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iceScrum - 1 views

    iceScrum is the free platform for your agile developments

Elinor Ostrom, 2009 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences: Indiana University - 0 views

    Elinor Ostrom received the 2009 Nobel Price in Economic for her work on the Commons. She showed how common resources - forests, fisheries, oil fields or grazing lands, can be managed successfully by the people who use them, rather than by governments or private companies.

Paper, From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation - 0 views

    Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation, Carliss Baldwin and Eric von Hippel, November 2009, Revised August 2010

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything - 0 views

    A book about how web culture and wikinomics will produce behavioural changes on industrial development Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, Atlantic Books, 2008

Alvin Toffler, notion of "Prosumer" - 0 views

    With DIWO-Lab, people are both consumers and producers. It changes everything. Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave, Bantam Books, 1980

Ivan Illich - Tools for Conviviality - 0 views

    Tools for Conviviality. Ivan Illich, 1973. A very Important philosopher and a book about the idea of making tools which allow people to be autonomous and build links between users.

Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society - 0 views

    French philosopher Jacques Ellul, wrote one of the most reknown critique of Technology, The Technological Society, New York, Knopf, 1964 He explains that society lost control of Technology which is being completly autonomous. With DIWO-Lab, by making ourselves and rummaging into the design of things, we'll collectively master the Technology. From article "Jacques Ellul" Wikipedia (en): It is useless, he argues, to think that a distinction can be made between technique and its use, for techniques have specific social and psychological consequences independent of human desires. There can be no room for moral considerations in their use: "Not even the moral conversion of the technicians could make a difference. At best, they would cease to be good technicians. In the end, technique has only one principle, efficient ordering."

Jeremy Rifkin, How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World - 0 views

    We should get inspiration of this book which explains how Fab lab, DIWO and web culture will transform society Jeremy Rifkin. The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World, Palgrave Macmillan 2011.

Jeremy Rifkin: "The empathic civilization" | Video on - 0 views

    Here a Ted conference of Jeremy Rifkin, a very popular American economist, writer, public speaker and political advisor. He also wrote a book about the empathetic cracteristic of the deep human nature: The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness In a World In Crisis, 2010

Mutual Aid; a factor of evolution by kniaz Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin - 0 views

    Peter Kropotkin demonstrated in tis book that the evolution of society is not only governed by natural selection (Social Darwinism defended by sociologist Herbert Spencer), but also by cooperation and mutual aid.

The gift; forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies : Mauss, Marcel, 1872-19... - 0 views

    Anthropologists have prooved that human beens can give and have empathy for the others. THE GIFT, Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies by MARCEL MAUSS Cohen & West, London, 1966 Quote page 27: "Social life is a constant give-and-take; " gifts are rendered, received and repaid both obligatorily and in one's own interest, In magnanimity, for repayment of services, or as challenges or pledges. We here set down a few of the most important forms they take."

Quote by Jean-Paul Sartre: Faire, et en faisant se faire et n'être rien qu... - 0 views

  • “Faire, et en faisant se faire et n'être rien que ce qu'on fait”
    Jean Paul Sartre quoting French philosopher Jules Lequier "developing, and by developing, developing itself, and being only what we actually do"

Intermediary tools - 0 views

    Vinck Dominique. Les objets intermédiaires dans les réseaux de coopération scientifique. Contribution à la prise en compte des objets dans les dynamiques sociales. In: Revue française de sociologie. 1999, 40-2. pp. 385-414. This paper explains the importance of "intermediate tools" as mediator of social relations, how it embeder the links among parties. Really useful to justify our consortium and a DIWO Lab environment.
Théo Bondolfi

Metrics - CC Wiki - 0 views

    An interesting analysis about the growth of Open/Free/CreativeCommons project in the last years. The two Graphics are very interesting!!! 400 milions !!!!
    Stats about impressive growth of work under CreativeCommons licenses. A good scheme to show how it is growing. "Approximate Minimum Total CC Licensed Works as of December 2010: 400+ million "
Théo Bondolfi

Open Source Hardware project list - Google Drive - 0 views

    A great list of FreeHardware projects, on a googledoc, that anyone can update

Le potentiel d'innovation et de transformation de l'économie sociale : quelqu... - 0 views

    Concerning socio-technical networks, Canadian Socioeconomist Benoît Lévesque: "Le potentiel d'innovation et de transformation de l'économie sociale : quelques éléments de problématique", CRISES, Avril 2006 Quote: "En somme, les innovations résulteraient de processus sociaux, soit d'interactions et d'échanges d'informations entre personnes, scientifiques, entrepreneurs, financiers, hommes politiques, usagers, clients formant ainsi des réseaux sociotechniques." "L'innovation pourrait donc être comprise en termes de processus inscrits dans des systèmes sociaux d'innovation. Outre le fait qu'elles mettent bien en lumière le caractère social et collectif de toute innovation, les notions de système et de processus peuvent être très utiles pour établir des passerelles entre les innovations et les transformations sociales (Boyer, 1991)." Quote

Les ateliers d'auto-fabrication | - 0 views

  • « Les outils high-tech existants ou en cours de développement, généralement comparables à des périphériques d’ordinateur, pointent vers un avenir où pra­tique­ment tout le nécessaire et le désirable pourra être produit dans des ateliers coo­pé­ratifs ou communaux ; où les activités de production pourront être combinées avec l’appren­tissage et l’enseignement, avec l’expérimentation et la recherche, avec la création de nouveaux goûts, parfums et matériaux, avec l’invention de nouvelles formes et techniques d’agriculture, de construction, de médecine, etc. Les ateliers communaux d’autoproduction seront interconnectés à l’échelle du globe, pourront échanger ou mettre en commun leurs expériences, inventions, idées, découvertes. Le travail sera producteur de culture, l’autoproduction un mode d’épanouissement. »
    Concerning DIWO Lab, André Gorz is a very very relevant european philosopher: André Gorz, La sortie du capitalisme a déjà commencé Écologica, Galilée, 2008

The Vocation Essays: Politics As a Vocation; Science As a Vocation - Max Weber - 0 views

    Concerning the abstraction of industrialized objects and devices, here the quote of German Sociologist Max Weber in Politics as a Vocation, 1919. Quote: "Unless he is a physicist, one who rides on the streetcar has no idea how the car happened to get into motion. And he does not need to know. He is satisfied that he may 'count' on the behavior of the streetcar, and he orients his conduct according to this expectation; but he knows nothing about what it takes to produce such a car so that it can move. The savage knows incomparably more about his tools".
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