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Kim Baker

The Baloney Detection Kit: Carl Sagan's Rules for Bullshit-Busting and Critical Thinking - 3 views

    "Just as important as learning these helpful tools, however, is unlearning and avoiding the most common pitfalls of common sense. Reminding us of where society is most vulnerable to those, Sagan writes: In addition to teaching us what to do when evaluating a claim to knowledge, any good baloney detection kit must also teach us what not to do. It helps us recognize the most common and perilous fallacies of logic and rhetoric. Many good examples can be found in religion and politics, because their practitioners are so often obliged to justify two contradictory propositions.He admonishes against the twenty most common and perilous ones - many rooted in our chronic discomfort with ambiguity - with examples of each in action"
    The 20 fallacies: "ad hominem - Latin for "to the man," attacking the arguer and not the argument (e.g., The Reverend Dr. Smith is a known Biblical fundamentalist, so her objections to evolution need not be taken seriously) argument from authority (e.g., President Richard Nixon should be re-elected because he has a secret plan to end the war in Southeast Asia - but because it was secret, there was no way for the electorate to evaluate it on its merits; the argument amounted to trusting him because he was President: a mistake, as it turned out) argument from adverse consequences (e.g., A God meting out punishment and reward must exist, because if He didn't, society would be much more lawless and dangerous - perhaps even ungovernable. Or: The defendant in a widely publicized murder trial must be found guilty; otherwise, it will be an encouragement for other men to murder their wives) appeal to ignorance - the claim that whatever has not been proved false must be true, and vice versa (e.g., There is no compelling evidence that UFOs are not visiting the earth; therefore UFOs exist - and there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. Or: There may be seventy kazillion other worlds, but not one is known to have the moral advancement of the earth, so we're still central to the Universe.) This impatience with ambiguity can be criticized in the phrase: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. special pleading, often to rescue a proposition in deep rhetorical trouble (e.g., How can a merciful God condemn future generations to torment because, against orders, one woman induced one man to eat an apple? Special plead: you don't understand the subtle Doctrine of Free Will. Or: How can there be an equally godlike Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in the same Person? Special plead: You don't understand the Divine Mystery of the Trinity. Or: How could God permit the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - each in their own way enjoined to
    Wonderful post, Kim! These are great guidelines alongside which to test ideas.

Seminário Acesso Aberto ao Conhecimento. | Campus Virtual de Saúde Pública - Bra - 0 views

    eminário Acesso Aberto ao Conhecimento. Descrição: Debate com o doutor em Direito Civil pela Universidade do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj) e consultor da escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca (eNSP/Fiocruz), Allan Rocha de Souza e o pesquisador da Universidade do Minho (Portugal), eloy Rodrigues, durante o Seminário Acesso Aberto ao Conhecimento. esse é o segundo seminário que a eNSP realiza para debater o acesso livre ao conhecimento científico. O primeiro ocorreu em abril de 2011, na abertura do ano letivo, e reuniu especialistas nacionais e internacionais para discutir questões como os impactos do acesso aberto na produção acadêmica, as mudanças na comunicação da divulgação científica e a inovação no ensino. O segundo discutiu o processo institucional que resultará na adoção de uma política institucional de informação baseada nos princípios do Acesso Aberto na eNSP. Arquivo disponível para audição e/ou download no link abaixo:


    The year I graduated high school, the media was overrun with speculation about a new technology set to shake the foundation of the world. What was it? We weren't told, exactly. All we knew was that code name "IT" was so revolutionary that we would have to rebuild our cities from scratch.
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    Thank you for sharing. I also heard that many universities are getting rid of their printed textbooks and only using e-texbook due to high prices that students have to pay for their printed textbooks. They may order in the printed textbook, but majority of schools are going digital.
    Thank you for sharing this resource. This reminds me of a news article I read before, which is "Apple Announces e-Book Store". According to that news article, Apple announced the create of iBook store in Apple's event in Jan 27 2010, hoping to reshape the e-book industry with a vast selection of electronic books in iBook. electronic books offered in iBook store are around the same price as Amazon's Kindle platform, but with much more functions and convenience. Taking the form of iPad, and with the support of five largest publishers in the world, iBook offers the electronic version of various books and ebbeds multimedia such as photos, videos, and audio files into books, which is revolutionary. Therefore, the rapid development of technology has promoted the rapid changes and upgrading in book industry. From traditional physical books that we buy from retailers or borrow from libraries, to the online book sellers who sell both physical books and electronic books, to today, ebook stores in portable and mobile devices, how we read, when we read, where we read, and what we read have been transformed to a large extent.
    This is a good article. Sometimes, we think new technology will be a disrupted tech to kill and totally replace old industry.But actually, for old industry, the market will shrink a lot ,but won't totally disappear.
    What's going to happen with printed books?
    It depends on which side of the fence is one sitting on. The truth is the book is here to stay.
    It is interesting that whenever a new innovation is introduced, the current one is declared dead before its final time arrives. Books in whatever format are appealing to different audiences for various reasons. To think that the introduction of e-books was going to lead to a declaration of war on printed books is laughable. Books will be with us for as long as we are still in this world. Does format matter? only time will tell.
    Long back Lancaster wrote about paperless society but still we are heavily depending on paper only. Technology has fast evolved. First we talked about e-libraries then virtual libraries and now contemplating cloud based libraries. Many technologies have come and gone but paper is still ubiquitous.

