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Hypnosis Training Academy

[Interview] Meet the "risk-taking" and business-savvy hypnotist - 0 views

    Opening a business isn't easy. Sure, it takes preparation and planning… But once you've built a solid foundation, sometimes the best thing to do is just jump in and give it your best shot. If you've been thinking about starting your own business, but you're scared to take the plunge, you might just find the inspiration you've been looking in this interview published by the Hypnosis Training Academy. In this interview, you'll hear master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski interview a savvy entrepreneur by the name of Jason Linett. One of Jason's main skills is thinking quickly on his feet and taking calculated risks, so in this interview Jason shares advice on how to prepare yourself and act without getting bogged down in the details. You'll also find out: -- How Jason cultivated the kind of mindset that allowed him to see past the "typical" way of doing things and find a fresh approach to running a hypnosis practice -- Insights on how Jason made it to success quicker and easier than most people -- Incredible stories about how Jason took on difficult hypnosis clients and used a creative approach to get amazing results Plus you'll find out Jason's TOP tip for hypnotists and professionals to help further your career on your own terms. Listen to Jason Linett's empowering story of how to build a successful hypnosis practise based on your experience and passion.
Hypnosis Training Academy

[AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Meditation: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace - 0 views

    Struggling to connect with an inner sense of calm and peace? [AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Induction With Master Hypnotist Karsten Küstner: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace & Drop Into Your "Centre Of Calm" In Part 2 of our self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm. Listen to this 11-minute self-hypnosis induction now to feel more balanced, relaxed and energized. Head on over to the Hypnosis Training Academy now to listen to this calming self-hypnosis induction. In Part 2 of this guided self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Want To Be A Great Conversational Hypnotist? Be Merlin, Not Arthur - 0 views

    According to the Arthurian legend, Merlin was the wise wizard that engineered the birth of King Arthur through magic and intrigue. Once born, Merlin carefully coached and prepared Arthur to take center stage and become the legendary figure that he did. But without Merlin's wise teachings and magic - Arthur never would have existed - let alone become king. In order to become a great hypnotist, you have to adopt the same approach. This is because your job is to transform your subjects into becoming the heroes of their own stories… which can only be done if you empower them to take center stage. Check out the Hypnosis Training Academy's latest video blog post to hear master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski explain more on this.
Hypnosis Training Academy

10-Step Process To Performing Hypnotic Instant Inductions - 0 views

    If you've never tried an instant induction before, you might be surprised to discover how easy they are to perform. Why are they so easy? Well, part of the answer lies in their name. They're instant inductions, which means you can do them very quickly. That's important, especially if you're doing street hypnosis as you won't have the luxury of being able to spend 10-20 minutes getting people relaxed enough to go into trance. So whatever you do, it's gotta be done in a hurry. Intrigued to learn the speedy skills that'll turn you into a successful street hypnotist? Then you won't want to miss this FREE guide by the Hypnosis Training Academy where they reveal a proven 10-step process to performing successful instant inductions. What's more, they even throw in a bunch of useful tips that'll make you a confident hypnotist, in addition to a really engaging video demonstration of a hypnotist performing street hypnosis on the streets of Las Vegas. You won't want to miss this guide - so check it out now!
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Use the NLP Swish Pattern to Redefine Self-Image - 0 views

    Interested to discover the NLP technique that can be used to redefine a negative self-image and increase confidence? Then you won't want to miss this important demo where Master Hypnotist Martijn Groenendal uses the NLP Swish Pattern to redefine a subject's negative and judgmental self-image into a happier, more accepting version of himself. In this video, you'll get a clear sense of how to help people create a healthy self-image, improve their confidence and drive change. Visit today to hear master hypnotist Martijn Groenendal explain how.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With A Hypnotist: Dr. Ed Tori's 6 Keys To Greater Influence and How To Inspir... - 0 views

    Conversational Hypnosis and Hypnotic Language Patterns, are the two most important tool for building rapport. These two allow the hypnotists to quickly gain their subjects' trust and help them overcome any issues. Dr. Ed Tori, who founded the Influence Center, shares his journey and reveals the 6 essential rules for anyone who wants to be more influential, in addition to why rapport is a secret tool for increasing healthy behaviors. He also explains how to make your time more constructive with mind mapping and the secret to keeping your energy levels up so you can pick up new skills no matter how busy you are. Sounds interesting? Visit to listen to this powerful interview.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Amusing Milton Erickson Story - How To Influence Your Daughter's New Boyfriend - 0 views

