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Kevin Stranack

A New Digital Divide? - NZ Commons - 0 views

    "So why do we have an emerging digital divide in society where one group has easy and instant access to new research often funded out of the public purse yet others face significant costs, delays or barriers to accessing knowledge?" "In the past, one might have expected society's 'critics and consciences' to be located in universities. Now many of these voices, including some who have retired, are outside these institutions."
Kevin Stranack

Open access in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania - making research more relevant to the world - News - MyScienceWork - 0 views

    "Open access is a powerful solution to the barriers that researchers in developing and transition countries face. In 2013, a project was launched that let 100 institutions in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda join forces in educating their researchers on the changing practices of scholarly communication. The result: 25 fully operational open access repositories already, and the number is set to double."

Scholarly Publishing in South Africa - 0 views

    This is core notes from a one day seminar in 2012 ( on academic publishing in South Africa and Africa. in South Africa it would seem that there are many barriers to prevent scholars from producing and publishing their work. Although these barriers are a huge concern, there is a wealth of information being gathered and research being completed. This article is interesting as it shortly summarizes the challenges for academic work to get published in Africa.
Sophie Lafayette

Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources - 5 views

    This report addresses four main questions: * How can sustainable cost/benefit models for OER initiatives be developed? * What are the intellectual property rights issues linked to OER initiatives? * What are the incentives and barriers for universities and faculty staff to deliver their materials to OER initiatives? * How can access and usefulness for the users of OER initiatives be improved? This is part of an OECD series of reports looking at the impact of Open Knowledge on education systems and learning
    Hi Matt, Thanks for sharing this OECD report from the year 2007. The OECD is really forward looking. One sentence strikes me: "Wikipedia has two employees and well over a million articles in multiple languages." Yes, that was true, back in the year 2007.
    A very interesting paper that discusses issues around OER, as well as some topics already covered in the course is, "Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources" (Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). The paper highlights some of the barriers, sustainability issues, and how to improve access and usefulness of open educational resources. I found the paper very comprehensive, with many additional resources. While published in 2007, when conversations around OER were fairly new, many of the points they raise are still in discussion and relevant.

100 Objects of Interest--Royal BC Museum - 4 views

    This is a recently launched online exhibit of 100 objects from the Royal BC Museum in Victoria BC. The collection is not open in the regards to rights (all rights reserved), but an interesting approach to opening up the physical museum collection.
    This is really great, and reminds me of the Museum of Anthropology's MOACAT here at UBC: It's so important to allow access to these collections in the online environment, not only for those individuals that may not be in the same location as the museum or gallery itself, but also for those that may have financial or physical barriers to in-person access.

The new technology is the internet - 0 views

The public good they make possible is the world-wide electronic distribution of the peer-reviewed journal literature and completely free and unrestricted access to it by all scientists, scholars, t...

module 6

started by salma1504 on 13 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Kevin Stranack

Evgeny Morozov: Hackers, Makers, and the Next Industrial Revolution : The New Yorker - 8 views

    An alternative perspective on some of the hype around makerspaces and hacking, looking into how it supports and extends the neoliberal agenda.
  • ...1 more comment...
    For the librarians out there - a contrarian view of makerspaces.
    It is curious to see that everytime some new technology rises, there are someone saying that it will mean the end of the system (call it capitalism, for instance) and a new real democracy era will arise. Nevertheless, once and over again we see that the technology arrives to everyone's door, but always controlled by someone else. You might have your own car, which was almost imposible in the early 50's, but you depend on how expensive gas is and how many barriers you find in your way; you have internet in your pocket, but every movement you do and every site you visit are being saved in someone's server with we don't know what exact purposes. But we keep hoping and saying, once and over again, that democracy, the real one, will some day florish with a new magical device. I honestly think it is in human nature to try to control and manipulate others; even people that honestly see themselves as good collaborative human beens, when they are under a tense situation, they don't hesitate to hide the truth, manipulate or lie to find adepts to their cause. So only with a genetic mutation we will reach that golden dream!
    Kevin you mentioned this article to me several weeks ago and I did read it and really appreciated the recommendation. I think it is important for us to think about other perspectives to makerspaces to really understand how libraries should (and do) fit into this changing landscape. The library landscape is definitely changing, and some are really latching on to this idea of makerspaces, and others latching on to the more traditional services that libraries offer. I think that we really need to understand how the concept of makerspaces can fit into developing strong civic skills, critical thinking and appreciation of the arts to really make it fit into libraries, and focus less on the "production" and "innovation" appeal that makerspaces have. I do think that skills that can be honed in makerspaces have the potential to create great global citizens, but only if it is accompanied by deep critical thinking and a broader understanding of the world.

