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Brendan Lee

Nelson Mandela Quotes (Author of Long Walk to Freedom) - 0 views

  • Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
  • I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
  • “Lead from the back — and let others believe they are in front.”
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • “I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
  • “Where you stand depends on where you sit.”
    • Haruki H
      This quote "Where you stand depends on where you sit." is a quote that highly applies in my life. First of all, what does this quote mean? Well, in my opinion it means that wherever you settle your personality changes. Long time ago when i was little we were forced to move to another country. As you know that countries has different opinion about different thing. Well people in hong kong were way different than the people at Australia. They were more challenging than ever before. After an year it became a major challenge to keep up with others, and this is how I became a little bit better.
    • Jaye C
      Dear Haruki, I liked your response to the quote, "Where you stand depends on where you sit," because it clearly explained to me what you thought this quote means. I liked what you said about your personality changing where you are in the world, simply because the country where you are in can possibly have different ways of interpreting things and have different customs/cultures, but could you give me another example of how this quote connects to your personal life? Thank you.
    • Harper B
      I really like what you said about ""Where you stand depends on where you sit."  When I first looked at this quote I didn't really understand it but know I have a much better understanding of what it means. I really agree with what you said about personality "Well, in my opinion it means that wherever you settle your personality changes." I can also relate to this I have lived in many different places that was not my home  and I can understand how it shaped your personality or actually just you as a person.  One question I had was; How do you think you became a little better? I think knowing that would help you in this comment so the reader can relate even more to what you are saying. Over all great job!
    • Chinguun N
      Hello Haruki, I like the quote you chose because it relates to my life perfectly, but I disagree that where you settle, your personality changes because you might be different from the people around you. Let's say you are born in Korea, but your family was born in Japan. You move back to Japan, but you like Korean foods so bad that you eat Korean all the time. So I think it matters on what you believe.
    • Joshua S
      Dear Haruki, I thought you did a very good job of explaining what the quote meant. Your grammar could use a little improvement, because you didn't capitalize "I" and you also didn't capitalize some proper nouns, and other small grammar mistakes. Even though you made small grammar errors, I could still understand what you were saying. Good job!
    • Eri O
      Dear Haruki, I really like how you connected the quote to your life. However, I think that you should explain the quote more. I am really sorry, but I didn't really get what the quote means. 
    • Amanda P
      Dear Haruki, I like what you said about what you thought the quote meant on how, "Wherever you settle your personality changes." I can also relate to this because even though I haven't moved around a lot, moving from Canada to Korea was a big change for me. The people here had such different personalities than what I was used to, and the life style here wasn't what I was expecting. I think that since the way people acted here in Korea wasn't what I was used to, it was hard to get used to, but now that I'm pretty used to it, me personality has changed a lot more since I've gotten here. I liked how your comment can relate to a lot of people that have moved around a lot but how did the challenge to keep up with others help you become a little better? Also, better at what? Thanks for writing. I really enjoyed it.
    • Gina S
      Dear Haruki,  I enjoyed reading your response to this quote! You showed a clear example from your life which helped the readers understand it better. The writing gave me a clear picture about what you thought of this message. Your response shows that you understood the text. However, could you give me a reason why you like this quote? Thanks! Good job! Gina
    • Ayush B
      Dear Haruki, I like your response and it was quite interesting. I totally agree with what you said. I also liked how you gave an example of the moving, but I think you could have been more clearer. But, the example really helped me relate to the quote and I agree with what your point of view of the quote is. Overall it was great, but can you give me another example of what you said? Thanks for writing! 
  • “It always seems impossible until it's done.”
    • Jocelyn R
      Dear Joshua S: Your comment was pretty concise and short! In some aspects, that can be a good thing, but I feel like I want to have more information. For example, when you talk about a 'certain goal that seems impossible', do you have any experiences that you can relate to? What happened? Why do you think that you can accomplish an 'impossible' goal? A little more information please!!  Thanks for writing!! -Jocelyn R
    • Amanda P
      Hi Josh.  I liked what you said about how you beat your friend while playing basketball and how you felt a lot better after you beat him. I agree with what you said about how something seems impossible, but it's really not, and once you do it, it won't be impossible anymore, but could you tell me more about why you liked the comment?
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Yoona, Overall, I enjoyed your message. However, I am quite confused in the last phrase "realized the truth". What truth? I don't really understand. Also, I think you can add a little more detail about how you liked it and what it means, but your "how it relates to you" is very excellent.   -Kate
    • Kate Darling
      I like this quote because it talks in general. With this quote, he is not talking about one specific subject, he is talking about everything; every obstacle in life.  I think this quote means exactly what it says. Sometimes you have doubt right before something if happens, then later on you realize that there was no problem at all and it was possible. This applies to my life because it is the kind of thing I want to remember in during a difficult obstacle in my life. For example, about a year ago, I was at Tae Kwon Do tournament, and I was chosen to compete for the grand champion trophy. I was very nervous and practiced my form multiple times. While I was infront of the judges, I totally forgot how nervous I was. Later on, the judges made their pick, I won!!.This quote also holds lots of truth and wisdom; it is a good quote to keep in mind.
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Ms. Darling, I enjoyed your post because your response shows that you understood the quote well. I totally agree with the quote because anything seems impossible until it's done. Everyone thought that going to the moon was impossible, until it was done. I also agree when you said that he's talking about things "in general." Although the quote may seem that it is in figurative language, it still relates to our life.  Sincerely, Mr. Kain
    • Amanda P
      Dear Jocelyn,  I liked what you said about what you thought the quote meant. I thought it was well thought out and described the quote well. I also liked what you said about how it connected to your personal life. I could see how you would relate to this quote and how it stood out to you. I agree with what you said about not bringing people down when you're going through a tough time. When I read about you're friend I felt really bad for her loss, but why did you regret telling her about Christ? Thanks for writing.
  • “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.” ― Nelson Mandela
    • Nathan M
      I like this quote because it explains that in life when you find trouble it always will appear again no matter what. This quote connects to my daily life, when I get in trouble later on I will get in trouble again. I think what this quote means is that life is not easy for anyone in life.
    • AJ McLeod
      Dear Nathan  I think you explained this quote well. Although there are a few problems, what you wrote for how it connects to your life doesn't make since. The quote is about when you over come a hill, there is another. You wrote that you get in trouble, it doesn't make since.
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear Nathan,  You have made the definition of the quote quite clear. There are always troubles. But your example is not that good; you should try to write down what kind of trouble you get in. Thank you for writing
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Mr. Moyer, I enjoyed your post because I agree with you that there will be many obstacles along the way. Overall your post was good, but I would like you to give another real life example, and make it specific, please.  Sincerely, Mr. Kain 
    • Leo B
      I agree with you Nathan, because, you said something i've always thought, that live is not easy for anyone.
    • Yoona Lee
      Hi Nathan! I liked reading your post on the quote! I like your last sentence because I thought that was true because sometimes for me my life is not as easy as it can be. Thanks for pointing that out about life!
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Nathan, I really like your main point and how you described the quote's meaning. However, can you explain the quote with more detail? Also, can you specifically tell me about how you got into trouble over and over again? What caused you to lead up to those events? Overall, your main point was very good and was very easy to understand.   -Kate
    • Dongryul K
      Dear Nathan, Nice quote and I like it. First, I can't understand what it means not until I read your post. I like the way it connects to your daily life because it is really true. Good job Nathan! ~Dong Ryul 
    • Soonwoo K
      Dear Nathan, I liked your example on how you get trouble in school. However, I think your example wasn't that good in general. For example, you should put examples from out of school, and some other topics. But one thing I agree, is that life is not easy, that is sure. So in overall you did ok. -Soon Woo
    • Harper B
      i enjoyed reading your quote because I know i can relate to getting into trouble and thinking i will never do that again but in the back of our minds i think we all know that it will happen again. I agree with what you said the quote means but could you maybe expand on what you said?
  • “The brave man is not the one who has no fears, he is the one who triumphs over his fears.”
    • Eri O
      I really like this quote because it talks about what does bravery really mean.  I think that this quote means that anyone can be brave. In this quote it tells you that bravery doesn't mean that you don't have any fears. Bravery means that you overcome your fears and become more stronger than before. This relates to my life because, I read a book called, "Number the Stars" This book is about when Germany invaded Denmark. The heroine of this book is a girl named Annemarie. She had a Jewish friend called Ellen. Annemarie's parents tried to save Ellen so Annemarie's mom took the girls to her brother's house. In her uncle's house, Annemarie notice that her mother and her uncle is hiding something from them. Annemarie was really sad because her mother never lied to her before. So she asks to her uncle. Her uncle said, "Annemarie, we want to protect you. Are you really brave? Do you know what brave means? Being brave doesn't mean that you don't have any fears. Being brave means you triumphs over your fear." In this book it talks more about bravery. So I think this relates to this quote because it talks about bravery.