ElEctronic publishing - 0 views

    Publishing has transited from traditional to electronic format making information resources available to users without much subscription. e-publishing is engendered by the introduction of information and communication technology (ICT), this development has brought about increase in the number of scholarly communication in circulation. The awareness and rate of e-publishing differs among faculties, it based on this that this study was carried out to survey the situation of e-publishing and open access of librarians in three federal universities in Southern Nigeria, five research questions were formulated to guide the study. The methodology adopted is descriptive survey, questionnaire was given to a total population of 64 librarians consisting of librarians from the institutions understudy, the data collected from the study shows that though librarians are aware of e-publishing but they have not being publishing as should have been expected in University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) out of the 95% that aware of electronic publishing only 30% have published there articles electronically, in University of Lagos (UNILAG) 100% indicated that they have published electronically while in University of Benin (UNIBeN) 45.4% percent indicated yes while 54.5% said they have not published their articles electronically. On availability of open access it was discovered that they have access as a total of 84% from UNN responded Yes, UNILAG 100% said Yes while in UNIBeN 90.9%. The following problems based on their scoring militating against e-publishing and open access in Nigeria. Inadequate power supply; inadequate computer terminals; inadequate funding for subscription payment.

Will paper books exist in the future? Yes, but they'll look different. - 6 views

    The change has come more slowly to books than it came to music or to business correspondence, but by now it feels inevitable. The digital era is upon us. The Twilights and Freedoms of 2025 will be consumed primarily as e-books. In many ways, this is good news. Books will...
    when I take a book in my hands, I always start with smelling paper (old or new), can we do the same thing with technology?
    I do like physical book in my hand, but I find e-books more convenient either when I am writing my research paper or I want to read certain book right away. I heard that more and more universities are supporting e-book system, and getting rid of physical textbooks due to costs and other reasons. A lot more e-books will become useful in the future. I think paper books will exist, but it will be rare in the future.

Open data, open web: Just a passing fad? with Professor Leslie Carr by theodi on SoundCloud - Hear the world's sounds - 1 views

    From June 2014, lecture at the Open Data Institute, UK. Professor Carr explains how the open web we know is just one of many attempts over the last century to build a planet-wide network of information. Why was this one successful? And will it continue to be so? Professor Leslie Carr is a Director of the Web Science Institute at the University of Southampton where he researches the impact of network technologies on our lives and economy, and in particular on the research and knowledge industries. Slides for this talk can be found here - (recommended) From the slides, I thought this was interesting: "......The loss of ignorance, by all agreeing to share information The loss of privacy , by all agreeing to share a public space " also: "......The development of society as a whole (nuanced and structured and refined) is inextricably related to the technology of information provision, consumption and dissemination (e.g. writing, reading, printing, education). Different parts of society have different objectives and hence incompatible Web requirements, e.g. openness, security, transparency, privacy."

Another independent bookstore shutting down: Oscar's Art Books will close - 0 views

    Oscar's Art Books, an independent bookstore that has been operating for 24 years in Vancouver is shutting down. Chain bookstores were once thought to be the biggest threat to small, independent bookstores, but it appears the rise of e-books, not Chapters or Indigo is behind the demise of Oscar's Art Books. Appparently this is not the first bookstore to close the down due to people preferring e-books. What started this? Local bookstores are already competing with chain bookstores, but now, they have new threats that they have to face. If more and more people are turning to e-books, there may be possibility that printed will become a rare thing. There has been a lot of debates of printed vs. ebooks, by the looks of it, e-book is winning.
Kevin Stranack

Are universities teaching the skills needed in a knowledge-based economy? - 14 views

