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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Graham Perrin

Graham Perrin

Boston Igloo 2U-21 NXStor AiO - 0 views

  • Boston Igloo 2U-21 NXStor AiO
  • Boston Limited
  • Igloo NX Series
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Igloo NXStor 2U AiO
  • 24 x 2.5" Hot-swap SAS HDDs
  • tandem with 3 or more high performance solid state hard
  • Two high performance STEC 50GB SLC SSD cache drives are used in mirror as an accelerated write cache
  • adaptive replacement (read) cache
  • Based on Nexenta's NexentaStor™
  • ZFS file system
  • Igloo NXStor Ai1
  • NexentaStor™ is the leading hardware independent OpenStorage solution
  • HDD's (Installed) 21 x Seagate Constellation.2 1TB SATA
Graham Perrin

Nexenta Certifies SMART Storage Systems Optimus SSD - Press Release 395 - 0 views

Graham Perrin

SageCloud's Cold Data Storage for your Data Center - 0 views

  • October 08, 2013
  • SageCloud Adds Powerhouse Trio of Technical Advisors
  • Leading experts in OpenZFS, Storage Tiering and Big Data
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • inaugural technical advisors
  • goal of fundamentally changing the economics of archival data storage
  • SageCloud’s mission is to deliver breakthrough price points for Cold Storage to cost-effectively manage storage of petabyte-scale data that is written once but infrequently accessed.
  • open source and proprietary
Graham Perrin

Time to say goodbye to ZEVO-ZFS and GreenBytes - 0 views

  • Time to say goodbye to ZEVO-ZFS and GreenBytes
  • TimeMachine like backup system for ZFS
  • rely on my data being correct
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • go with ZFS and ZEVO
  • Communication from GreenBytes has been almost non existent
  • HFS+ is just intolerable
  • hope that OpenZFS succeeds
Graham Perrin

Mavericks fix - Google Groups - 0 views

Graham Perrin

ZFS și OS X (II) - MacForum - 0 views

Graham Perrin

ZFS și OS X (I) - MacForum - 0 views

  • ZFS și OS X
  • 28 septembrie 2013
  • probabil nu atât din cauza problemelor tehnice
    • Graham Perrin
      Technically: ZFS at the time lacked the required feature set. 
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • HFS+ să nu fie o idee foarte bună
  • două ramuri ale ZFS-ului
  • cea oficială, dezvoltată de Oracle
  • și cea deschisă, dezvoltată de OpenZFS
  • Oracle a continuat să lucreze la ZFS, însă noile funcții sunt disponibile doar pentru Solaris
  • snapshoturilor native
  • și dacă nu ați avut probleme până acum cu el, nu înseamnă că în viitor veți fi scutit
  • securitatea datelor, continuați să citiți.
  • Un inconvenient ar fi faptul că încă nu poate fi accesibil pe Windows
  • Windows vor trebui să folosească un Linux/BSD într-o mașină virtuală
  • avem nevoie de trei lucruri
  • cred că Time Machine din OS X a fost o facilitate introdusă cu gândul la ZFS
  • ZEVO, o inițiativă privată
  • Dacă țineți la datele voastre
  • MacZFS
  • Proiectul oferă ZFS v28, compatibilă cu ultima variantă liberă oferită de Oracle
  • fiți mereu cu un ochi pe versiunea folosită
  • versiunea sistemului de fișiere și nu a sculelor software folosite pentru a-l administra
  • dezvoltarea mac-zfs va fi integrată de acum cu OpenZFS
  • ignorăm MacZFS și să trecem direct la OpenZFS
  • Într-un episod viitor, voi detalia cum putem să și folosim facilitățile ZFS-ului
  • OpenZFS Înainte să continuăm, dacă aveți instalat MacZFS, va trebui să scăpăm de el.
  • ușor accesibil
  • Xcode
  • Xcode Command Line Tools
  • Homebrew
  • Probabil veți dori ca sistemul să încarce de fiecare dată kext-urile de fiecare dată după reboot. La mine acest lucru a dus la un kernel panic
  • probabil din cauză că folosesc hacktintosh
  • Ca un rezumat, de fiecare dată când veți dori să aduceți la zi uneltele OpenZFS de pe github
  • ZFS pe Mac
Graham Perrin