    • Chinguun N
      Chinguun Hello Eri. I liked your comment when you talked about bravery is not a man who has no fears, but a man who over comes it and you will become stronger. I didn't really agree that bravery is having no fear. Maybe you aren't afraid of Roller Coaster, for other people, you will be looking brave. Also you don't really get stronger every time you over come your fear. When I watched a horror movie alone, I kept on watching it until the movie ended. I over came my fear only once, but I am still not able to watch it alone without any fear. My question for you is that when you talked about a book, how does that relate to you? It only relates to a book. Please explain.
    • AJ McLeod
      Dear Eri You explained the quote well. I like how you used a book to explain the quote a little better. Also how you said how it connects to your life.
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear Eri, I like how you explained the quote. The book was a very good example and explanation of the quote. YOu should also but in some real life examples. Thanks you.
    • Hannah K
      Dear Eri,  Hello Eri, I've really enjoyed your post because you explained the meaning of the quote very well. I also liked how you put your thoughts while you're writing this. May I challenge you to write your connections with the quote instead of the book, "Number the Stars"?  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Leo B
      Eri, I agree with you in this quote because, you made a great point and, you told exactly what I think about bravery 
    • Yoona Lee
      Hi Eri! I really like reading your posted because you had lots of examples which made it easier for me to understand. I agree with you when you said everyone can be brave because if someone has a heart of bravery, then they can be brave. Good Job and thanks for writing!
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Eri, I really liked how you explained the quote and gave a perfect example of the quote. However, instead of giving an example of this quote from a book, relate to this quote to one of your life experiences.  -Kate
    • Soonwoo K
      Dear Eri, I really enjoyed the basic summary of the book Number of the Stars, but I have a question for you. When you gave the example of the book, you gave an example which is partially fictional, am I correct.(yes) So I came to ask for a real life example where someone who is brave triumphs over fear. So in this question I am asking for a real life example. But overall, how you explained this quote with the story was great. -Soon Woo
    • Jaye C
      Dear Eri, I agree with you on your response to this quote. I think anyone can be brave too. I loved your example/connection to this quote. However, this example that you gave, is a connection to a book that you read. I would like to hear a connection to your personal life. Thank you.
  • “It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success.”
    • Jaye C
      I like this quote because it is telling us that it doesn't matter where you start at but matters where or how high you aim to reach. I think this quote means that the aim you take and the improvement you make is much more important than the level you are currently in. This quote connects to my personal life because I get rewarded verbally by my parents when my grades improve. Now thinking back, I have been rewarded because of the improvement I made, not for what my grades were.
    • Harper B
      I agree that the quote "It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success."  Is very strong and probably, most middle school  students can relate to this, I know that I can. For me at least I think that it does matter where you start, maybe not so much about what your going to do in your life but I think knowing where you came from helps you set goals and aim even higher but I wouldn't agree with you when you said "it doesn't matter where you start". Overall I really liked what you said but could you explain why you think that it doesn't matter where you start?
    • Chinguun N
      Hello Jaye, I like your saying that it matters on how much you improve. I kind of disagree that the how high you aim might sound foolish. Such as your dream is to become god, that's foolish. Also you don't only get reward for improving. Maybe by improving someone else. Nice writing though.
    • Nathan M
      I agree with you Jaye on hoping to aim for success by starting up high and I also disagree with your saying of grades are more important than your life. Imagine if you could become the smartest person in the world but you will die a few days after which one will you chose? 
    • Joshua S
      Dear Jaye, I thought your comment was great, but I don't completely agree with you that you only get rewarded for your improvement, because you also sometimes get rewarded for how you finished, even if you didn't improve. Like in any kind of sport, if you win you get rewarded for winning, and people sometimes don't recognize how you improved. Overall you did a good job.
    • Hannah K
      Dear Jaye,  I've really enjoyed your comment about the quote because you explained the quote very well. I think you a great job on connecting it to your life. You gave a realistic example that nearly everybody can agree on. There is one thing that I would add to your post. I think Nelson Mandela is also saying that it matters high you set your goals for your success, not where you start and end of with. Just like you, I really like this quote. I like this quote because Mandela is also saying that the process is very important. But in the world, they only care about your beginning and end. Not the process. Again, I've really enjoyed your post.  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Eri O
      Hi, Jay I really like how you connected this quote to your life really well! I really agree with you the part where you think you are rewarded by the improvement that you made. Not what grade you got!
    • Amanda P
      Dear Jaye, I agree with what you thought the quote meant on how what you aim for is much more important than what place you're in currently. I sort of disagree with you on how you said that you were rewarded for your improvement. Sometimes you might not improve on something at all, but you can be rewarded with how hard you tried or how determined you were to succeed. I liked your writing though. 
    • Leo B
      Dear Jaye, I really enjoyed reading your post, and i really liked what you said " it matters how high you aim" I think this really represents the quote.
    • Jocelyn R
      Dear Jaye C: I liked your comment! However, I disagree with you at the point you made about being praised or rewarded by others because of the progress you made. By saying, " It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters," I think that it means that even though you are of low status, if you have big dreams and strive to accomplish it, your background or 'starting point' doesn't matter, but only the success of your dreams. -Jocelyn R
    • Gina S
      Dear Jaye, Reading your response to this quote was very enjoyable! I liked how you used many personal examples and showed how you understood the text. I could understand your message well. However, can you give me more examples of what you think the quote is about? Thanks for writing! Loved it! Gina
    • Ayush B
      Dear Jaye, I like how you wrote and it is pretty interesting. I don't really agree with the example you gave about the grade because you used the term "improve" and the definition of the term "improve" is become or more better. Well, it means that it is better than what you started with. It is comparing with your beginning and that does not match up with the quote. If you got a lower grade, then you will be sad. So, I disagree with your comment and the example you gave. But, I agree with your first sentence: "I like this quote because it is telling us that it doesn't matter where you start at but matters where or how high you aim to reach." Yes, I agree with it and it is true, but I think you could have done better with more examples, unlike grades, but overall it is fantastic!
    • Ayush B
      Dear Jaye, I like how you wrote and it is pretty interesting. I don't really agree with the example you gave about the grade because you used the term "improve" and the definition of the term "improve" is become or more better. Well, it means that it is better than what you started with. It is comparing with your beginning and that does not match up with the quote. If you got a lower grade, then you will be sad. So, I disagree with your comment and the example you gave. But, I agree with your first sentence: "I like this quote because it is telling us that it doesn't matter where you start at but matters where or how high you aim to reach." Yes, I agree with it and it is true, but I think you could have done better with more examples, unlike grades, but overall it is fantastic!
  • “It always seems impossible until it's done.” ― Nelson Mandela
    • Yoona Lee
      I like this quote because it relates to my school life or year. I think this quote means that things that are hard seem not possible to do until you finish the task. This quote connects to my personal life because when I took my Character Education test last year, I was so nervous about taking the test and after I took it was no big deal. I thought this test was impossible to take until I finish and realized the truth. 
    • Joshua S
      I like this quote because I agree with him, some things really do feel impossible until you actually do it. I think this means that when something seems impossible, it's really not, because you can do it, and once you do it, it won't be impossible anymore because you actually did it. This quote connects to my personal life because one time when I was playing basketball against my friend, who was better than me, I thought beating him would be impossible. After a long grueling game, with a total of 5 points, I beat him. Now it doesn't seem so impossible to beat him anymore.
    • Kate Darling
      I like this quote because it talks in general. With this quote, he is not talking about one specific subject, he is talking about everything; every obstacle in life.  I think this quote means exactly what it says. Sometimes you have doubt right before something if happens, then later on you realize that there was no problem at all and it was possible. This applies to my life because it is the kind of thing I want to remember in during a difficult obstacle in my life. For example, about a year ago, I was at Tae Kwon Do tournament, and I was chosen to compete for the grand champion trophy. I was very nervous and practiced my form multiple times. While I was infront of the judges, I totally forgot how nervous I was. Later on, the judges made their pick, I won!!.This quote also holds lots of truth and wisdom; it is a good quote to keep in mind.
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Yoona,        Overall, I enjoyed your message. However, I am quite confused in the last phrase "realized the truth". What truth? I don't really understand. Also, I think you can add a little more detail about how you liked it and what it means, but your "how it relates to you" is very excellent.                         -Kate
  • “The greatest glory in livinglies not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall.”
