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TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain Supports Tax Breaks For Oil Industr... - 0 views

    Here's something else that could create political complications for John McCain in key swing states as he continues to defend measures that would maintain tax breaks for the oil industry: He recently opposed extending tax breaks for the wind-power industry. Making this more difficult for McCain, the fledgling wind-power industry is popular in key upper Midwest and central plains states -- and here you have McCain protecting such tax breaks for Big Oil, but opposing them for Big Wind, or, if you prefer, Little Wind.
Energy Net

Think Progress » McCain To Visit Oil Platform Owned By Chevron; McCain's Nati... - 0 views

    Today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is touring an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana in order "to highlight his support for increased domestic offshore drilling." Although he will not join McCain today, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) promoted McCain's oil rig visit in an appearance on Fox and Friends this morning.
Energy Net

Palin: McCain Won't Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions | | AlterNet - 0 views

    Sarah Palin just helped clarify McCain's double-talk on global warming: He doesn't think the government should do anything to stop it. Voters who care about either global warming or clean energy have only one choice -- and it isn't McCain-Palin. It's time to stop trying to guess whether the latest McCain campaign gaffe revision on global warming means the Arizonan has walked away from his previous support for mandatory government control of greenhouse gases. He has.
Energy Net

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain: Offsh... - 0 views

    John McCain again pushed for offshore drilling Monday, and suggested it could provide relief to American consumers "within a matter of months." "There are some instances within a matter of months, they could be getting additional oil. In some cases, it would be a matter of a year," McCain said at a press conference in Bakersfield, California. "In some cases, it could take longer than that depending on the location and whether or not you use existing rigs or you have to install new rigs. But there is abundant resources in the view of the people who are in the business that could be exploited in a matter of months."
Energy Net

Suzanne Smith: McCain Said It, Why Don't We? - 0 views

    John McCain said it. Right out loud in the third debate. "Obviously, we had to take Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait or it would've threatened the Middle Eastern oil supply." The first gulf war was about defending access to oil after all. McCain reiterated the theme later on, as he has in past debates, when he said that we need to "eliminate our dependence on the places in the world that harm our national security."
Energy Net

Newsvine - McCain touts drilling agenda from oil platform - 0 views

    Republican presidential candidate John McCain visited this oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday to call for increased offshore drilling that he claims would lower the cost of food and heating homes.
Energy Net

Daily Kos: State of the Nation: McCain Energy: for the big boys - 0 views

    Some GREAT breaking stuff from Obama's town-hall meeting occuring now in Indiana. He opened up with remarks that took McCain to task even harder than he has in the past: "Senator McCain's energy plan reads like an early Christmas list for oil and gas lobbyists. And it's no wonder - because many of his top advisors are former oil and gas lobbyists." Love that he included the fact that his advisors were oil and gas lobbyists. It's as if Barack Obama suddenly woke up and realized all the material he had to work with in going after McCain. But there's much more great stuff:
Energy Net

Hill Dems Blow It for Obama with Energy Bill | Environment | AlterNet - 0 views

    Both The Hill and have reported that a bipartisan "gang" of 20 Senators will not introduce a compromise energy bill before the election. You can read details of the original compromise here: The Gang-of-10 drilling deal is something for nothing. This is a huge triumph for McCain and major political blunder by Congressional Democrats. The original energy compromise was, I argued, "the best chance -- indeed, the only chance -- the Dems will have to simultaneously give the lie to McCain's faux bipartisanship and to expose the Big Energy Lie, the absurd notion that McCain and the Republicans believe in an all-of-the-above energy for dealing with our energy crises" (see "Gang-of-10 deal is a must for Dems").
Energy Net

Paying for our foreign policy at the pump - 0 views

    What's it got to do with the price of gas? Would some reporter with access to the Republican presidential candidate please ask John McCain why he wants to continue President Bush's Mideast policy when it has proved so ruinous for American taxpayers? Because McCain is determined to ignore our economic meltdown and shift the debate to foreign policy, shouldn't he have to explain why an open-ended military presence in the Mideast will make us economically and militarily more secure when the opposite is clearly the case?
Energy Net

Bush and McCain Happily Presiding Over Massive Transfer of Wealth to Oil Companies | En... - 0 views

    The Bush/McCain gas price escalation is an Enron rerun. It is Chapter 2 of the scam that Bush crony "Kenny Boy" Lay used in 1999-2001 to steal $100 billion from California ratepayers.
Energy Net

Santa Barbara fumes over McCain drilling plan - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

