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Angie Tompkins

Did I Plagiarize? The Types and Severity of Plagiarism Violations - 1 views

    Plagiarism is a hot topic in the academic world, but it applies in all aspects of our lives. This is a guide to show your students that may help to prevent plagiarism. Especially applicable to high school and older grades, the students can do a self-check to see if their writing is authentic. This self-check will help them find out the types of plagiarism and the severity of it.
Angie Tompkins

Best Plgarism Detection Tools for Educators - 1 views

    Cheating isn't something that a few bad apples do every now & then, it proliferates. In a 2010 survey of teenage students, 1 in 3 admitted to plagiarizing. Therefore, plagiarism is not a problem that teachers can ignore. Technology has brought ease to plagiarism with easy, quick access to information. This guide will help teachers find tools for detecting plagiarism.
Angie Tompkins

How to Prevent Plagiarism-Teaching Excellence Educational Innovation - Carnegie Mellon ... - 1 views

    Ways and ideas to prevent plagiarism in your classroom. Teaching students, especially those that are young, not to plagiarize is in important. Some ideas of how to avoid having to deal with plagiarism in the classroom are provided.
Sarah Jones

Information Literacy Inforgraphic by - 1 views

    Lists most commonly cited and plagiarized sites. Shows rise in plagiarism. Information on student research habits Sites can be used to help students properly cite, evaluate information, and prevent plagiarism (Ex: and
    Lists most commonly cited and plagiarized sites. Shows rise in plagiarism. Information on student research habits Sites can be used to help students properly cite, evaluate information, and prevent plagiarism (Ex: and
Angie Tompkins

Plagiarism Scavenger Hunt - 0 views

    To help teach your students about plagiarism, this lesson plan will guide teachers with activities and videos. There is a kid-friendly video about what plagiarism is. There are also many activities that you can use with your kids to give them a better idea and help them visualize what plagiarism is.

Vaughan Memorial Library : Tutorials : Plagiarism - 0 views

    This resource is to help prevent student plagiarism, an important aspect of any researching.
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