  • “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up”
    • Amanda P
      I like this quote because it encourages you to never give up. I think this quote means that if you never give up on your dreams, you'll someday accomplish that dream and you'll be a winner. This quote connects to my personal life because I give up pretty easily on my dreams and it's hard not to give up all the time. I had lots of dreams a while ago, and it was hard to keep dreaming when everyone around me was telling me that I couldn't do it. This quote helps me see that if you give up, you'll gain nothing at all but might lose everything, and if you don't give up, you'll always be a winner in your heart. 
    • Chinguun N
      Hello Amanda, I liked your comment because at the very end, you wrote "This quote helps me see that if you give up, you'll gain nothing at all but might lose everything, and if you don't give up, you'll always be a winner in your heart. " I strongly agree that you will gain nothing if you give up. I disagree that sometimes, even if you try to reach the dream, maybe you can't reach it. Such as you want to be an astronaut, maybe your body limits can't reach the average. I want to ask you what was your dream, why did it change?
    • AJ McLeod
      Dear Amanda You explained this quote very well. The main message was to not give up on your dreams. Also how you explained how it connects to your life makes sense.
    • Hannah K
      Dear Amanda,  Hello, I've really enjoyed your post because I didn't understand this quote quite fully in the beginning. But as I read your post, you explained, "If you give up, you'll gain nothing at all but might lose everything." This helped me understand a quote a lot more. I have a question for you, what was one of your dreams that people said that you couldn't do it?  Sincerely, 
    • Nathan M
      Dear Amanda, U have explained this quote very well about the quote. I agree with you very much that it encourages you too never give up. Have you ever had this feeling in your life?
    • Leo B
      Dear Amanda, you explained this quote very well, and wrote exactly what i think about pursuing dreams 
    • Yoona Lee
      Hi Amanda! I really got inspiring from your post because you said that you can become a winner! I think that anyone who reads this will get inspired or learn something! Thanks for writing!
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Amanda, I really enjoyed your explaination of the quote and how it relates to you. However, I disagree when you said that if you never give up , you wil accomplish your dream because that is not true. You could put your whole career into trying to be the President, and most likely never accomplish that dream. Also, can you be more specific on what your dream was and how/why you never gave up?  -Kate
    • Harper B
      Hi Amanda! I agree with lots of the things you said in your comment but i disagree with you on the point that if you never give up then you will accomplish it. I disagree with this because sometimes its just not humanly possible. Do you understand where im coming from?  Good job overall!! 
  • “The greatest glory in livinglies not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall.”
  • “There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires” ― Nelson Mandela
    • Chinguun N
      Chinguun Nyambat 1.I like this quote because… This tells us that freedom is not easy to get. One another reason is that he used hills as a great long journey and the shadow of death. I also liked it because it tells us to be brave in figurative way. 2.I think this quote means… I think this quote means that you have to fight for freedom for very long. It might take a risk of losing your life and it will be really hard to our goal 3.This quote connects to my personal life because… Because when I was climbing a mountain in Korea, I would be tired of going up, but even though I was tired, I rested a little bit and started going up again. Also I went through the bushes for short cuts, risking that I might get an injury. It took me long time to get to the mountain top that I desired to go to.
    • AJ McLeod
      Dear Chinguun You explained this quote well. The quote says freedom is hard to get after its lost. Also how you said how it connects to your life, makes since.
    • Hannah K
      Dear Chinguun,  Hello, I've really enjoyed your post because you explained why it you are fond of it, what it means, and how it connects to you life. And I also think that you did a great job on explaining the meaning.  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Nathan M
      Dear Chinguun I agree with your explanation of the quote you explained that you will have to go through problems in order to reach your goal. 
    • Leo B
      Chinguun, I agree with your understanding of the quote and I think you made a very good point, because, to achieve our goals we must make sacrifices.
    • Yoona Lee
      Hi Chinguun! I liked really your detailed post. What I liked the most about this was that your post reminded me of learning about Martin Luther King Jr. last year in Character Education because it was not actually easy for him to get freedom and he had to go through many harships. Thanks for writing!
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Chinguun, I really enjoyed reading about your story and how it relates to the quote. I think that your story about climbing the mountain is a perfect example for this quote. However, why don't you go into a little more detail and explain this quote so it makes readers like me understand it more? Plus, you might want to correct some grammar.  -Kate
    • Dongryul K
      Dear Chinguun, This is one of my favorite quote. Yes, freedom is not easy to get. Freedom is our right and we have to fight for our right. I think your personal connection is so literal.  I need a figurative example of yours. Good job Chinguun! ~Dong Ryul
    • Ayush B
      Dear Writer,  I like your response and I love the way you think. I like how you redefined the quote and it is much easier to understand the quote now! I think that you could have done better by putting another example, a figurative one, not a literal one like you did for climbing mountains…Can you give another example of the quote other than the mountain one, the literal one, please? Overall, I enjoyed your writing and it was fabulous!
    • Soonwoo K
      Dear Chinguun, I really enjoyed reading about your experiences in Korea, however, I have some more questions to ask. First of all can you give me another example such as this again to me. For example, an experience like you had in the mountains. at  school. And for me to be saying this means, that I think you did a splendid job in making an example of your life based and related to the quote. Thank you for writing such pleaded work. -Soon Woo 
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear Chinguun, I like your explaining. You have it all organized and I like your example.   Thank you for writing 
  • “It always seems impossible until it's done.”
    • Cayden H
      I like this quote because it is very powerful and encouraging. I think this quote means that it seems like you can never do it and you don't want to try until you actually do it and succeed. This quote connects to my personal life because I thought  it was impossible to  get  Honors Role until I tried harder and then received it.  It felt great to be able to receive it. I was so happy and proud of myself. 
    • Joshua S
      I like this quote because I agree with him, some things really do feel impossible until you actually do it. I think this means that when something seems impossible, it's really not, because you can do it, and once you do it, it won't be impossible anymore because you actually did it. This quote connects to my personal life because one time when I was playing basketball against my friend, who was better than me, I thought beating him would be impossible. After a long grueling game, with a total of 5 points, I beat him. Now it doesn't seem so impossible to beat him anymore.
    • Kate Darling
      I like this quote because it talks in general. With this quote, he is not talking about one specific subject, he is talking about everything; every obstacle in life.  I think this quote means exactly what it says. Sometimes you have doubt right before something if happens, then later on you realize that there was no problem at all and it was possible. This applies to my life because it is the kind of thing I want to remember in during a difficult obstacle in my life. For example, about a year ago, I was at Tae Kwon Do tournament, and I was chosen to compete for the grand champion trophy. I was very nervous and practiced my form multiple times. While I was infront of the judges, I totally forgot how nervous I was. Later on, the judges made their pick, I won!!.This quote also holds lots of truth and wisdom; it is a good quote to keep in mind.
    • Haruki H
      Dear Cayden,       I highly appreciated reading your response to your quote. As you said in the response about the meaning "it seems like you can never do it and you don't want to try until you actually do it and succeed." Well, I'll challenge you about the meaning. Does it always have to succeed? What if your challenge was something that is known to be "Impossible" for example jumping off a ten story building and you still live. Even though they were some criticism there are some good things about your response. As you said you tried your best to study, well it isn't always easy for some people to try their best for something that is not considered fun. Sincerely, Haruki
    • Amanda P
      Hi Josh.  I liked what you said about how you beat your friend while playing basketball and how you felt a lot better after you beat him. I agree with what you said about how something seems impossible, but it's really not, and once you do it, it won't be impossible anymore, but could you tell me more about why you liked the comment?
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear Kate, You made the meaning of this quote very clear. But, you shouldn't doubt before you do something because you that means you do not have the motivation to do something. Your overall explanation was good. Thanks for writing. 
    • Jaye C
      Dear Cayden, I really liked your response to the quote, "It always seems impossible until it's done." because it clearly explained to me what you thought this quote meant, and also helped me think through what I thought it meant. I really liked what you said about what you said about the quote, "powerful and encouraging" because I thought so too! But, could you give me another example of what you think this might mean? Thanks for writing!
    • Cayden H
      Kate, I really like your post. I like your post because you do a good job in explaining the definition of the quote. I also like your post because I like your example because I can relate to it too. 
    • Brendan Lee
      I like this quote because it tells you never to give up and when ever it is hard; for there will be a better outcome called glory. 