BioMed Central - 1 views BioMed Central provides free, immediate online access to the full text of all research articles published within its portfolio of 272 peer-reviewed journals, and thro...

open access

started by pad123 on 31 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Jen Eidelman

EIFL-OA: open access | EIFL - 1 views

    "EIFL enables access to knowledge through libraries in developing and transition countries to contribute to sustainable economic and social development."
    EIFL-OA - free unrestricted access to peer-reviewed research literature
Jannicke Røgler - 3 views

    It's unquestionable that Research4Life has had a significant impact in improving access to research information for communities in developing countries. I do have a number of criticisms about how the program is organized and delivered, however. 1. Publisher participation in the program is 'entirely voluntary', without 'a single contract (being) signed between any of the partners' (Aaronson, 2004), meaning that publishers can opt out at any point. This issue was highlighted in 2011 when Elsevier, Lipincott Williams & Wilkins, Springer and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, publisher of Science Magazine) withdrew access to over 2500 journals through the HINARI system. Following international attention, and widespread condemnation, publishers restored access, with Elsevier announcing that they were in discussions with the government in Bangladesh to transition towards a paid licensing scheme (Wise, 2011). 2. Countries that meet the eligibility criteria of the program (which are based on the World Bank's listing of Lower and Lower Middle Income Countries) are sometimes excluded. Take for example India or Pakistan- although these countries are in the lists of eligible countries, the publishers deliberately exclude participation to protect whatever business they may have in these countries. So although hundreds of institutions could benefit, they exclude access to protect the business they receive from a handful of institutions. 3. Access to content is delivered through a single username and password for each institution. This is problematic for librarians, as they are unable to ensure the security of the password (a well-meaning researcher may share the password with a colleague in another institution, violating the license agreement). Abuse of institutional accounts has severe consequences, and librarians are sent messages from Research4Life threatening to not only cut off the institution, but all institutions in their country if they
    Research4life is a great program by committed government and non-government organizations dedicated to produce valuable researches that will improve the life of people. Librarians play an important role in assisting researchers find valid, current, relevant information in order to produce a reliable output or results that will help humankind's betterment of living.

Open Access Publishing: A Literature Review - 1 views

    This really long literature review by Giancarlo F. Frosio (University of Nottingham) discusses the disadvantages, advantages, problems and solutions, current trends, opportunities and barriers in open access publishing.

UNESCO Global Open Access Portal - 0 views

    The Global Open Access Portal (GOAP) presents a current snapshot of the status of Open Access (OA) to scientific information around the world.For countries that have been more successful implementing Open Access, the portal highlights critical success factors and aspects of the enabling environment. For countries and regions that are still in the early stages of Open Access development, the portal identifies key players, potential barriers and opportunities.
Abdul Naser Tamim

Journalism, citizens and blogging - 0 views

    This is my favorite article and it shows that old fashion publisher represent a barrier for knowledge flow, and they were misusing it. "Introduction:There is concern within democratic societies that a growing number of individuals are disconnecting from their role as citizens (Merritt and McCombs 2004: 47, Turner, G., 2005: 135, Dyrenfurth, N., 2005). Much of the blame for this disengagement has fallen upon the gatekeeping practices of journalism (Schechter, D., 2005: 70). These practices are often held to be counterproductive to journalism's primary purpose, which is to create an inclusive and diverse space for conversation between members of society about issues affecting their lives. Gatekeeping practices have the capacity to create gaps and silences, giving voice only to those already holding power. They give media corporations, politicians and large lobby groups the capacity to set the agenda on their terms and in their own best interests (Schechter, D., 2005: 70). "

Open Data Means Better Science - 2 views

    This weeks module 6 is about Open Science and Open Data. Within the course provided videos and readings do not provide much on Open Data. This article dives into why Open Data is relevant in Open Science. Citation: Molloy JC (2011) The Open Knowledge Foundation: Open Data Means Better Science. PLoS Biol 9(12): e1001195. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001195 Published: December 6, 2011 Copyright: © 2011 Jennifer C. Molloy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
    Open data leads to better science, but a community effort is needed in order to overcoming the barriers to widespread publication and availability of open scientific data.

Contextualization of Open Educational Resources in Asia and Europe - 0 views

    This article take about the barrier of establishing open education globally, including culture challenge, languages, different study methods and so on. He analysis the problems and also try to fix it in his paper

What does true online collaboration mean? - 5 views

This is a provocative title. The actual blog seems to be about the PureWeb collaboration tool, so in a sense it is a sales pitch. However, the blog does give a brief overview of what many of us loo...

collaboration medical technology

Kevin Stranack

Arms race to liberate Africa's data - 1 views

    "Open data could add up to $3 trillion worth of economic activity per year worldwide, according to a study by McKinsey Consultants. But in the race to liberate thousands of data-sets from the government and business sectors, the African continent is seen as lagging behind. "
    If there is any continent that needs Open Data most, it is Africa. African needs transparency and accountability, which are the core foundation of Open Data, to create meaningful change on the continent. But making data available and Open is just the initial stage of accomplishing something. The challenge here is how to ensure that the people of Africa have knowledge of the information and are ABLE to ACCESS the information. What use is information when still limited Internet access, scarce electricity, and other ICT infrastructure, including language barriers continue to act as roadblocks to accessing Open data? Wow!! Just when I finished this short posting, the light went off. Couldn't access the Internet. Everything is dead. I have being waiting 30mins, 1hr, 2hrs, 2hrs 45mins … and now its 4hrs and my laptop battery power is running down. ALAS!! Finally power is restored after 4hrs 49mins for me to make my post. You feel me? This is not the exception, and this is not a coincidence but the norm
Kevin Stranack

Designing effective MOOCs for refugees - 3 views

    A look at the challenges refugees face when trying to access educational opportunities, even if they are cost-free.
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