[Interview] Meet the "risk-taking" and business-savvy hypnotist - 0 views
Hypnosis Training Academy on 05 Jan 18Opening a business isn't easy. Sure, it takes preparation and planning… But once you've built a solid foundation, sometimes the best thing to do is just jump in and give it your best shot. If you've been thinking about starting your own business, but you're scared to take the plunge, you might just find the inspiration you've been looking in this interview published by the Hypnosis Training Academy. In this interview, you'll hear master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski interview a savvy entrepreneur by the name of Jason Linett. One of Jason's main skills is thinking quickly on his feet and taking calculated risks, so in this interview Jason shares advice on how to prepare yourself and act without getting bogged down in the details. You'll also find out: -- How Jason cultivated the kind of mindset that allowed him to see past the "typical" way of doing things and find a fresh approach to running a hypnosis practice -- Insights on how Jason made it to success quicker and easier than most people -- Incredible stories about how Jason took on difficult hypnosis clients and used a creative approach to get amazing results Plus you'll find out Jason's TOP tip for hypnotists and professionals to help further your career on your own terms. Listen to Jason Linett's empowering story of how to build a successful hypnosis practise based on your experience and passion.