    • Soonwoo K
      Hello, Brendan I totally agree with your choice for this quote, since I even chose this quote. However I have a question for you, You did not follow the circumstances of writing the sentences for the quote you chose. So, I am asking you to put a real life example. So please put a real life example of what it does to you. -Soon Woo
    • Hannah K
      Dear Brendan,  Hello, I have enjoyed your opinion about this quote. There is one thing that I disagree with you. I don't necessarily agree with the meaning (that you wrote). I disagree because Mandela hasn't necessarily said that there will be a better outcome after failure.  But there are some things that I must criticize you. You haven't written your connection with the quote. So, what is your connection with the quote?  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Jaye C
      Dear Brendan, I liked how you said about not giving up. I personally think that giving up is one of the biggest regrets a person can have. Could you please add a personal life connection to this quote? I really want to know your connection!
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Mr. Lee, I enjoyed your post because it totally reflects life. You will have hardships and obstacles in the way, but the person who comes over those obstacles will, in return, receive "glory." Along with the meaning of the quote, I would like you to also give a real life example. That will make your response even more in-depth and meaningful.  Sincerely, Mr. Kain  
    • Joshua S
      Dear Brendan, You didn't follow the directions very well. Can you tell me how the quote relates to your life? You did a good job telling us why you like the quote. I like how you said that there will be a good outcome. Good job. -Josh
    • Leo B
      Hello Brendan I really liked your post and the point you made, burt could you give a more specific example.
    • Haruki H
      dear Brendan, I like what you said about never give up because whenever i feel like giving up almost everyone say just stop and do nothing, well this quote changed my feeling about not to give up right away. Also, you said about glory, but what exactly is a glory in your life?
    • Cayden H
      Brendan, I do not really like your post because you didn't go in to detail on your post. Could you please give us an example of when this happened to you? Also can you please go more in to depth with your definition? Thanks, Cayden                     
    • Dongryul K
      Dear Brendan, I agree with you but I think you need to give an example of how it connects to your life. I hope to read more post from you. Good job Brendan! ~ Dong Ryul
    • Gina S
      Dear Brendan, I enjoyed reading your response to this quote. I liked how you said that there would be a better outcome called glory. However, could you give more examples and detail on all three subjects? Thanks Gina
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Brendan, I really liked how you explained the quote, but I still do not quite understand. Can you explain more in depth of what this quote means? Another thing is that I would like to hear a story about how this quote relates to you. How does this quote help you?  -Kate
    • Ayush B
      Hi Brendan! I completely agree with your quote, but I have to tell you something, whether you call it criticism or an opinion…I call it a suggestion! I think your response is too short and gives the basic meaning, which is pretty good. I would like if you had a personal life connection to the quote and be more open and share some more information…I helps the reader to understand the text better! So, please, can you give an example or your connection to the quote and be kind of more detailed than just a sentence…Once again, you can call it criticism, but it does not make it one (because truth is truth) or you call it an opinion…I call it a suggestion! Thanks Brendan!
    • Harper B
      Hi brendan, I though you had a very good outline and definitely thought you understood the quote but I think you could be more specific and add on ideas or things you have gone through so people can relate even more.
    • Dongryul K
      I like this quote because this is a truth that a heart and head are always  a formidable combination.  If we think the good side with all our heart,  we can be a better person.  I think the meaning of this quote is,  think good and do good or if this two will not be match it is dangerous. Because what you think, is what you do  and that is what we feel from your heart. This quote connects to my personal life because in my everyday life what I think I also do. I will never do if I will not think first.That is why everything I do, I do it with all my heart. 
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Mr. Kim, When you say that the heart and head are a formidable combination, may I please have an example of how they really are one? The other thing that I want to say is that in the modern world today, some bad people might take advantage of your good heart and you may not notice it until the bad actually happens. I agree that you should think from your heart, but thinking from your brain might protect you from the people who want to take advantage of your kindness.  Sincerely, Mr. Kain
    • Cayden H
      Dong Ryul, I like your definition for the quote, but what is your quote, because it seems like a good definition but I am not sure what quote it's for. I like how you really thought about the quote. I also agree with Himanshu, what do you mean by " this is a truth that a heart and head are always  a formidable combination". Could you please give me an example of this? Thanks, Cayden
    • Chinguun N
      Hello Dongryul. I like your writing but I really don't agree that if a heart and a head don't match, it is dangerous. One reason I say so is that let's say you have a good heart but not a good head. It's not dangerous if you have a bad head; it just means that you are below normal, not dangerous. Also sometimes you will think, but you don't do that. When I was little, I think of myself being a superman, but I am not acting like one. Thanks for writing.
    • Jaye C
      Dear Dongryul, I do not agree with what you said about "If we think the good side with all our heart, we can be a better person." because that is not always true. I couldn't completely understand what you were saying about your personal life connection. Could you please give another and more specified example of your personal life that connects to this quote? Thank you.
    • Joshua S
      Dear Dong Ryul, Your comment was good, but I had a hard time understanding what you were trying to say. There are also some grammar errors. I too, try to to everything with all my heart, even if I don't like doing it. Could you give me another example of how this relates to your life? Good job. -Josh
    • Nathan M
      Dear Dongrul, I enjoy what you have said about this quote I also agree that sometimes I think before I act though somethimes this is the opposite. Has this coincidence ever happen in your daily life? 
    • Amanda P
      Dear Dong Ryul, I really liked your comment. Some parts were sort of confusing at first, but they started making sense after I read it over. I agree and disagree on how what you think is what you do because it's how we feel in our heart. Sometimes when we're uncontrollably angry, we do what we're thinking, but other times, you might be thinking something evil, but try not to show it, so we do nothing. I agree with what you said about if we think about good inside our heart we can be a better person because if you think badly, you'll always think like that and you'll always have an evil desire or heart. I liked what you wrote overall, but could you give me another example of how this quote connected to your personal life? 
    • Leo B
      I really liked your post, and the message you gave, and you did a great interpretation of the quote.
    • Gina S
      Dear Dong Ryul, I liked what your response to the quote was! You gave distinct examples of why you like the quote, and what you thought it was about. The reader could understand your writing clearly. However, could you give us a personal example of how it applies to your life? Thanks! Gina
    • Eri O
      Dear Dong Ryul,  I like how you explained quote. However I don't get why is it dangerous if think good and do good doesn't match. 
    • Ayush B
      Dear Dong Ryul, I like the way you think and I agree with you but not completely…I think we should listen to our heart, but not always. I would also like to have an example of the response you said and your idea…I would like if you were more specific and give a specific example of what you said! Thanks for writing!
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear Dong, i like your explanation about the quote; do good things. But I have a question, why is that dangerous? Please explain. 
    • Himanshu K
      I like this quote because it shows that no one should ever give up and should always keep on persevering. If you persevere, you can reach excellence. I think this quote means that life is full of obstacles and that they'll just keep on coming, no matter how hard you try to stay away from them. We read a book about obstacles called "Facing the Lion" in Character Education, in which the main character, Joseph Lekuton, described each obstacle as a "lion," which he had to overcome without giving up.  In this case, Mandela is describing each obstacle as a "hill." This quote connects to my personal life because I, too, have many obstacles in my life when it comes to soccer. I started playing soccer in fourth grade and since then I have had to face many obstacles. Some of those obstacles include learning the basic skills, which can be very hard, for example, dribbling the soccer ball without looking at it, and some can also mean injuries. I have sprained my ankles innumerable times while practicing soccer (usually not being able to play for a month), and know that there are still many more to come. I try my best not to repeat the mistakes I have made already because I might get injured again, one way or another. I haven't given up on soccer, even though it's one of the most, if not, the most competitive sport out there and continue to learn new tricks to improve my skills. 
    • Cayden H
      Himanshu, I like your post because you relate it to one of your favorite things to do. It is neat that you have played soccer for so long. I also like your meaning to the quote, but I challenge you to relate to something rather than soccer. Where else have you experienced this feeling?  ~Cayden
    • Haruki H
      Dear Himanshu, Your response to the quote was something I call "deep". Even though I thought a different way of seeing the quote your response made me think 360 degrees. What i thought about the quote first is that when you finish the first goal you go straitly to the new goal. Also, You made an inference about soccer, and how you have to persevere through any injuries which is an obstacle. Is there anything other than soccer? Such as political and economic failures and how you can over come the problem through following the quote.  Sincerely, Haruki
    • Chinguun N
      Hello Himanshu, I like your writing very much, but I don't really agree with some of your writing. Such as when you said keep on persevere, maybe it's not just right, maybe it's wrong, so you have to change, so you can give up when you think it's not right thing to do. I liked your whole writing. Thank you for writing.
    • Jaye C
      Dear Himanshu, I liked your response to the quote, "After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb." because it got me thinking about what I thought this quote might mean. I really liked how you mentioned/connected the book, "Facing the Lion" to this quote because after I thought about it, I totally agreed with you about your thoughts about this quote. I also liked your personal life connection, it helped me understand what kind of obstacles you face.
