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[1203.4479] Local and non-local measures of acceleration in cosmology - 0 views

    As soon as you move away from a perfectly homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model, what is meant by the "acceleration" of spacetime becomes ambiguous. It's important to be clear on what type of acceleration is being considered in any given observational or theoretical study, since different types can have very different cosmological implications.

[1204.1318] Planck Intermediate Results II: Comparison of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurement... - 1 views

    There is a discrepancy between cluster Y_SZ measurements made by Planck and AMI. Yikes!

[1203.5720] Missing completely of CMB quadrupole in WMAP data - 1 views

    Does anyone understand what's new in this vs their previous work? Is this still just the affect of confusion over the TOD/pointing?

[1203.4219] Detection of Galaxy Cluster Motions with the Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich E... - 0 views

shared by Jo Dunkley on 22 Mar 12 - No Cached
    First kSZ detection! From ACT and BOSS together.

Gigapans - 2 views

started by Rupert Croft on 12 Mar 12 no follow-up yet

Discovery of a protocluster at z~6 - 2 views

    Discovery of a very distant group of galaxies believed to be living in a M > 10^14 solar mass halo.

[1202.4758] Spatial variation in the fine-structure constant -- new results from VLT/UVES - 1 views

    This work claims a 4-sigma detection of variation in the fine-structure constant over the sky and, furthermore, if a dipole form is assumed, a preference (also at 4-sigma) for evolution over cosmic time.

emcee: The MCMC Hammer - 0 views

    A sampler, new in both algorithm and code, from Hogg and co. They claim speed ups over Metropolis Hastings and easy shared-memory parallelism using an ensemble method.

Measure and Probability in Cosmology - 0 views

    A long paper on measures in Cosmology, which I haven't read in its entireity yet. However, I found the final comment in the abstract quite provocative and interesting: "In a universe where the second law of thermodynamics holds, one cannot make use of our knowledge of the present state of the universe to "retrodict" the likelihood of past conditions." This is due to laws being time symmetric, while in practice we have the second law. In practice we *must* resort to Occam's razor and/or beauty arguments. Later: "if one wishes to make an argument in favor of inflation having occurred in the early universe, this argument must be based upon its being a simple and/or elegant hypothesis that accounts for observed phenomena. Any argument about the "likelihood" of inflation based upon the Liouville (or other) measure on phase space will require a justification for the use of this measure." Sometimes, beauty and Occam's razor are incompatible, or rather scale dependent (as in the case of the string landscape), and from a purely philosophical point of view I don't feel entriely comfortable with either being used as a criterion of truth when trying to discover things about the universe. However, this paper makes this seem inevitable. Certainly food for thought.

A 2% Distance to z=0.35 by Reconstructing Baryon Acoustic Oscillations - 1 views

    This set of three papers (the link is to the first one, by Nikhil Padmanabhan) describes a factor of two improvement in the SDSS DR7 BAO distance estimate, just by improving the data analysis. Basically, non-linear gravitational collapse causes the usual BAO feature in the galaxy correlation function to appear smoothed out: it can be partially sharpened back up by using the Zel'dovich approximation to reconstruct the density field given the redshift and position data. The result is an increase in cosmological parameter accuracy roughly equivalent to surveying 3-4 times more sky. Software is vital!
    It is interesting to see, in the third paper, how the constraints on H_0 \Omega_m space are robust to different scenarios of curvature and dark energy, and compatible with direct measurements of H_0. But also, as expected, this is effected by what one assumes about the neutrinos.

One Thousand and One Clusters: Measuring the Bulk Flow with the Planck ESZ and X-Ray Se... - 1 views

    Another analysis of the kSZ signal in the WMAP data finds no evidence for Kashlinsky's claimed anomalous bulk flow.

A measurement of gravitational lensing of the microwave background using South Pole Tel... - 1 views

shared by Jo Dunkley on 03 Feb 12 - No Cached
    SPT lensing paper

Subhaloes in Self-Interacting Galactic Dark Matter Haloes - 1 views

    Using N-body simulation, the authors showed that velocity-dependent self-interacting dark matter gives the inner circular velocity profiles of the most massive subhalos that are compatible with the data of the brightest Milky Way dSphs.

[1201.5371] Hubble flow variance and the cosmic rest frame - 0 views

    The authors find a dipole in the variance of the Hubble flow, which they attribute to the effects of local structure. They find that local structure induces a ~0.5% variation in the distance to last scattering over the sky.
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