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Contents contributed and discussions participated by aboevers


Articles: Delivery - 0 views

  • When audience members ask questions or give comments, you should be gracious and thank them for their input
    • aboevers
      This depends on the age of the class as well. I substituted in 7th grade classroom and usually they interrupt for attention on themselves, and not as part of the presentation. However, the lesson could help a lot with the delivery in this case. Focus on the purpose!
  • The audience should be looking at you more than the screen.
    • aboevers
      I have to get used to this!
  • try to come up with arguments against your perspective
    • aboevers
      I always tell my students to prepare counterarguments when writing a paper, and this is the same thing.
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  • So look at things from their perspective
    • aboevers
      It is sometimes hard to see things from the perspective of an eighth grader!
  • cram as much information into bullets as humanly possible—making it exceedingly hard for people to read the slides. And then the audience gets bored
    • aboevers
      I used to be able to give students my power points so they knew what we discussed in class. Now I will need to include a script that accompanies the power point.
  • they don't even rehearse it
    • aboevers
      I usually practice in a mirror.
  • sustain eye contact
    • aboevers
      Very important to keep your eyes on students for many reasons!
  • ); voice (don't speak in a monotone voice).
    • aboevers
      Also, watch for repetition of words or sounds, like "um" or "ok" or "aaaa". Those are annoying!

Articles: Design - 0 views

  • But boring an audience with bullet point after bullet point is of little benefit to them
    • aboevers
      This reminds me of that first video we watched for this class and the gun image. That has stuck with me and it is all because of the image of the gun!
  • The right color can help persuade and motivate. Studies show that color usage can increase interest and improve learning comprehension and retention
    • aboevers
      Color can do so much, like make you feel stronger/weaker, or energize/soothe. That was why they painted our visiting team locker room pink!
  • This looks like they were going for the full-bleed background image effect but just missed
    • aboevers
      One of my classrooms has a projector that is slightly to the right and the image bleeds to the white board behind the screen. It is very distracting for me and my students!
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  • in your slide deck
    • aboevers
      I have recently heard of a presentation set of slides referred to as a deck, but we certainly do not need 52 slides to present!
  • the golden rule of PowerPoint presentations — always do what is right for your audience.
    • aboevers
      Shouldn't the rule state, "Present unto others as you would like presented to you?"
  • add unrelated “decorations
    • aboevers
      Keep the idea of purpose in mind constantly.

Articles: Preparation - 3 views

    • aboevers
      But usually students won't read assigned material and you need to present a summary--but this has to change!
  • elevator test. This exercise forces you to “sell” your message in 30-45 seconds
    • aboevers
      I do this (but I call it an Elevator Pitch) with my students when they are preparing the Proposal or Problem/Solution paper. They act like they are on "Shark Tank" and sell the idea to the class in a short speech. It is a great way for them to decide what are the most important support points and solidify the topic.
  • storytelling is the key to leadership and communication in business:
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • aim to unite an idea with an emotion
    • aboevers
      I see some connections to advertising here. We are creating emotional, logical, and persuasive presentations to "sell" the information we are presenting.
  • If clarity and economy of expression are the goals, it would be hard to find a more perfect medium.”
    • aboevers
      This is where power point originated, I suppose!
  • ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points.
    • aboevers
      Good rules to live by!

Articles: Presentation "Awakening" - 11 views

    • aboevers
      I think the real problem is that there are too many words on most power points and this is why we tend to read them to students.
  • the diagram uses a visual modality and the speech uses an auditory modality which should result in greater working memory capacity and better understanding, depending, of course, on what is being presented
  • we all want to be sold
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • aboevers
      This is true. We want to be sold an idea by the presenter just like we are drawn to the advertising of products.
  • , what’s the key point? What’s the core? Why does (or should) it matter?
    • aboevers
      There should be a clear purpose to the presentation and that should be made clear to the audience.
  • you must make them feel something.
    • aboevers
      This is a lot like advertising!
  • PowerPoint as a method. Instead... PowerPoint is a medium
    • aboevers
      The word "power" in power point is misleading. There really is no power in it unless you provide it through an active, engaging presentation.
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