    • Joshua S
      Dear Himanshu, You did an awesome job writing Himanshu, and I liked how you talked about a book that related to to quote. I can relate to having a lot of obstacles in playing soccer too. Could you give me another example of obstacles in your life? Great job. -Josh
    • Eri O
      Dear Himanshu  I like how you explained and connect this quote to your life. I really agree with this quote too. 
    • Amanda P
      Dear Himanshu, I really liked what you said about how life is full of obstacles and they'll just keep on coming. It was interesting to read that you've sprained your ankle a numerous amount of times, because I've never sprained my ankle before. Even thought I don't play soccer, I also try not to repeat the mistakes I make in life. I like how you haven't given up on soccer and how much you love it. This is just my opinion, but I disagree with you that soccer is the most competitive sport out there, but since I don't play it, I guess I'll never know. I liked your writing, but could you give me another example of how this quote relates to your life other than through soccer? 
    • Harper B
      Himanshu,I like what you said about the quote and I enjoyed seeing the connection you made from what we learned in character education this year to this quote. Have you ever had to persevere in your life besides in soccer?
    • Gina S
      Dear Himanshu, I enjoyed reading your response to this quote! I understood what you were writing fully because of the details. You explain your point well for each subject. However, you focus the most on soccer. Could you give me another example of how it relates to your life? Thanks! Good job! Gina
    • Ayush B
      Dear Himanshu, I like your response and it was very interesting…I love the way you think! I like how you used soccer as example which makes total sense! I also like the example of the "Facing the Lion" and it is quite interesting! It looks like the response is well thought out and I definitely agree with what you said. Overall it was fabulous and fantastic! Thanks for writing!
  • “The greatest glory in livinglies not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall.” ― Nelson Mandela
    • Soonwoo K
      I like this quote because, when I fail to do something, my dad even says these words to me to encourage me, and to learn from my mistakes. Also, each time I read this quote it keeps encouraging me, telling me it is ok to fail once or twice, but to learn from these mistakes. When reading this quote, I thought it meant that the greatest pride in life, is to learn from the mistakes you made, than to just no nothing at all instead. This quote connects to to my personal life when I get something wrong on my math homework, or anything. when I get something wrong on my math homework, I look at it before the test, so that I don't make that same mistake on the test. These are the ways that this quote by Nelson Mandela connects to me. Soon Woo 
    • Hannah K
      Dear Soonwoo, Hello, I have enjoyed your post about the quote. I enjoyed your post because it explains how you can relate to this quote. But I think that this quotes is saying more than to learn from your mistakes. I challenge you to write about that meaning and give an example too. Overall, I really enjoyed your post.  Sincerely, Hannah
    • Jaye C
      Dear Soonwoo, I liked your response to this quote because i was able to understand what you thought this quote was saying and also, I was able to think about it too. I liked your personal life connection because I do the same! I also liked how you said about learning from your mistakes because that is what I try to do. 
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Mr. Kwon, I enjoyed your post because there are only a few things in the world that are better than "rising every time we fall." I agree with you because it is okay to fail a few times. Even I have in my life and that has given me the perseverance to keep on moving on. Failing gives us the chance to learn from our mistakes. Like Thomas A. Edison once said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work ("  Sincerely, Mr. Kain 
    • Joshua S
      Dear Soon Woo, You did a great job, and I agree with you that it's ok to fail a couple times, as long as you learn from your mistakes. I also look at the things that I got wrong on homework or a small quiz, so that I don't make the same mistakes on the test. Great job. -Josh
    • Haruki H
      Dear Soonwoo I like what you said about your father. I always see an example of something about their mother. Also, how does it encourage you and when do you actually see the quote? Other than that your response made people deep into their heart.
    • Cayden H
      Soon Woo,  I like your post because you give, us a specific example of this quote. I also like your post because you go in to detail. I also like your definition of this quote but, I also agree with Hannah on what the definition really means. Could you go more in depth with the definition like what you did with the examples?  Thanks, Cayden
    • Dongryul K
      Dear Soonwoo, I  honestly enjoyed your post. I think your dad is right,-- learn from your mistakes. I even experienced this situation in my life. Learning from our mistake is great. I I also enjoyed reading of how it connects your personal life. I myself, can connect my personal life experienced with this quote with the same example of yours.  Good job classmate. ~Dong Ryul
    • Gina S
      Dear Soonwoo,  I enjoyed your response to this quote! You distinguished each idea from the other well. The examples helped us understand your point. However, could you give me more explanation on why you liked it? Thanks! Good Job Gina
    • Eri O
      Dear Soonwoo, I really liked how you explained the quote. I really agree with this quote too. We (especially me) should learn from the mistakes that we made, to not to make the same mistakes again! 
    • Eri O
      Dear, Soonwoo, I like how you explain this quote well. I also think that this quote is saying learning from mistake that you made is the important thing. I want to make more mistakes (It sounds wrong though) and learn from the mistakes that I made and be a better person.
    • Ayush B
      Hi Soonwoo! Yes! I agree with the quote and with what you said! You have like the basic meaning of the quote and it is logical…I also like about the math homework example! I think you did a pretty good job! Thank you for having a good response! Thanks!
    • Jocelyn R
      I like this quote because Nelson Mandela thinks the same way as I do (such an honor!!).  I think that this quote means that even if are going through tough times, you shouldn't drag down other people into your own misery and discomfort with you.  The quote also means not dragging yourself down by mistakes you made in the past.  I witnessed this quote in action first- hand, when I was in second grade. I converted my best friend (who, by the way, was Japanese) into a Christian. Months later after introducing her and her family to the church, her mom passed away from a sudden contraction of cancer. While my friend herself was absolutely devastated, I was also depressed, because I felt like I had failed as a Christian. I stated to regret telling Sazuka (my friend) about Christ, because I somehow felt like it was a test from God to question her family's faith in God. I ended up with the image of Sazuka's expressionless face, walking to the park after school, confirming her mom's fate, branded into my head for the next few years. I watched hopelessly as the bubbly, exciting girl I used to know fade into a mere ghost of the original. Year after year went by, and I saw the decrease of words coming from her mouth, her face, void of any emotion, become hard- set into a permanent cross between a scowl, a frown, and a blankness all at once. She started relating her neighbor's dog as her object of comfort. Finally, I gave advice to Sazuka based on a sermon that I had heard the day before. We literally talked about the situation for days. Then, week after week, I saw small changes in Sazuka. Her laugh returned along with her smile, she started eating honeysuckles again with the rest of us, and her verbal stream of words increased weekly. Her eyes burned with the old intensity instead of the usual blank, zoned- out look.It was this reason that I started depending on this thought by myself. Whenever I'm depressed, or dragged down, I try my best to ignore the stinging after= pain
    • Nathan M
      I think that your meaning and wording are wonderful and very detailed and understanding. I can also tell that you put in some effort due to this piece of writing. This story also related to the quote by helping your friends feel better and it seems that when your friend started acting up instead of despair that  this lightened up your mood. Thanks for Writing!
    • Eri O
      Dear, Jocelyn. When I read about your friend, I seriously felt bad for her. I have a cousin  which lost her mother when she was 2nd or 3rd grade. My dad flew back to Japan. I don't really remember about it because I was 1st grade, but I remember after my dad came back to Germany, he tried to be normal but he was kind of upset. However I can tell that few days later, that he tried to look forward. From this experience I learned to look forward when something sad or bad thing happen to me. I really like this quote because it talks about looking forward. I want to keep looking forward. 
    • Chinguun N
      Hello Jocelyn, I liked your quote when you said that you shouldn't pull other people to your misery. I disagree that sometimes you should drag yourself a bit down by your mistake because if you have done something wrong, you wouldn't just forget it. Such as you hurt someone. You should be ashamed, so you should try to live down. If you forget what you have done, then you aren't caring. I want to ask you, why were you trying to forget the thing you have done?
    • Hannah K
      Dear Jocelyn,  Hello, I've really enjoyed your post. I, personally, think that you did a great job on explaining the quote. Your connection with the quote really warmed my heart. It was a very nice thing for you to do. I also want to compliment you about telling your best friend about Christ. Overall, I enjoyed your post.  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Amanda P
      Dear Jocelyn,  I liked what you said about what you thought the quote meant. I thought it was well thought out and described the quote well. I also liked what you said about how it connected to your personal life. I could see how you would relate to this quote and how it stood out to you. I agree with what you said about not bringing people down when you're going through a tough time. When I read about you're friend I felt really bad for her loss, but why did you regret telling her about Christ? Thanks for writing.
