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resources to use for developing a piktochart - 2 views is a resource we looked at to determine the good and the bad of using a pictochart http://ddulberger.weeb...

Technology infographics reports presentations collaboration

started by kelilm on 11 Sep 16 no follow-up yet
Heather Ross

20 ways to create classroom pizzazz with Piktochart - 0 views

    This provides 20 ideas on how to use piktochart in the classroom.
    Another website with loads of ways to use Piktochart effectively in the classroom! (I LOVE the idea of using them in place of a written essay).
    Another website with loads of ways to use Piktochart effectively in the classroom! (I LOVE the idea of using them in place of a written essay).

Piktochart - 1 views

    Use this website to create infographics!
    Piktochart is an online tool that allows you to create things such as infographics, posters, reports, and presentations.

Login | Piktochart - 0 views

  • w here? Create an account.
    Login to using your login if. If you do not remember your login information look them up under your Accounts and Information page created on the first day in class. Good luck and have fun.

Piktochart. Create Easy Infographics, Reports, Presentations - 3 views

    • rachnicol23
      Great place to make infographics, charts, presentations and posters. It's fairly simple to use and creates nice products.
    Design app that appeared to be easy to use
  • ...2 more comments...
    Easy and quick designing is now possible anytime, anywhere. Continue to website instead Our designers work hard so you don't have to. In fact, you'll have access to a weekly updated library of over 500 professionally-designed templates. Finding a style that fits your message is easy. Edit text, fonts, and colors.
    Easy and quick designing is now possible anytime, anywhere. Continue to website instead Our designers work hard so you don't have to. In fact, you'll have access to a weekly updated library of over 600 professionally-designed templates. Finding a style that fits your message is easy.
    This website is great for creating presentations as a student and future teacher
    Piktochart is a great info graphic and presentation creator. I chose it because we used it in our own teaching this week and found it very useful. It's a great alternative to slides and power-point and has great design features. It can be useful in every class and be customized to fit any teaching material.

Piktocharts A Form Of Technology - 0 views

As a classroom teacher, you may have heard that infographics are extremely powerful tools for teaching. Humans are visual creatures - half of our brain is dedicated to visual functions. Moreover, 6...

edtech Piktochart

started by kaitlinstuckey on 07 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Heather Ross

How to Use Piktochart in the Classroom: A Complete Guide - 1 views

    Provides statistics for why graphic visuals can be useful in a classroom and how the human brain responds to pictures.
    A detailed tutorial on how to create an infographic for the classroom. The website also includes ideas for using Piktochart for homework assignments, lessons, comparison charts, etc.

Teacher's Visual Guide to Creating Infographics Using Piktochart ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    A piktochart on how to create an educational piktochart.
Ashley Cast

Piktochart (Piktochart) on Pinterest - 3 views

    Pictochart ideas! PLN
  • ...1 more comment...
    Pictochart ideas! PLN
    Pictochart ideas! PLN
    Pictochart ideas! PLN Helpful examples for your lesson plan

Create Easy Infographics, Reports, Presentations | Piktochart - 0 views

    Piktochart is an easy info-graphic design app that is readily available for teachers and students to use to create personalized and highly effective visuals for learning.
    Website to create an info graphic
    Our designers work hard so you don't have to. In fact, you'll have access to a weekly updated library of over 500 professionally-designed templates. Finding a style that fits your message is easy. Edit text, fonts, and colors. Change as much or as little as you want to.

Screen Shot 2017-09-21 at 8.11.11 AM - 0 views

    This is a piktochart that is helpful for students to understand more about the surface web and deep web. This is going to be used in our lesson for online intelligence to give more information to the students about this topic.

Screen Shot 2017-09-20 at 1.05.01 PM - 0 views

    This is a piktochart explaining the different steps a person could take to minimize their digital footprints. The chart is to aid the topic of digital footprints and help the students understand how important it is to take these precautions. This will be used in our lesson for online intelligence on the topic of digital footprints.

Chapter 4 Technology Integration - 1 views

The best resources for technology integration include iPads, Glogster, PiktoChart,, and Loggel. IPads are useful in the classroom for activities and lessons virtually. Glogster is a great ...

#ipad #glogster #loggel #piktochart #technology #integration #edtech@osu

started by pecolem on 10 Sep 18 no follow-up yet

Layout Cheat Sheet for Infographics : Visual arrangement tips - 1 views

  • The key to achieving simple, elegant and attractive content are ample whitespace and a well arranged layout.
  • unmarked in a piece of infographic or visual representation.
  • visually engaging content is usually clean and simple. 
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • When you begin working on a piece of infographic, you should have a story to tell.
  • Useful Bait:
  • Versus/Comparison:
  • Heavy Data:
  • Road Map:
  • Timeline:
  • Visualized Article:
    Tips to creating the IDEALl Infographic.
Halie Hand

Mia MacMeekin - 0 views

    This blogger has great ideas for piktocharts

communication and collaboration piktochart - 1 views


started by sabass16 on 26 Oct 17 no follow-up yet

communication and collaboration piktochart - 2 views

tools onlineexamples technologytools

started by sabass16 on 26 Oct 17 no follow-up yet

communication and collaboration piktochart - 0 views

tools onlineexamples technologytools

started by sabass16 on 26 Oct 17 no follow-up yet

communication and collaboration piktochart - 0 views

tools onlineexamples technologytools

started by sabass16 on 26 Oct 17 no follow-up yet
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