    It is a real life incident of famous psychiatrist and psychologist Milton Erickson. What happened when this legendary hypnotist met his daughter's boyfriend for the first time. How he influenced the nervous young man with his trickster nature. To hear this famous story, watch this video where master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski tells the story and talks about Erickson's unique style.
Hypnosis Training Academy

9 Skills that you Must Master to become a Pro Conversational Hypnotists - 0 views

    Interested in becoming a conversational hypnotist? Discover 9 of the most essential skills that'll turn you into a seriously impressive hypnotist.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With Hypnotist Michael Watson - Creator Of Evolutionary Hypnosis - 0 views

    In this inspiring interview, Igor Ledochowski talks with minister-turned-hypnotist and the creator of Evolutionary Hypnosis, Michael Watson. In this insightful interview, Michael Watson shares his inspiring NLP and hypnosis journey - which starts off with how he discovered hypnosis and NLP when it was first emerging in the 1970s, and the life-changing epiphany that followed. You'll also hear Michael's fascinating and honest stories about his work with some of the pioneers of NLP and hypnosis, such as John Grinder, Richard Bandler and even Timothy Leary. Plus how he's used the lessons he's picked up along the way to create the Evolutionary Hypnosis method. Curious to discover more about Evolutionary Hypnosis and how you can use it for personal change and growth? Listen to this powerful interview at now...
Hypnosis Training Academy

[FREE INTERVIEW] How To Use Hypnosis In Stressful Corporate Situations To Build Rapport - 0 views

    Building rapport from the get-go is essential during a hypnosis session. It helps put the client at ease and build trust, which is crucial when doing change work. But what if someone hasn't come to you as a client and hypnosis takes place outside of a clinical setting? How could you build rapport then… such as in highly stressful corporate situations when working with multiple people? And where you need to influence change where it matters the most… right at the top? That is exactly what master hypnotist Laz Dorgham explains is his in-depth with Igor Ledochowski. He reveals what he's learned about creating rapport from such fast-paced and stressful corporate environments. Particularly when it comes to helping people and corporations improve communication and to find ways to solve complicated issues they believed to be "unmanageable." Want to find out how? Listen to Part 1 of this inspiring interview at to find out how you can use hypnosis in stressful professional situations to influence positive change.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Master Hypnotist Karsten Küstner Shares How To Overcome Narcissistic Abuse - 0 views

    Dealing with - and breaking free from - an unhealthy relationship is never easy. But the good news is, there are strategies available that can pave the way for a healthy recovery. In this heartfelt interview with a master hypnotist, Karsten Küstner, he shares his journey into hypnosis, in addition to a very personal account of how he dealt with narcissistic abuse in an unhealthy relationship. Listen to this interview to find out how Karsten found his passion for helping others overcome abusive relationships so they can transition into more confident, healthier versions of themselves. Go ahead and listen to this heartfelt interview now by heading over to the Hypnosis Training Academy.
Hypnosis Training Academy

11 Secrets To Creating Powerful Post Hypnotic Suggestions - 0 views

    Are you a hypnotist struggling to help people make positive changes through hypnosis? If yes, then this may be one of the most important things that you ever read. The article here throws light on 11 most important hypnosis methods that you need to follow in order to create powerful post hypnotic suggestions. Find out more interesting facts about post hypnotic suggestions.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Mind Bending Language Revealed: Behind The Scenes Of The "Jedi Mind Trick" of... - 0 views

    Are you a Star Wars fan? If you are, then you must have always been wondering about the astonishing mind tricks played by Jedi. How he was always be able to trick people and bend their wills? And above all, is it really possible? Not exactly, but as a hypnotist you can eradicate a subject's preconceptions and problems very quickly by the Mind Bending Technique. This hypnosis Language is little like the jedi mind trick of hypnosis. So What Is Mind Bending Language Used For? How Mind Bending Language Evolved? Why Language Is Both Your Prison And Your Liberator? Do all these questions increase your curiosity towards mind bending techniques? Read this detailed article here from Hypnosis Training Academy that briefs you about the mind bending techniques and how you can master it.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Top 10 Hypnosis Trends In 2017: What They Mean For You - 0 views

    Hypnosis has been around since at least the 1700s and now after 300 years it is still a popular technique for therapy and entertainment. Gradually it gained attention as a highly effective, non-invasive and respected form of therapy. That's why as a hypnotist or a therapist, it is important to stay on top of current and emerging trends in hypnosis. And to help you stay ahead, we have listed out our predicted top 10 hypnosis trends in 2017 with their detailed insights.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Overcome the 7 Most Common Barriers To Building Rapport - 0 views

