TeachWithMovies.org offers a collection of lesson plans and curriculum materials using movies to inspire, inform and motivate your students. There are subject-specific sections for English, Social Studies, Sciences, and Other Subjects (which include Math, Health, Music, and numerous other subjects). These subject areas are often broken down into sub-categories (for example, Social Sciences is broke down into US History, World History, and Civics).
This article gives great insight into the benefits and reasons to implement social media sites such as twitter, instagram, and Facebook into the classroom. It discusses the use of hashtags on these sites and how they can be supportive and aid in class-wide study groups.
Gadgets & Games The Virginia Department of Education is phasing in the second wave of a pilot program that uses Apple's iPad tablet computers as the centerpiece of a social studies curriculum that blends online and face-to-face learning.
CNN.com delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories from stories around the world! It is great to use when discussing current events in Social Studies classes. It is geared towards students to help them stay engaged in today's top stories!
Art Department AVID Business Department Career Technical Education Drama Department ELD Department English Department Math Department Music Department Physical Education Department Resource Department Science Department Social Studies Department World Languages Department Library Class Links A-G Requirements Advanced Placement
This website consist of different activities in the subjects of language arts, Social Studies, Science and Math, and Learning games and teaching tools. It has videos, games, scrapbooks, etc.
The ChronoZoom curriculum (ZIP, 21MB) is supported by the National Council for the Social Studies, Organization of American Historians, American Historical Association, and the National Council for History Education. ChronoZoom is an online tool that shows how time is both horizontal and vertical, meaning that multiple events are taking place at the same time in different places, impacting one another.