    SANTA BARBARA -- John McCain came to California promoting an array of ideas to spur the market for clean cars and otherwise reduce carbon emissions. But in this coastal city, the site of a disastrous oil spill in 1969, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was dogged by critics at nearly every turn for his recent embrace of offshore drilling.
Energy Net

The Oil Drum | Rank the Top 10 Oil Stories of 2008 - 0 views

    My top 10 oil industry stories of 2008: 1. Crude prices soar in 1H, WTI tops $147, Brent right behind 2. Prices collapse below $50 in 2H as demand retreats 3. Ethanol's struggles: VeraSun bankruptcy, others barely profitable, spreads collapse 4. Push begins to lift offshore drilling ban in US; Obama and McCain differ on approach 5. Capital crunch and low prices lead to deferred investment 6. Shale gas supply in US surges, a new factor in supply/demand balance 7. Credit crunch slows activity for once free-wheeling traders 8. Diesel surges, gasoline/naphtha plunge; traditional cracks skewed 9. Russian oil output to fall in 2008, first time in a decade 10. Brazil subsalt finds continue to lift nation's upstream prospects
Energy Net

Kicking oil habit harder than they say: ENN - 0 views

    Barack Obama and John McCain are promising voters a Tomorrowland of electric cars and high-speed trains and solar panels, a vision of American life without a drop of imported oil. But their plans to get there look more like Fantasyland. A host of energy policy experts agree that true "energy independence"-a key catch phrase of this presidential campaign-would be far more expensive and disruptive than either candidate is telling you.
Energy Net

Think Progress » So-Called Energy Expert Sarah Palin Doesn't Know How Much En... - 0 views

    On Wednesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) defended Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's "experience" in "the field of national security" by asserting that "she knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America." McCain's claim to Palin's expertise was undercut the next day, however, when Palin severely overstated Alaska's energy production in an interview with ABC News's Charlie Gibson. Challenged by Gibson on her "national security credentials," Palin cited her experience as the governor of a "state that produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy" as a credential that she "brings to the table":
Energy Net

Drill, Baby, Drill: How the Media Has Influenced America's Perception of Dril... - 0 views

    From SUV's to long commutes, the American lifestyle is based on cheap gasoline. Cheap energy allows us to live far away from our jobs and to engage in conspicuous consumption contests based on who has the biggest automobile. Now, gas prices have skyrocketed, and higher prices at the pump are hitting us where it hurts. Since we also have a presidential election coming up in November, our pain at the pump has been hijacked and turned into a political issue. There are no quick-and-easy solutions to high gas prices, but the Republican candidate, John McCain, is promoting opening up our coasts to offshore drilling as just that: an easy solution that will result in immediate relief.
Energy Net

Offshore Drilling - It's NOT the Answer to High Gas Prices at the Pump | Greenpeace USA - 0 views

    Record high gas prices have been making the news headlines for the past few months. Each week gas prices top the previous week, resulting in a new all-time high. Unless you are fortunate enough to live, work and play within walking distance from your home, you have been affected by these high gas prices like the rest of the nation. While the public continues to be outraged about gas prices, some politicians (McCain, Bush, and Gingrich) are taking advantage of the dire situation by organizing a push to drill for oil along our coastlines and lift a 27-year moratorium.
Energy Net

Mark Weisbrot: Offshore Drilling Won't Help, But "Green Stimulus" Can - 0 views

    "Gas prices - $4, $5, no end in sight, because some in Washington are still saying no to drilling in America," says the narrator in the TV ad that Republican presidential candidate John McCain played last week. "Who can you thank for rising prices at the pump?"
Energy Net

Dollars & Sense blog: Elasticity! Why cutting gas taxes won't lower prices, but will fa... - 0 views

    When Clinton and McCain proposed cutting gas taxes, I asked my environmental economics students, "So how much do you think drivers will save?" The students diligently Googled the numbers. "Well," said one, "the federal gas tax is 18.4 cents and the average state tax is 28.6 cents, so that's 47 cents a gallon drivers will save!" "But what about elasticity of demand and supply?" I asked. "Oh!!! Forgot about that!"
Energy Net

The Associated Press: McCain and Obama's energy proposals - 0 views

    A look at some of the positions of the presidential candidates on energy and global warming:
Energy Net

Offshore Oil Drilling - Green 2008 Election Issues 101 - Obama and McCain Position on O... - 0 views

    Offshore drilling became a campaign issue as gasoline prices hit $4 a gallon. Public opinion polls show that not only do Americans want their elected leaders to do something about it, but they think drilling for oil on the continental shelf is a great idea.
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