    • Leo B
      Dear Jocelyn, I really liked the example you gave about your friend, and i really enjoyed your message to not change the way people are.
    • Yoona Lee
      Hi Jocelyn! I really enjoyed reading your post! I agree with you that no one should drag people down just because they're going through hardships. If someone had done that to me I would have been very upset. Thanks for writing!
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Jocelyn, I really don't know how to respond to this. This is truly heart felt and can relate to a lot people. I can really tell that you put a lot of thought and effort into this. However can you tell me more how this "dragged" other people down? Did it cause a negative effect on you? Please explain how this story affected you. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your  story.  -Kate
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear Jocelyn, I think you did a wonderful job in explaining what the quote means. I liked your example because it explains things so well. Thanks for writing.
    • Harper B
      I really like this quote because it shows that actions are not just black and white, and I can really relate to this. I think,for me at least, that when I try and do something I try and have a purpose behind it. Not just passive anger or procrastinating, but having reason or purpose behind my thoughts , actions, and words. An example of this is in the past I believe I have been rather lose with how I speak, not so much bad language, but just not thinking through what I say and I am really trying to do better on that. I think what Nelson Mandela is trying to say by saying "Quitting is leading to" is that when you take a stand against something you stop doing that and that might be seen as quitting by some but you are setting an example by saying that whatever you are "quitting" is not what you consider ok. By "Quitting" you are setting an example for others to follow.
    • Ayush B
      Dear Ms. Harper Bibb,  I like how you said that "An example of this is in the past I believe I have been rather lose with how I speak, not so much bad language, but just not thinking through what I say and I am really trying to do better on that." I like how you gave an example and said "By "Quitting" you are setting an example for others to follow." But, can you give another example, please? Thanks for writing. Waiting for your response. Thank you.
    • Chinguun N
      Hello Harper. Your writing is great! But I really don't agree that when you are really angry, you can't really control your thoughts. One example would be that when I was hit on my nose by a soccer ball, I was really angry so I tackled the kicker without thinking.
    • Nathan M
      I agree with you harper because when you quit it makes things worse, and can affect relationships with others such as keeping a promise. When I made a promise to my friend I quit and it ended up affecting our relationship.
    • Joshua S
      Dear Harper, Your comment is great, and I agree with you that "By quitting, you are setting an example for others to follow." But the example is always a good example. I also try to have purpose behind everything I'm doing, because without purpose, there is no point in doing it.
    • Eri O
      Hi, Harper. I really like your explanation but I disagree with you about where you can control your anger. When I am really upset, sometimes I can't control my anger.
    • Jocelyn R
      Dear Harper B: I really like your style of writing! Almost everything about it (grammar, word choice, etc.) is amazing! However, your point of view and my point of view are different- by 'quitting,' I don't really think that you are setting an example for others to follow; I think that by quitting, you are either doing it for the sole benefit for two reasons- for yourself or for others. Why do you think that you are setting an example for others by quitting? What type of lesson will you teach others through quitting (which is usually a negative thing)? Thanks for writing! I hope to see your further insight in this matter some day! - Jocelyn R
    • Amanda P
      Dear Harper, I had no clue what this quote meant before I read your comment, but your comment helped me get a better understanding of it.  I really liked how you said you try to have a purpose behind everything you do. I also have problems with my mouth. I always speak before I think and I'm trying to work on that. 
    • Leo B
      Dear Harper, I enjoyed reading you post, and I think it gives a very strong message that we need to have a purpose behind our actions. Leo Brentano
    • Gina S
      Dear Harper, I really enjoyed your response to the quote, "Quitting is leading too." I liked it because you used a lot of creative symbolism to describe the quote. You covered your point very well, but could you give me some more examples from your life? Overall, it was good! Gina
    • AJ McLeod
      Dear Harper This was a good jod explaining of the quote. Your real life example was great. Overall this was a good response
    • Taylor M
      I like this quote because it kind if encourages you when you're feeling down. I think this quote means that no matter what happens nothing is possible and we can always accomplish what we need to. This quote connects to my personal life because sometimes I feel like I won't be able to improve my grades or get homework done. This quote shows me that nothing is impossible.
    • Yoona Lee
       Hello! I really enjoyed reading your opinion about this quote because there was many good points that I agreed with. When you said about the quote being able to encourage you, I really thought your post related to mine and it also reminded me about hardships. Thanks for writing and I hope to see your next writing soon!
    • Leo B
      I agree with your opinion in this quote Taylor, sometimes like you said, we get bad grades, or we don't do our homework, but we still need to keep going and doing our best. Leo Brentano
    • Nathan M
      I, Nathan, also agree with your statement about this quote that nothing is impossible in this world and if you try hard enough than you can accomplish almost anything. 
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Taylor, Overall, I enjoyed your main quote, I thought it was very important to keep in mind when you are in doubt. However, I don't really think that you should keep this quote in mind when you are feeling sad. Can you think of a different emotion? Also, I don't really think that your story relates to the quote unless maybe you add a little more detail. By then, maybe I would understand it more.   -Kate
    • Hannah K
      Dear Taylor,    Hello, I've really enjoyed your post about the quote. I enjoyed because I could clearly understand what you are saying and was able to agree with your personal life. I have a question, do you something that seems impossible in your life right now?  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Ms. Taylor, I agree with what you said, but this quote has more of a figurative meaning, rather than literal. Obviously, it's not possible to do everything. You can't sneeze with your eyes open and nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. I also agree when you said that part about grades because sometimes, I feel like that, too. I would like you to give me one more example of how this quote relates to your life.  Sincerely, Mr. Kain
    • Dongryul K
      Dear Taylor, I like your comment especially the way it relates to your life. When I read about your connection, I felt  like~ ahh just like me but thanks~ I made it. I think you need to check your second sentence. If I am not mistaken, the word 'possible' is not right. Good job Taylor! ~Dong Ryul
    • Cayden H
      Taylor, I like your post because you give a good definition. I also like your post because I can relate to your example. I also agree that this quote definitely encourages you when you are down. Thanks, Cayden
    • Haruki H
      I like how you felt about the quote and how it is very important for you. BUt could you use more in detail real life example? Also, if nothing is impossible why couldn't people fly? These question shows how people can't be perfect, any ways. Other than that your response made me feel the same. 
    • Soonwoo K
      Dear Taylor, I really enjoyed reading your opinion on this quote, anyway all I just want to do, is to further on this conversatsion with you. So I had this experience where I would go to swimming class with my friend Darien, we went their all summer, last summer. But when I went there, it always felt like it was impossible to finish class. That it wasn't possible. But always, when ever I finished, it seemed so easy than before I started. Thank  you for the conversation with experiences. -Soon Woo
    • Jaye C
      Dear Taylor, I agree with you on how we can always accomplish what we have to do. I liked your personal connection to this quote because it turns out that I have a similar connection as yours! I also liked about you saying that it encourages you when you are feeling down. Thank you.
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear Taylor, I guess you are right in some parts but I don't for the other. It may encourage you but it may also give off more pressure if you think about it. You made a small mistake: you wrote possible instead of impossible. Thanks for writing.
    • Ayush B
      I like this quote because it really makes sense to me and it has a literal meaning to it. When you never fall and always be the same, you don't really become happier, so the happiness and the pleasantness never improves. If you fall down and then you get up, then obviously, you will be much happier. Sometimes, if you never go down or never have up and downs in life, then you don't really feel like you are doing good, and you don't realize that you keep doing good. In the other hand, if you have ups and downs in life, then you realize what you did good and what you did wrong. You will recognize what you are doing and be happy whenever "you rise every time you fall." This connects, not only to my life, but to everyone in the world. For example, students...if we get a bad grade, then later we can improve it by getting a much better grade, where we can see how much we improved. We fail and later we have success. We fall and we rise. Sometimes, we make mistakes and we learn from it. Nelson Mandela is trying to teach us that, if  we can't do everything right, and be perfect, then we should realize that our life is much better with "ups and downs in life." It is better with falling and then rising in life rather than a perfect-robotic life, where we don't recognize how good we are doing, sometimes.
    • Joshua S
      Dear Ayush, Your comment is very good, but it's kind of hard to understand, and you kind of keep repeating what you said over. Otherwise, it's great. - Josh
    • Gina S
      Dear Ayush,  I really enjoyed your response to the quote. You described your point very well. You also  made the reader understand your text well by having clear ideas.  I really liked what you said about what this quote means, but could you tell me another example about how it connects to your personal life? Thanks for writing! Gina
    • Chinguun N
      Hello Ayush, I liked your comment, but I disagree that when you fall down once, you will be happy when you get up. Such as your dad dies. You forget that and move on, but you wouldn't be happy. Nice writing though.