    Has this ever happened to you? You meet someone and quickly fall into a deep conversation. And although you've just met this person, you feel an instant bond. This experience is known as Instant Rapport. For hypnotists, instant rapport is an invaluable tool when it comes to building trust and setting the parameters for effective communication - meaning it can make or break your hypnosis practice. Interested to find out how you can master rapport so it flows effortlessly and becomes second nature when you're working with a subject? Visit now to get your FREE eBook and MP3 audiobook to discover top rapport building secrets, including the 7 most common barriers to building rapport and the 5-step conversion formula for instant rapport building. Discover how you can enhance your hypnosis practice today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

What Is Consciousness? 8 Mind-Blowing Videos That Help Explain The Relatively Unexplain... - 0 views

    While we know that consciousness is a "thing" - it's still a concept that's very difficult to grasp, and even more challenging to explain. So while we might not understand the inner workings of consciousness fully, there is one thing that we can't dispute, and that's its infinite power when it comes to change work. And as a hypnotherapist or hypnotist, understanding consciousness is extremely important as you're constantly working with people who are in various states of consciousness. To get a better understanding of what consciousness means, check out these 8 cool videos at that explain the unexplainable and answer the question that's puzzled some of the greatest minds in history.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With A Hypnotist: HypnoThoughts Founder Scott Sandland Shares How To Set Up A... - 0 views

    How do you know if a hypnotherapy niche is right for you? Other than actually giving it a try, the most practical alternative is to talk with someone who works in the field. And, who else would be the right candidate than the founder of HypnoThoughts Scott Sandland to advise you on how can you set up a dental and medical hypnosis practice. Check out this month's interview with Igor Ledochowski, where Scott shares the unbelievable story of how he discovered hypnosis. Scott also dives into what you can achieve through dental hypnosis, what hypnosis can offer to people struggling with addiction and why this niche is not for everyone. He also shares plenty of advice on how to help you get started in this field of hypnotherapy. To listen to Part 1 of this powerful interview, visit
Hypnosis Training Academy

What Hypnosis Feels Like: How To Explain The Somewhat Unexplainable and 3 Powerful Hypn... - 0 views

    "What does hypnosis feel like?" This is a very common question hypnotists get asked all the time. And quite understandably too, as it's normal to be curious about the somewhat unknown. Therefore, it's important that you provide a reasonable answer that doesn't just fob people off. Especially because some of the people who ask this question could someday become your hypnosis subjects. But the truth is explaining this experience is not as easy as it might seem, and for 3 very good reasons: 1. The experience of hypnosis is different for everyone 2. For some people, hypnosis might feel different every time 3. It isn't a "one-size-fits-all" type of experience Now, if it's different for everyone, how can you possibly tell someone what hypnosis feels like? The answer is clear: You tell them what it MIGHT feel like. What they might experience. What happens to most people. To offer you a deeper understanding of how to best answer this question, the Hypnosis Training Academy shares 3 powerful hypnosis stories in addition to some useful information about the hypnosis experience. Visit and discover how to explain the somewhat unexplainable now.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Hypnosis: What To Expect? 8-Step Guide + Infographic to Advise First-Time Subjects - 0 views

    As a hypnotist, you'll encounter many questions regarding hypnosis and what it's like to be hypnotized. Questions such as: What's hypnosis like? Can anyone be hypnotized? What does it feel like to be hypnotized? Exactly what happens during a hypnosis session? As tedious as it might be to answer these kinds of questions over and over again, it's something that you should be willing to do. This is because what you end up telling someone could ultimately be the driving force that gets them to give hypnosis a go … and whether they decide to take this next step with you. In essence, it's really a necessary recruitment tool. To help you answer these questions, the Hypnosis Training Academy has created a detailed guide and 8-step infographic outlining how to advise a first time subjects. Check it out.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With Mike Mandel, Leading Forensic Hypnotist - 0 views

    In this exciting interview, Mike Mandel - forensic hypnotist, master of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and consultant for the Canadian police force - shares the priceless lessons he's learned after practicing hypnosis for 40 years. Like many great tales of success, in his interview he reveals the interesting story behind it all that's made up of life lessons, failure, doubt and perseverance. Oh, and in this instance, some wise advice from an old Chinese medicine book. You'll also discover his trick for getting into an amazing mental state, and some invaluable insights he wished someone had told him at the start of his career... Intrigued? Visit to listen to this exclusive interview now…
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