gDocs Scanning Software - 0 views
Gary Edwards on 27 Apr 11Cloud Document Management: gDocScan lets you scan, index, OCR and search your paper documents as well as index and search your emails, Word and Excel documents. Integrated with many MPS systems like Kyocera and Kodak. Use gDocScan cloud document management to implement a paperless office. Using hosted document management reduces the costs of handling, storing and retrieving your documents. Document scanning software lets you scan with multiple scanners, at different locations. Document search from any location, over the Internet. gDocScan also lets you add index fields to emails, Word, and Excel documents, and store them in Google Docs. Automatic document backup. Share selected documents with partners, clients and vendors. gDocScan is designed for Windows 7|Vista|XP|2008|2003 platforms, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.