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Mabree McKenzie

Free apps for Classroom - 0 views

freeapps resources ipad classroom elementary

started by Mabree McKenzie on 12 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
Susan Stansberry

The Land Of Venn - Geometeric Defense. Aligned with the common core state standards cur... - 0 views

    1st-4th grade geometry

Online Safety & Digital Citizenship from K to 6 - 0 views

    Really great outline for elementary. Outlines what kinds of digital citizenship might be learned at specific ages.
Becca Finley

Creating and Using Infographics in the Elementary Classroom « Inside the clas... - 0 views

    Explains how elementary school teachers can use infographics in their classroom. It describes how to make them and how allowing the students to make their own and different learning styles that it helps.

How to use Blendspace in the Elementary Classroom - 2 views

    I chose this webpage for personal instruction. I was concerned about how, as a pre-service elementary teacher, I could incorporate this into my future classroom. This page highlights how I could go about doing that.
    This website shows teachers how to use Blendspace within the classroom, focusing specifically on elementary age teachers and lessons. Two different boards are taught: curriculum-based and recreational-based lesson boards

Rain: Rain is a form of precipitation. The water cycle has three main step...: Searchas... - 0 views

    Great visual diagram of a cloud. Shows how rain forms, which is part of the water cycle.

Internet Safety Tips for Kids - 0 views

    How parents can watch out for their kids safety on the internet, as well as ways kids can be conscious of what they see on the internet.

Project Based Learning - 1 views


#projectbasedlearning #elementary #lessons

started by rachel_stark on 19 Apr 17 no follow-up yet

Evaluating Sources for Elementary School Level - 0 views

    This PDF entails a checklist for students to use when evaluating a web page.
    A pre-designed form to evaluate information to use in your classrooms!
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