    • Eri O
      Hi, Ayush, I think your comment is good. However, for me, it is kind of hard to understand... I also disagree with you about the part, where you fall down and if you get up you will be happier.
    • Hannah K
      Dear Ayush, I really enjoyed your thoughts about the post. You explained the meaning very well and I think that you gave a great example for us, students. Another reason why I like your post is because you made me realize that this Mandela is also talking about happiness in your life. I haven't really thought of that as I reading the quote. Again, I really enjoyed your post.  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Jocelyn R
      Dear Ayush B: You seem to have a very good and deep understanding of this particular quote. But, after the first few sentences, I started to get exasperated with your word choice (a lot of repetition!), which made your comment less appealing than it could have been. Also, (although this is an issue for almost everyone that I come upon) I want to have some stories of personal experiences! It would have been so much more interesting if you had a story to tell everyone! Although I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't see your comments utmost full potential, I still think you did a fabulous job!! -Jocelyn R
    • Amanda P
      Dear Ayush, I liked what you wrote overall, but when you talked about what the quote meant, it was sort of confusing. I really liked what you said about how it connects to your life and a lot of other people's lives. I also really liked what you said about how life is better with ups and downs and how we fall and rise. 
    • Yoona Lee
      Dear Ayush, I really enjoyed your detailed writing because it was easy for me to understand. When you explained about someone not getting any happier if they don't fall, I really thought that this was a good idea to explain the quote. Thanks for writing!
    • Soonwoo K
      Dear Ayush, I really enjoyed reading your comment on this quote. But I want to challenge you and your quote, even though I liked what you said about this quote. So my question is, what if you fall so hard that your feelings get to discouraged from the past experience. I have an example of my own, when I wanted achieve my goal of getting awards in the 6th grade, which I never did discouraged me so hard, that I actually gave up on that grade. And this is what I think about this quote. -Soon Woo
    • AJ McLeod
      Dear Ayush :) You explained this quote well. Your real life example was awesome. You also explained it enough for younger people to understand. Overall good job
    • Hannah K
      I think this quote means that in life, the greatest success you can have is getting over the failures. I like this quote because it keeps pushing me in life. I can relate to this quote because I tend to be depress over failures I have done and not get over. But this quote reminds, tell, and encourages me that getting over the failure is more important. 
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Ms. Kim, I think that you misread the quote a bit. The quote has more of a figurative meaning, rather than a literal one. Most quotes have figurative meanings but some people misread them and think that they have a literal meaning to it. The thing that you posted focused more on literal meaning, rather than figurative meaning.  Sincerely, Mr. Kain
    • Jaye C
      Dear Hannah, I liked your response the quote because I agree with you. It helped me think about being depressed about failures, but now, I can also encourage myself to get over the failures and do better next time. I also liked your personal life connection because that is what I go through too, failures.
    • Joshua S
      Dear Hannah, You did a very good job, but could you relate this quote to a specific event in your life, not just a general thing in your life? I like how you said that the quote keeps pushing you in life. Great job. -Josh
    • Haruki H
      Dear Hannah I think you have the right point for the quote. When you said getting over failure is more important could you give a more in detail explanation? For example what happens if your fail is impossible to go over? such as a person dying because of yourself.
    • Cayden H
      Hannah, I like your post because I agree with your meaning, but can you please name a specific example of a time in your life where you felt like a failure? Your post relates to my life to because you said that you keep thinking about things that you failed, and I do to. Thanks, Cayden
    • Dongryul K
      You are partly right but I am sorry, I am not convinced with what you say. I think you need more explanation. It is  also good to have a clear example.  Good job Hannah! ~Dong Ryul
    • Gina S
      Dear Hannah,  I really enjoyed reading your response to this quote! I loved how you said that it encouraged you; it does the same for me! You explained your ideas very clearly, so I understood it very well! Everything was awesome, but could you give a personal example on how it applies to your life? Thanks! It was awesome! Gina
    • Eri O
      Hi, Hannah,  I really agree with you about how this quote encourages us to look forward and try to come over our failures. I really like this quote. Also, I really like how you related the quote to your life. 
    • Eri O
      Dear Hannah, I really like how you explained this quote and how you relate it to your life. I think this quote means that not making a mistake is not important. However learning from the mistake is the important things to do. 
    • Ayush B
      Hey Hannah! I don't completely agree with what you said and I think your response was literal and you took the quote as the literal way…Well, it is true and it has both figurative and literal meaning to it, but it would have been better if it was figurative…It would be more interesting! Well, I don't think that the "greatest success you can have is getting over the failures" so I think you should have put "one of the greatest success…" then, its bad word choice out there, at least I think so…Secondly, can you please give me a specific example of, as you said, "I tend to be depress over failures I have done and not get over." Can you please be more specific, such as talk about the specific event? That's it! Overall it is pretty good!!! Thank you!
    • Eri O
      Dear, Amanda I really like this quote too. I give up my dream pretty easily because later on I figure it out by my self that my dream is not possible. However after I read this quote, I thought about try accomplish my dream a little bit harder than before. 
    • AJ McLeod
      I like this quote because it shows courage is not having fear, but over come it. Fear is what controls us, by overcoming fear we think that there is no fear.I think this means that there is always fear, but you can overcome it. I connects to my life because I over came fear by learning how to ride a horse.
    • Taylor M
       I really enjoyed reading your opinion on this quote. Could you give me another personal life example of how this quote relates to your personal life? I can't wait to see what you write next. -Taylor McCullough
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear AJ,  You have explained the quote well; but its sounds like you restated what the quote said. I like your example of overcoming fear the first time riding a horse.
    • Leo B
      I agree with you AJ on this quote, because everyone at least once in their live, need to have courage to do something. Leo Brentano
    • Nathan M
      I agree with your saying of the quote because when you say fear is controlling us we have to overcome it which is courage. Have you have any difficulties in over coming fear?
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Mr. Mcleod, I don't really think that you understood this quote because when you had to tell why you like it and what it means, you basically retold the quote itself in different words. I would like you to change your answer for those two things so that it makes more sense.  Sincerely, Mr. Kain 
    • Yoona Lee
      Hello! I really enjoyed reading your writing because I got more hope and encouragement for my life. I really liked when you said "fear is what controls us, by overcoming fear we think that there is no fear" because this taught me something. Thanks for writing! 
    • Yoona Lee
      Hello! I really enjoyed reading your writing because I got more hope and encouragement for my life. I really liked when you said "fear is what controls us, by overcoming fear we think that there is no fear" because this taught me something. Thanks for writing! 
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Aj, I think you basically just repeated the entire quote, but just in different words. I mean, don't get me wrong, what you wrote is true, it is just not what I was looking for. Instead, why don't you go into a little more detail and explain this quote so it makes readers like me understand it more. Also, I would like to hear more about how you conquered your fear of riding a horse.  -Kate
    • Dongryul K
      Dear AJ, I like this quote. This is a very challenging quote that wakes me up. It gaves  courage and strength for those who have fear in life. Nice connection to your life. Riding a horse is an excited, fun  and good experienced. Good job AJ! ~Dong Ryul
    • Cayden H
      A.J,  I like your definition of this quote because you make it more understandable. I also like your example, but could you give another example of how this relates to your life even more? Thanks, Cayden
    • Ayush B
      Hey AJ! I agree with what you said and it was quite interesting! I am going to tell you something, whether you call it criticism or an opinion, I call it a suggestion! Well, I think you restated the quote and repeated it, well, kind of. The first sentence you just paraphrased the quote and then the second is like paraphrasing the paraphrased version of the quote. Then, again in the third sentence, you paraphrased the paraphrased of the paraphrased of the quote. Not only that, but, your fourth sentence is "I connects to my life because I over came fear by learning how to ride a horse." It sounds like a 1st grader speaking, not only that, even Mrs. Kosmack specifically said that you do not just write a phrase, like you did (learning how to ride a horse) and be more specific and detailed. To be honest, it looks like you are "cutting corners" so AJ! Please be more specific and stop rewriting the sentence a ton of times. Once again, some people call it criticism and some call it an opinion…I call it a suggestion or an advice! Thank you!
    • Soonwoo K
      Dear A.J, I really enjoyed reading your comment on this quote, it was like reading a fable. or a aseop fable. Anyway, I have a question for you, can you give me an example of a school related mater. I hope you reply back to what I asked for. -Soon Woo
    • Leo B
      I totally agree with this quote, because one person that is educated, that has a good argument, or a good opinion, may change other peoples minds, and this can change the world.
