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Halie Hand

Weebly - Create a free website and a free blog - 0 views

    A good tool for elementary education majors. I enjoyed this because it already had creative and fun templates to choose from.
    Weebly is a great site for creating your own classroom site. It allows you to include many different interactive features that are great for teachers, parents, and students. Create a free website or blog in minutes by using a simple drag and drop interface. No ads. One of Time's 50 best websites of the year.
    Create a free website or blog in minutes by using a simple drag and drop interface. No ads. One of Time's 50 best websites of the year.
Halie Hand

Wiggio - 0 views

    Easy ways to work in groups
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    Easy ways to work in groups
    Easy ways to work in groups
    This is a great website that provides so many cool collaborative options for teachers.
    Wiggio is a web-based collaboration tool that makes working in groups easy, productive and maybe even fun. This is great for creating a group with all of the parents, the students, or both.
    Wiggio is a completely free, online toolkit that makes it easy to work in groups.

Create an Impressive Classroom Website in Under an Hour - 0 views

This Scholastic website not only has a step-by-step for creating a classroom website, but it also lists the benefits of making a classroom website. It describes how incorporating a classroom websit...

website communication exploration directions

started by addifreiner on 07 Apr 16 no follow-up yet

Wikis, Blogs, Weblogs, Web Pages: Who Cares? - 0 views

This site lists defines what a wiki, blog, weblog, and web page are and contrasts their differences and applications. It gives an educator an idea of what kind of tool they could and should use tha...

Wiki Blog Website Resource Tools

started by addifreiner on 07 Apr 16 no follow-up yet

8 Fun Ways to Help Your Students Collaborate in the Classroom - 0 views

    These are some fun ways to collaborate within the classroom!

Internet Safety Tips for Kids - 0 views

    How parents can watch out for their kids safety on the internet, as well as ways kids can be conscious of what they see on the internet.

Internet Safety for Middle School - 0 views

    This article gives tips for Middle School aged kids using the internet safely. These could be taught to the kids or put on a poster for them to access.

ClassDojo - 0 views

shared by melissa21stiles on 23 Mar 15 - No Cached
    ClassDojo is a great website creator that specializes in behavioral management. Teachers can provide feedback on students to their parents and the student themselves as well as keep everyone up to date on class activities.

Reading Rockets | Launching Young Readers - 5 views

shared by blendspace on 29 Sep 15 - Cached
    Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of research-based reading strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read and read better. Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.
    This is also a great resource for lesson plans and activities.

ReadWriteThink - ReadWriteThink - 5 views

shared by lizzrubio on 23 Feb 14 - Cached
    This is a website that provides teachers with a way to find and/or create lesson plans. It has many great links for grades K-12 as well as links for professional development and parents.
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    RWT is very interactive and is very simple to use.
    RWT is very interactive and is very simple to use.
    This is a great resource, especially for English teachers. It has interactive games and activities regarding language and literacy.
    Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction.
    Educational website for future teachers to look up lesson plans and related teaching materials

About the Standards | Common Core State Standards Initiative - 1 views

    Although Oklahoma uses a modified version of the Standards, this website gives educators a helpful look at the Standards, what they are about, and access to the Standards for teachers and parents alike to look at and use.

Team 5C - Deer Creek Intermediate School - 0 views

    This team at Deer Creek Intermediate has wonderful examples of teacher websites as a guide to make our own! They have useful information on their sites with clear and concise details about their personal lives, schedules, calendars, documents, etc.

Create an Impressive Class Website in Under an Hour | Scholastic - 0 views

    This site provides teachers reasons why a classroom website can be effective. It offers examples of what the website should include, unexpected benefits that come from a classroom website, and step-by-step instructions to begin.

Start a Website with Weebly - 0 views

    Weebly is a website that teachers can use to easily create their own website. It includes easy-to-follow directions and is user friendly. Templates are available so the website may be created to fit the classroom's personality.

Farfaria- free books - 1 views

Farfaria is a great iPad app that has a ton of free books for parents to read with their children.

resources technology education teachers


Facebook - 0 views     This is another way to keep in touch with parents of the students with updates, photos, and other information regarding your class. 


started by comarti on 23 Oct 17 no follow-up yet

Agnitus - 1 views

Agnitus is a great iPad app for students to use. It has activities in all subjects. There are also books on the app for the students to read and it gives a report card for the parents to see how th...

technology resources learning education


Student Centered Classroom WIth Technology - 0 views

Teachers are responsible for juggling knowledge of where students are and where they need to go; having insights into students' special needs and progress; choices of curricular activities and mate...

studentcenteredclassrooms technology

started by kaitlinstuckey on 07 Feb 17 no follow-up yet

Fad or Foundation? Technology In The Classroom - 0 views

From cell phones to laptops, technology tools are becoming standard equipment for many students, raising questions about how they're being used. The following website shows potential questions and ...

techinclassroom fadorfoundation

started by kaitlinstuckey on 07 Feb 17 no follow-up yet

Video Maker - 0 views

    This website is a free video generator that will allow teachers to add pictures from their class to the website and create an engaging slide show of her students. We feel that parents will love this feature of her website and will give them insight of what happens in their child's classroom.
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