FS118 Hühnerfreakassee | Freak Show - 0 views

  • FS118 Hühnerfreakassee
  • 19. September 2013
  • OpenZFS
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • 03:41:53
  • Erst wenn man Prüfsummen hat und prüft erhält man Einblicke in die Realität.
  • Fehler wurden durch ZFS auch z.B. beim Transfer zwischen Disk Controllern und über Festplatten-Busse festgestellt.
  • Die blosse Annahme, es sei schon alles in Ordnung ist hochnäsig. Ein Betriebssystem hat die Integrität der Speicherung sicherzustellen.
  • Patrick Stein (JollyJinx) hat sich mit der Datenintegrität von HFS+ auseinander gesetzt
  • ein Beispiel des Cern
  • 14,6 Petabyte geschrieben und nach Tests waren dann 38.000 Dateien “silently corrupted”
Graham Perrin

DevelopmentOverview - maczfs - MacZFS Developer Overview - Official Site fo... - 1 views

  • DevelopmentOverview
  • MacZFS Developer Overview
  • Experimental
    • Graham Perrin
      2013-07-12 in IRC for MacZFS:  "… we (the developers of the old MacZFS and the new experimental code) are very interested in test reports and all panic-reports you can generate. Please use the GitHub page or the MacZFS mailinglist … for reporting. …"
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • org.maczfs.pre.*
  • should carry  the label "MacZFS-<version>-<feature_or_author>"  in the filename
  • must include a readme.txt
  • must use a custom bundle identifier for the kext
  • org.maczfs.devel.*
  • bundle identifiers
  • org.maczfs.stable.*
  • org.maczfs.testing.*
  • rapid results
  • org.maczfs.beta.*
  • community will maintain the notion of an official release
  • technical merit, long standing contribution, custom and consensus
  • official releases will use the bundle identifier  "org.maczfs.stable.*"
  • must  report in their "help" message or, if supported, in their response  to a "version" command
  • official or unofficial
  • All executables
  • the release they are part  of
  • must include at least the bundle identifier and the  version number
  • should include a git commit ID
  • executable that links against libzfs or libzpool should also  report the bundle identifier and version of the library used
Graham Perrin

zfs-osx (An alpha repository of the next generation of MacZFS) · GitHub - 0 views

  • experimental
  • alpha
    • Graham Perrin
      2013-09-28 in IRC for OpenZFS: "… not very confortable using a 'well-developed alpha' for storing my data …" "… alpha & beta are technical terms …" "… describes what's there as alpha, experimental …" "… since february, lol …" "… I have not tested ZFS-OSX enough to say whether it's alpha or beta. Moreover it's for the developers to decide. … alpha is a suitably cautious description whilst testing is not as widespread as we'd like …" "… .zfs directories are not present yet, it is technically alpha in that sense … connotation not denotation, and the connotation of alpha for those not very familiar with the technical definitions is very negative. …" "… better to use neither the term alpha nor the term beta than to use the term alpha, alpha is simply terrible diction in this context" "it's true that 'alpha' and 'data storage' don't go to well together, but better to be safe than sorry …" "… brand perception of the term "alpha" by the public is "garbage' …" "… OK so maybe avoid both phrases (mention neither "alpha" nor "beta") but I'll occasionally argue that a well-presented and well-supported alpha should not cause terror. …" "… a chat app that is alpha is one thing, a filsystem implementation that is alpha is a whole other thing …" "… if I would have seen the 'alpha' word there, I wouldn't have made the jump to OpenZFS, I'd probably be using the old MacZFS, at most … alpha may be attractive for developers, but it scares general public, like me …"
Graham Perrin

maczfs - Official Site for the Free ZFS for Mac OS - Google Project Hosting - 0 views

