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Mark Walker

[1207.1162] Rapid disappearance of a warm, dusty circumstellar disk - 0 views

    A star with a mid-IR excess (circumstellar disk?) that vanishes in a 2-year interval.
Renee Hlozek

[1106.4313] An Improved Forecast of Patchy Reionization Reconstruction with CMB - 0 views

shared by Renee Hlozek on 24 Jun 11 - No Cached
    Paper discussing how lensing can bias your reconstruction of reionisation field.
Phil Bull

[1207.0809] A filament of dark matter between two clusters of galaxies - 0 views

    The first detection of a filament.
    Very nice. I'm a little surprised that it's the first detection - I swear some people working on this a few years ago. But maybe their detection wasn't significant enough. At least, they didn't get a Nature paper out of it!
Renee Hlozek

[1106.5546] Re-ionizing the Universe without Stars - 0 views

shared by Renee Hlozek on 30 Jun 11 - No Cached
    Interesting letter discussing re-ionizing the universe through accretion shocks around massive halos in the early universe.
Phil Bull

[1207.5800] A direct probe of cosmological power spectra of the peculiar velocity field... - 0 views

    They show that the mean redshift-magnitude relation from a spectroscopic survey can be used to infer peculiar velocities.
Phil Bull

Is there correlation between Fine Structure and Dark Energy Cosmic Dipoles? - 0 views

    More dipoles!
Jo Dunkley

The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Signal of the maxBCG SDSS Galaxy Clusters in WMAP - 0 views

shared by Jo Dunkley on 14 Jun 11 - No Cached
    WMAP confirmation of Planck's SZ-mass relation
Phil Marshall

[1109.6658] Bayesian inference of galaxy formation from the K-band luminosity function ... - 0 views

    I've not read the whole thing (it's 44 pages!) but Yu Lu is, IMO, doing the Right Thing in this field - he takes a Semi Analytic Model of galaxy formation, and *actually fits* all the parameters to the data (in this case, the observed K-band luminosity function). Some parameters are well-constrained (implying we may have learnt something about galaxies), while others show strong degeneracies, indicating what new physics needs to be included. Seems like the models in most of the parameter volume fail to predict some other datasets, giving more clues on how to improve the model. The key thing is that by doing the inference properly, Lu has elevated SAM study to a quantified learning process.
Phil Bull

[1201.5371] Hubble flow variance and the cosmic rest frame - 0 views

    The authors find a dipole in the variance of the Hubble flow, which they attribute to the effects of local structure. They find that local structure induces a ~0.5% variation in the distance to last scattering over the sky.
Phil Marshall

[1110.0854] The UV peak in Active Galactic Nuclei : a false continuum from blurred refl... - 0 views

    Andy Lawrence suggests that the unaccounted for UV flux in AGN spectra could be coming from "clouds" of gas orbiting the black hole at ~10 Schwarzschild radii, and reflecting light as UV line emission which all gets blurred together to make a broad continuum due to the insane speeds involved.
    I saw Andy yesterday at the Edinburgh sims workshop - he agreed that his clouds were probably shreds, but all that really matters is the filling factor and ionisation state, and the code he used to play around with it all is called "cloudy"... I told him we found the model pretty plausible (stuff comes off accretion disks and stays in orbit, absorbing and emitting, fine), his hope is that someone makes a more detailed model, checks his results and does some inference. That'll be Lance then...
David Marsh

Tunneling and Rolling to False Vacua - 0 views

    The authors construct exact instanton solutions for tunneling over very small barriers in the presence of gravity, and demonstrate matching between previous results, and with the flat potential and no gravity case. Confusingly, it seems that for consistency one should include the tunneling effect along side the rolling of a field on a flat potential, even when there is no barrier. I'm not sure quite what this means operationally, but I think it may have effects for models of quintessence where the asymptotic future is a big crunch. Here it seems we may not be able to consider simple scalar field rolling, but may also have to include the instanton effects. More excuses to go back and read Coleman-DeLuccia again are always good.
Joe Zuntz

emcee: The MCMC Hammer - 0 views

    A sampler, new in both algorithm and code, from Hogg and co. They claim speed ups over Metropolis Hastings and easy shared-memory parallelism using an ensemble method.
Phil Marshall

BAMBI: blind accelerated multimodal Bayesian inference - 0 views

    CosmoMC gets upgraded by the Cavendish inference team (Hobson, Feroz, and now Graff) - they approximate complex likelihood functions with neural networks, which are then much much faster to evaluate. Could be a real time-saver
Tessa Baker

Seeing in the dark - II. Cosmic shear in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - 0 views

    Recommended by Jo.
Jo Dunkley

[1203.4219] Detection of Galaxy Cluster Motions with the Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich E... - 0 views

shared by Jo Dunkley on 22 Mar 12 - No Cached
    First kSZ detection! From ACT and BOSS together.
Phil Marshall

Core-Collapse Supernovae and Host Galaxy Stellar Populations - 0 views

    Kelly and Kirshner look at the SDSS images and spectra of the host galaxies of more than 500 nearby supernovae. Seems like an interesting complement to the SNLS host studies, I'd be interested to hear from Mark where this one fits. They can resolve the galaxies very well, so can make statements like "the SN Ic-BL and SN IIb explode in exceptionally blue locations" :-)
Phil Marshall

An origin of the radio jet in M87 at the location of the central black hole - 0 views

    Hada et al reckon they can position the black hole to +/- 20 microarcsec, and resolve jet emission 100 Schwarzschild radii away!
Phil Marshall

Disentangling Baryons and Dark Matter in the Spiral Gravitational Lens B1933+503 - 0 views

    Suyu et al combine strong gravitational lensing and stellar kinematics data for a spiral galaxy to measure the mass of both the disk and the dark matter halo. The constraints are very strong - they find an oblate, flattened halo, and get a disk stellar mass with small uncertainty (0.1dex); when they compare this with the stellar mass from the disk colours and K-band magnitude they find that stellar population models with Chabrier IMF work, and Salpeter does not - the opposite to the case of massive elliptical galaxies.
Phil Bull

[1203.4479] Local and non-local measures of acceleration in cosmology - 0 views

    As soon as you move away from a perfectly homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model, what is meant by the "acceleration" of spacetime becomes ambiguous. It's important to be clear on what type of acceleration is being considered in any given observational or theoretical study, since different types can have very different cosmological implications.
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