that are vauable enough for us to use it in real life. With that knowledge, we can do things that people without education.
    • Mohammad A
      Dear Daniel yours is good it helps me to understand it 
  • d head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.”
  • a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.”
  • “The greatest glory in livinglies not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall.”
    • Saaya N
      I like this quote because Nelson Mandela used powerful words to explain how glory is gained. I think this quote means glory is gained by perseverance, and by making a lot of mistakes to learn what is right and beneficial. This quote connects to my life because I made a success in my problem through making big mistake. Once I had a lot of homework, but I didn't do it until late night. This caused me to rush, and I felt regretful. I learned from my mistakes, and I try to do my work as early as possible. 
    • Daniel R
      I like this quote because the greatest glory will come to you when you rise up from any failure that you make in your life. Basically, he said that the glory itself doesn't never comes from the failure itself but by defeating the failure itself, and rises yourself from it. He is also pointing out the importance of not giving up, or you will not achieve the glory that you and the others could get.
    • Ellie Y
      Saaya!  I liked what you said about this quote. I agree with you that glory is gained by rising every time someone falls. I believe this too; that everyone gains glory by falling and getting up again. Making mistakes or failing is okay, all you have to do is stand and try again. 
  • Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.
    • Muneo O
      I like this quote because it has a good point. What is means is that if you decide to hate someone, you won't harm them, only yourself. Another reason I like this quote is that it shows how obviously pointless hating another person is.
    • Maham H
      Could you explain more about the part when you say that if you decide to hate someone, you want harm them only yourself?
  • “It always seems impossible until it's done.”11
    • Talei K
      I like this quote because hard thing's in life always seem to be "impossible," but once you've overcome that hardship than it wouldn't seem impossible anymore because you've already done it.  I think this quote means that everything that seems impossible isn't once it's done. It would seem ALWAYS seem impossible at first, but then once you're done with it you know that you can do that, once thought impossible factor, over and over again. This relates to my life because I had to write a 6 page essay for a class. At first, I panicked and thought I couldn't get this done. But then over time, I had 6 pages written! At first I was really shocked that I could do it (because I thought it was basically impossible for me to do that), but then once I got it over with, I felt that written 6 pages wasn't that difficult anymore. I didn't feel the way I started. I felt that I could actually write a 6 page essay, without thinking that it's too difficult
  • “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
    • Ann K
      I like this quote because it shows how we shouldn't give up and even if we fall down, that we can stand back up again. I think it means that the number of successes doesn't matter, but the number of times we come back up after we fail in something. This relates to my personal life because it teaches me how to come back up even though I might not meet success, but it won't matter because I rose up again. As the quote says, I think we aren't supposed and shouldn't judge someone by the number of times they succeeded, but how many times they couldn't do something but still came back up. It relates to my life because whenever I fail in something, I eventually have to come back up, trying it again and again until I get it right; I can't give up. It also relates to my life because people shouldn't judge me by how many times I got something right and succeeded, just like how the quote says. 
    Good reads.
Hannah K

Nelson Mandela Quotes (Author of Long Walk to Freedom) (page 2 of 7) - 0 views

  • “It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success.”
    • Yehjee K
      I like this quote because it can motivate people to not worry about where they start but where they will end up at the end. I think this quote means that people shouldn't be ashamed to start small because no one would care where they were in beginning. A lot of people would only care about where they are in the present. This quote connects to my personal life because a lot of people I know are great at things now because they started small earlier. I tend to start big because I want to be "successful" or be just as good as them, but then I fail because I started big in the beginning. 
    • Hannah K
      I agree with you. I have questions though. What kind of goals have you tried to achieve, but have failed at? Next time are you going to start small or aim higher? Also, by "I started big in the beginning" what do you mean by big? :)
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