    • Graham Perrin
  • MacZFS
  • prototype
    • Graham Perrin
      2013-09-08 in IRC for MacZFS:  "… prototype is practically indistinguishable in connotation from vapourware …"  "… originated from a dtm description, an "alpha/beta prototype" (2013-06) …"  "…  the production version of the prototype will be 100.0, with an even (stable) and odd (development) alternating number …"  "…  The unnumbered version of MacZFS is *what*, if not a prototype? What, if not a developer preview? …"
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Development:
  • kernel engineers, hobbyist hackers, and testers
  • introduce yourself on the Mailing List
  • MacZFS-devel
Graham Perrin

OpenZFS startet - Pro-Linux - 0 views

  • 18. September 2013
  • OpenZFS startet
  • Die Lizenz ist zwar frei, was die direkte Verwendung von ZFS in FreeBSD, Illumos und Mac OS X ermöglicht
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • ZFS für Linux kann jedoch als Modul außerhalb des Kernels bereitgestellt werden, wofür bereits das Projekt ZFS on Linux sorgt.
  • Das Ziel von OpenZFS ist es, das seit über einem Jahrzehnt entwickelte ZFS in offener Weise weiterzuentwickeln
Graham Perrin

OpenZFS startet | Software | Forum | - 0 views

  • OpenZFS startet
  • Kommentare
  • ZEVO Silver edition hat schon wirklich gut funktioniert
    • Graham Perrin
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Community-Edition
  • Würde bedeuten das ein normaler Mac zwischen 8-16 GB RAM haben müsste, besser 16 GB.
  • Die 5GB RAM für 1 TB ZFS Speicher sind durchaus realistisch
  • Atomares Schreiben" bei ZFS bedeutet, dass der Schreibvorgang einer Datei entweder ganz oder gar nicht stattfindet. Wenn du also den Stecker ziehst, hast du entweder den alten oder den neuen Zustand, aber keinen inkonsistenten Datenmüll.
  • ZFS zusätzlich zum eigenen Code erst einmal nur ca. 64kB je gemountetem FS um zu funktionieren und z.B. mindestens 64 MB für Log-Devices. Der Rest wird halt per default bis auf 1GB komplett als Cache verwendet und kann limitiert werden wenn es nötig ist, oder wird vom System bei Bedarf freigegeben.
  • Man KANN alle Features von ZFS nutzen MUSS man aber nicht.
Graham Perrin

Chris Brown | LinkedIn - 0 views

Graham Perrin

OpenZFS Project Launches, Uniting ZFS Developers | compnect - 0 views

  • OpenZFS Project Launches, Uniting ZFS Developers
  • OpenZFS is the new formal name for this community
Graham Perrin

milek's blog: What's New in OpenZFS - 0 views

  • August 16, 2013
  • L2ARC in memory overhead should be reduced
  • new features in Open (Illumos) ZFS. Some of the performance improvements
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • equivalents in Solaris 11 for some time
  • arc doesn't always need to make a copy
  • ZFS I/O priority inversion
  • Dedup of null blocks could use special treatment
  • What's New in OpenZFS
  • ARC metadata limit can have serious adverse effect on dedup performance
  • arc_meta_limit modernization
  • encryption, up-to 1MB recordsize, RAID-Z/mirror hybrid allocator, it does support 4k sector
  • good to see though that both Illumos and Oracle are innovating
  • LZ4 support in Illumos which is not in Solaris 11
  • they do not actively share code
  • competition might be good
Graham Perrin

The OpenZFS project launches [] - 0 views

  • The OpenZFS project launches
  • September 17, 2013
  • beneficial to Linux
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • represents ZFS as a standalone project
  • greater separation of platform-specific parts
  • improved portability and co-operation between the different ports
  • reduce the work required to keep zfsonlinux up to date with upstream
  • >Reduced performance due to data fragmentation
  • peformance when free space is running low should be much improved
  • dig around the list
  • more discussion
  • >Not allowing to shrink a filesystem
  • blocker for a lot of features
  • block pointer rewrite functionality
  • noise at Nexenta about implementing BP rewrite
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