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Contents contributed and discussions participated by judd-archer


Blueprint to end VAW in Canada - 0 views

    April 2015 meeting For review

Government Glass Ceiling? - 2 views

    April meeting There are 21 women among the top 100 best-paid public servants in Ontario, according to the list, which ranks those making more than $100,000. Interesting with April 20 - Equal Pay Day - around the corner.

VAW - 1 views

    January 2015 For discussion, inclusion in all event work leading up to and after conference

Ruling on Pregnancy/Parental Leaves - BCTF - 1 views

    January 2015 Slam dunk win; no-brainer for us here; unbelievable they had to fight in the first place.

Vision Statement from Charlottetown - 1 views

    November 2014 150 years after Confederation, 23 women penned their vision...

When Women Become Men at Wellesley - 1 views

    November 2014 Interesting article re: trans and transitioning and safe space

Sexism goes both ways - 1 views

shared by judd-archer on 10 Oct 14 - No Cached
    November 2014 Cartoon effectively explains this. Being added to "Still Not Laughing" workshop

Ontario to tackle gender wage gap | Toronto Star - 0 views

    November 2014 Ontario Labour Minister Kevin Flynn has been ordered to develop a strategy to close the 31.5 per cent wage gap between men and women in the province.

Two candidates for mayor laughed off question about gender equality - 1 views

    November 2014 When it comes to questions of gender inequality, some of Hamilton's mayoral candidates just don't take it seriously. That was the stance of one local activist at an all-candidates meeting in the Gibson neighbourhood on Wednesday. To go with discussion re: Coalition for Women's Rights

Herizons Magazine - 0 views

shared by judd-archer on 29 Sep 14 - Cached
    November 2014 Summer 2014 issue includes editorial "No right kind of feminist", article on Canada's pre-Wonder Woman superhero "Nelvana of the Northern Lights", and "How Women are fixing code in the workplace"

Why I'm Not Really Here For Emma Watson's Feminism Speech At the U.N. - - 1 views

    November 2014 by Mia McKenzie Worthwhile analysis of Actor Emma Watson's speech to the UN launching the HeForShe campaign.

Encouraging STEM careers and addressing online misogyny - 0 views

    November 2014 CWF (Canadian Women's Foundation) latest E-News. Great source for upcoming events, information and links to resources.

Rob Ford and Toxic Masculinity - 1 views

    November 2014 Really interesting read by Steph Guthrie who will be at our conference in May

STAFFORD - Honk If You're Dropping Off Your Daughter?!? | Talk Radio AM640 - 2 views

    November 2014 Brock University...more than 1 sign. University shut it down as soon as they were made aware.

2014-2019 Poverty Reduction Strategy released by Government of Ontario September 2014 - 0 views

    November 2014 50 + page report with one reference to women, no analysis of gender inequalities and no mention of pay equity.

Canadian Aboriginal Women and Girls petition - 1 views

    September 2014 Please forward and sign

Why Investing In Girls Is The Smartest Move We Can Make - 2 views

shared by judd-archer on 02 Sep 14 - No Cached
    September 2014 Includes latest UN Women infographic

Flowchart: Should You Catcall Her? | Playboy - 1 views

    September 2014 Yes this is in Playboy and Yes it is really, really good and Yes I'm surprised.

NDP Women's Forum 2014: A Feminist Agenda for 2015 - 1 views

    September 2014 Women's Forum, NDP, October 30 9h30-4h30, usually held in Ottawa. The title is certainly promising...

Canada once again disappoints women, survivors of sexual violence - 1 views

    September 2014 Action Canada for Population and Development reports back from 26th session of the UN Human Rights Council
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