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David Wilcox

Great contribution to understanding from Keystone - 0 views

    Great contribution to understanding #BigSociety from Keystone Development Trust published today
    This is a really collection of articles - but it is just a pdf. I wonder if the authors would be willing to have the published as linkable pages somewhere
David Wilcox

Revisiting Associative Democracy - LW ebook - 0 views

    Revisiting Associative Democracy draws together the ideas and thoughts of a group of people who met, discussed and developed Paul Hirst's views on Associative Democracy. Overall, there was a strong sense that our lives, our economy, democracy and public sector have for a long time been limited by an individualised, abstract and largely economistic set of beliefs and practices. We need to think about and develop more collaborative, effective and human ways of working and making decisions, and Paul's work is hugely valuable resource for doing this.
David Wilcox

Maurice Glasman - the peer plotting Labour's new strategy from his flat | Politics | Th... - 0 views

    Maurice Glasman was moderately well known in Labour circles in the capital thanks to his ground-breaking work with London Citizens - an alliance of faith institutions, universities, schools and trade unions that he brought together to run community projects. Suddenly, his political philosophy of local activism is being touted by some as Labour's answer - its possible trump card - to David Cameron's "big society". Others in Labour go further, saying it could even offer the kernel of the "big idea" that Miliband is desperately seeking to define his leadership.
David Wilcox

Recommendations - Business in the Community - 0 views

    On the basis of the consultation, we have prioritised actions for the Government, the business sector, voluntary and civil society organisations, and Business in the Community. Our members are saying they are willing to get more engaged directly and through their ability to influence other businesses and we will redouble our efforts to use our expertise and networks, to create an overarching framework to turn the aspiration of a big society into a reality.
David Wilcox

More detail on #bigsociety community organising - 0 views

    We now have two strong strands emerging in the development of Big Society community organisers, and organising. The other day NESTA announced their Neighbourhood Challenge programme under which a number of organisations will be funded for a year to experiment with different types of organising in 10 areas, and then to share experience. Last week more details emerged of the bigger programme originally announced by David Cameron at the Big Society manifesto launch in March: a "Neighbourhood army" of 5,000 full-time, professional community organisers who will be trained with the skills they need to identify local community leaders, bring communities together, help people start their own neighbourhood groups, and give communities the help they need to take control and tackle their problems". The Office for Civil Society (OCS) announced a tender (deadline 23rd December 2010) for a National Partner to further develop, implement and manage the programme. Nick Bird has produced a briefing on behalf of Urban Forum - see below or download pdf here.
David Wilcox

About Lotsa Helping Hands - 0 views

    Lotsa Helping Hands was created to support family caregivers by empowering their family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and church or synagogue members - what we call a family's 'circles of community' - who are eager to help them as they manage the daily tasks that become a challenge during times of family or medical crisis, caregiver exhaustion, or when caring for an elderly parent.
David Wilcox

Big Society & Public Services - 0 views

    Report by Colin Miller and Gabriel Chanan of PACES reviewing Big Society after six months
David Wilcox

Citizen Works - Tools for Organizing - 0 views

    This section is a do-it-yourself guide to grassroots organizing. It focuses on bringing together people who share a common place such as an apartment building, city block, or neighbourhood. The focus on people acting together does not diminish the importance of citizens acting alone. Nor does the focus on organizing around a place diminish the importance of organizing around an issue. As far as we know, this is the most complete grassroots organizing guide available on the Internet. To be applicable to citizens in all communities, we've removed some of the Vancouver-specific information.
David Wilcox

Turning #bigsociety principles into #oursociety common sense - 0 views

    I think that some of the core ideas in Big Society - like mutual support, small group action to benefit neighbourhood life, and devolution of decision making - get mutters rather than shouts of support for several reasons. First, they produce: Yes, but many people have been doing that for years, what's new? Second, I may like the idea, but not with a Big Society label. Third, if we accept these are good ideas, and we should do more, what's the framework for action just when support organisations are losing staff through cuts? We need some common ground of practical policies to support ideas that can get common consent.
David Wilcox

Big Society - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Cabinet Office - 0 views

    Covers: What's the idea? What is the Government doing to help? What is the aim of the Big Society? Where is the Big Society making a difference? What is the role of charities and other civil societies? So how can people get involved?
David Wilcox

Patterns, Principles, and Practices in Social Innovation - 0 views

    Examining how social innovation opens up new approaches to addressing complex problems, this article looks at some of the complex issues and related social innovation, including demographic problems; technology-enabled social innovation and how it has restructured work and expanded human intelligence; how conflict has been reframed as collaboration; and new types of volunteering. The article concludes with a review of some of the new social innovation tools and processes.
David Wilcox

Getting in Right in East London… « Chain Reaction Online - 0 views

    Following our blog post last last year about 'What Big Society Means for East London', we are delighted to announce our plans for Chain Reaction 2011. Everything in east London is bigger - more wealth, more poverty, more diversity more opportunity, more agencies to involve in everything.  And the human costs of not addressing the challenges and making the best of the huge opportunities are spiralling upwards.  Despite the biggest regeneration programmes in Europe, we are in danger of finding ourselves with islands of prosperity in a sea of poverty.   So what can we do to address this in a time of shrinking public finances and a dramatic reconfiguring of public services?  We need to find new ways of working, and we need to work together better. On 1 February 2011, we will connect a core group to explore the issues and collaborate on the once in a lifetime opportunities in east London. Communities, businesses and local government can work together to maximise our collective power to ensure the delivery of better services and find innovative ways to develop stronger, more responsive communities.
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