    • Kate Darling
      Dear Leo, I really liked your main message about this quote. However, I think you should add about how this relates to you. Use examples from the past that represent this quote so it might be easier to understand.  -Kate
    • Nathan M
      I don't really agree with your "saying" of this quote because still Education isn't always a powerful tool. Bill Gates failed in college but turned out to be the richest man ever!
    • Soonwoo K
      Dear Leo, I liked how you wrote about the quote, but I will challenge you quote and idea. I do like the idea of how education can change the world, however, there is something called martial law. Martial law is where the military take over, which means fire power over government. And in this quote it says that education is the most powerful tool to change the world, And this is where I disagree with what you and the quote said. I believe the greatest tool to change the world, is to bring the world into martial law. And this is what I think, that is the greatest tool to change the world. -Soon Woo 
    • Hannah K
      Dear Leo,  Hello I've enjoyed your opinion about this quote. There is one thing that I disagree with you. It is the part where you said "and good opinion". I don't agree with this because that's not a fact. An opinion is one's own thought, as we all know. Due to that, I think that opinion can be judge whether it is good or not. I apologize for this but I have to criticize you for one thing. You haven't written your connection with the quote. So I would like you to write you connections with the quote.  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Jaye C
      Dear Leo, I really liked your response to this quote because I understood what you thought this quote meant. However, I do not agree with you on being able to change other people's thoughts towards something if you get great education. Also, I would like to know how this quote connects to your personal life. Thank you.
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Mr. Leo, I agree with your comprehension of the quote. Education can really change the world. If the world weren't educated, people would end up doing crazy stuff like they did in the Middle Ages. Nathan, education is a very powerful tool, Bill Gates didn't fail college, he dropped out and he is the second richest person, not the first.   Sincerely, Mr. Kain
    • Dongryul K
      Dear Leo, I like this quote and I like the way you commented it.  It is more good and excited if you give and example of how it connects to your life. I am anxious to know your life experience. Good job Leo! ~Dong Ryul
    • Cayden H
      Leo,  I like your overall message of your post because you explain and define it well, but could you please put an example of this? Thanks, Cayden
    • Haruki H
      Dear Leo, Your response was almost if not exactly same of what i felt. I like how you said about people changing others because education is what makes us go to the future and to go to the future we would meet couple of people that you can change.
    • Harper B
      Hi Leo! I liked what you said in this quote but i think you could expand on it. Maybe something has happened to you that you could tell about, just a slight change in it, but good job!
    • AJ McLeod
      Dear Leo You explained this quote well. Although, your "saying" didn't make sense. Overall this was good, but work on your real life saying.
    • Gina S
      I like this quote because it is a literal topic that can be applicable to your life. I think it means that it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, it only counts because of what you learn from it. It's not the best thing to be perfect, but to learn from your mistakes. This is applicable to my life, because I make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes I make so many mistakes, that I wish I could be perfect and never EVER make mistakes. However, This quote can remind me that it doesn't matter how many times you make a mistake, learning from that mistake is the beauty of it.
    • Amanda P
      Hi Gina.  I like what you said about what you thought it means. I also liked what you said about how it related to your life and what you learn from it, but could you tell me more about why you liked it? 
    • Jocelyn R
      Dear Gina S: Your writing held a degree of significance and truth that I find very appealing. I personally think that this also relates to the quote that I made (the one about being an optimist). However, I feel like you are lacking a bit of first- hand information that could increase your credibility and the impact of your comment. If you had any personal experiences or witnessed the quote taking effect, you could put that in, too! Overall, I liked your writing!! Keep up the good work!! - Jocelyn R
    • Chinguun N
      Hi Gina, I liked your quote when you said learning from your mistake can improve you. I agree that you should always get up. I don't agree that you can always learn from your mistake. Some people can be foolish and keep on doing that. I want to ask you what do you think we should learn from our mistakes?
    • Eri O
      Hi, Gina, I really like how you explained the quote clearly. When I first read it, I didn't really understand it, however after I read your explanation, I understand it. 
    • Hannah K
      Dear Gina,  Hello Gina, I've really enjoyed your post about the quote. You've explained the quote very well, and you also did a great job on connecting the quote to your life. There is one thing that I might add. I don't think that this quote is only talking about mistakes in your life, I think it's also talking about the failures in your life too. Overall, I really enjoyed your post.  Sincerely,  Hannah 
    • Joshua S
      Dear Gina,  Your comment is very good, but you have to relate the quote to a specific event that happened in your life, not just a general thing in your life. Otherwise, it's very good.
    • Yoona Lee
      Dear Gina, I really like how you explained the meaning of the quote that you've chosen because I really think that making mistakes doesn't matter and the thing that matter is that you learn from it also. However, I think you can make your post much better by putting more detailed examples. Thanks for writing!
    • Harper B
      Hi gina! I really like what you said about this quote, and it made me think about some of the mistakes i've made also. I like what you said about how this affects you but could you be more specific with an example?
    • AJ McLeod
      Hi Gina You explained this quote well and your example was great. Overall this was a great response 
    • Yoona Lee
      I like this quote because it relates to my school life or year. I think this quote means that things that are hard seem not possible to do until you finish the task. This quote connects to my personal life because when I took my Character Education test last year, I was so nervous about taking the test and after I took it was no big deal. I thought this test was impossible to take until I finish and realized the truth. 
    • Nathan M
      I agree with you yoona about your saying about the quote. Whenever a challenge seems impossible whenever i finish it I say "wow" than I think its too easy. Have you had any of these experiences in your life?
    • Dongryul K
      Dear Yoona, Nice and simple quote.  Yes, you're right.  There are times that it seems impossible to do but after all we did it.  I think majority can experience like this situation. Good job! ~ Dong Ryul
    • Cayden H
      Yoona, I like your post because you gave a good example of this. I also agree with your definition. Is there some things in your life where some things seemed physically impossible?  Thanks, Cayden
    • Haruki H
      Dear Yoona, I completely agree with your statement of how you said about the character education test because I personally was in the Character Education and I felt the same except it didn't seem to be too easy, but not as much as when i felt at first.
    • AJ McLeod
      Dear Yoona You explained this quote well. Your example was good. Overall you did a good job
    • Brendan Lee
      Dear Yoona,  enjoyed your explanation. Some things may seem as the hardest thing in life but once you come over it, it may seem like nothing. Thank you for writing. 
    • Yoona Lee
      I like this quote because it relates to my school life or year. I think this quote means that things that are hard seem not possible to do until you finish the task. This quote connects to my personal life because when I took my Character Education test last year, I was so nervous about taking the test and after I took it was no big deal. I thought this test was impossible to take until I finish and realized the truth. 
    • Himanshu K
      Dear Ms. Lee, I enjoyed your post because it shows that you worry about your grades, and especially, Character Education. This quote does have a figurative meaning so it will not fit with every single "obstacle-like" situation you have. So, overall, good job, but I would like you to give me another real-life example of that quote. Yes, I too am in Character Education, and it is HARD. Sincerely, Mr. Kain 
    • Soonwoo K
      Dear Yoona, I really enjoyed reading your comment on why you liked this quote by Nelson Mandela.  However, I have a question for you to answer today. Can you give me another example of an experience like this is the real word, not the school world. For example, it can be making a friend with someone. Just anything, can you give me your personal experience on trying something, that seems impossible but actually isn't. -Soon Woo 
    • Harper B
      I also like this quote and especially liked your connections, especially seeing as I can relate to them. Since you read this quote have you referenced it or thought about it during a hard time? Good Job!
    Have students comment on this!
Eri O

Nelson Mandela - Reflections on Working Toward Peace - 0 views

  • It was during those long and lonely years that my hunger for the freedom of my own people became a hunger for the freedom of all people, white and black.
  • I am not truly free if I am taking away someone else's freedom, just as surely as I am not free when my freedom is taken from me.
    • Brendan Lee
  • I was not troubled by the laws of man or God.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • marrying and having a family-the freedom not to be obstructed in a lawful life.
  • But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended.  
  • I was born free-free in every way that I could know
  • I was not born with a hunger to be free.
  • Some say that has now been achieved.
  • swim in the clear stream
  • I walked out of prison
  • It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I began to hunger for it.
Leo B

Showing all quotes that contain 'Nelson Mandela'. - 0 views

shared by Leo B on 31 Jan 13 - No Cached
    • Leo B
      I totally agree with this quote,because, education is a very powerful, one person that's educated, that has a good argument, or a good opinion, may change people's thoughts on a certain thing, and this can change the world.
Ms. Ronning

Tools - 0 views

shared by Ms. Ronning on 30 Jan 13 - Cached
  • Diigo Toolbar, best for power users, avaliable on IE, Firefox
    • Ms. Ronning
      This is what you need to download!
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