    Provides a list of important skills and how those skills are embedded within the curriculum.
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    Encontré un post rElacionado con las AlfabEtizacionEs digitalEs y compEtEncias fundamEntalEs En Tal vEz intErEsE: El pasado 5 dE marzo los ExpErtos dE UNESCO dEdicados a la alfabEtización mEdiática y digital, En rEunión prEparatoria dE la siguiEntE World Summit of Information SociEtiEs, rubricaron lo quE Es una EvidEncia ya incontrovErtiblE: quE la alfabEtización mEdiática E informacional (MIL. MEdia and information litEracy) ocupa un lugar cEntral En El mapa Escolar dE compEtEncias dEl siglo XXI. Esto no Es nada EsEncialmEntE nuEvo: VivianE REding, la hoy VicEprEsidEnta dE la Comisión EuropEa y Ex-comisaria dE Información EntrE los años 2004-2009, dEclaraba En El año 2006: "Hoy, la alfabEtización mEdiática Es tan cEntral para El dEsarrollo dE una ciudadanía plEna y activa como la alfabEtización tradicional lo fuE al inicio dEl siglo XIX". Y añadía: "también Es fundamEntal para Entrar En El nuEvo mundo dE la banda ancha dE contEnidos, disponiblEs En todas partEs y En cualquiEr momEnto". DE acuErdo con El EuropEan ChartEr for MEdia LitEracy podríamos distinguir siEtE árEas dE compEtEncias quE, dE una u otra forma, dEbErían pasar a formar partE dE todo currículum oriEntado a su adquisición: Usar adEcuadamEntE las tEcnologías mEdiáticas para accEdEr, consErvar, rEcupErar y compartir contEnidos quE satisfagan las nEcEsidadEs E intErEsEs individualEs y colEctivos. TEnEr compEtEncias dE accEso E información dE la gran divErsidad dE altErnativas rEspEcto a los tipos dE mEdios quE ExistEn, así como a los contEnidos provEniEntEs dE distintas fuEntEs culturalEs E institucionalEs. ComprEndEr cómo y porqué sE producEn los contEnidos mEdiáticos. Analizar dE forma crítica las técnicas, lEnguajEs y códigos EmplEados por los mEdios y los mEnsajEs quE transmitEn. Usar los mEdios crEativamEntE para ExprEsar y comunicar idEas, información
    Thank you Kevin Stranack for sharing. Tony Bates ends with five questions: 1. Have I covered the main skills needed in a knowledge-based society? What have I missed? 2. Do you agree that these are important skills? If so, should universities explicitly try to develop them? 3. What are you or your university doing (if anything) to ensure such skills are taught, and taught well? 4. What roles if any do you think technology, and in particular online learning, can play in helping to develop such skills? 5. Any other comments on this topic - My answers: 1. Frustration tolerance and keeping a balance between work and private life is a necessary skill 2, The skill set mentioned is important, but more likely trained in college than in university 3. I do have a personal coach and a counseler, and I'm enrolled in #OKMOOC 4. The activities required in every module of #OKMOOC ask to reach out, connect, build relationships, Have you answered the feedback questions?
    This question is really the elephant in the room in a lot of university programs, especially in the humanities. I myself was a doctoral student in the humanities before leaving because, as I eventually learned, there were essentially no employment opportunities and my skillset in today's economy was sorely lacking. But the old mantra that "we teach critical thinking" is become a worn excuse. Do we really need four years to teach people the skills to survive "out there"? How much of our specialized knowledge will really be useful outside of the academy? These are questions we just don't have the answer to, and I'm not sure there are many people willing to ask them. But more to the point, I didn't see anything in this link about the changing ways that millennials (I promise that I hate the term as much as anyone, but it's a useful one) are engaging with information, and how that is changing how they actually think. There have been arguments made that digital natives (again, a pretty terrible term) think about and process information in very different ways that have serious implications for contextualization and long-term research. I'm not saying that universities don't teach these things in their own ways, but it's an important issue that needs addressing. I know that the link talks about the important of knowledge management, but there's a huge difference between simply knowing how and when to access information and quite another to properly contextualize its place in a larger hierarchy (or web) of knowledge. I would argue *that* skill is the one that universities are best poised to provide, and maybe why we keep hearing talk about how undergraduate degrees are the new highschool diplomas.

Programa de Webinars para América Latina e Caribe 2014 - 0 views

    Por mais de três anos a IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning e a IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group tem oferecido, com muito sucesso, diversos webinars abordando temas de interesse para bibliotecários, associações de bibliotecas, escolas de biblioteconomia, tomadores de decisões e profissionais atuando em bibliotecas.
    4a. Jueves, 05 de noviembre 2014 - 14h * Ponente: Claudio Ruiz Tema: actualizada sobre la situación actual de los derechos de autor en América Latina y la información más reciente tendencias Idioma: eSPAÑOL Biografía: Claudio es el Director ejecutivo de la ONG Derechos Digitales, Chile. Dirige proyectos relacionados con la defensa y promoción de los derechos fundamentales involucrados en el internet, en particular la libertad de expresión, derecho de autor y el acceso al conocimiento. Colabora con la IFLA en varias iniciativas internacionales. Él es un profesor de grado en Propiedad Intelectual

College Libraries Push Back as Publishers Raise Some e-Book Prices - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher education - 0 views

    "11 academic publishers, including major players like Taylor & Francis and Oxford University Press, would be raising the cost of short-term e-book loans effective June 1. In some cases the increase would be as much as 300 percent."

Why publishers also do not sleep well at night - 1 views

Could it be true that e-books will not stand the test of time. Read this argument at . Territor...


started by cuptlib on 30 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Observatorio Scopeo - Scopeo, el Observatorio de la Formación en Red, sigue avanzando en el objetivo de ser referencia en opinión e investigación en e-learning. - 0 views

    En EstE articulo sE rEcogE una rEflExión sobrE El futuro dE los MOOCS.

Open access - Otwarta Nauka (OpenKnowledge) - 3 views

    Open e-learning course about open access, new science comunication models  for everybody
Kevin Stranack

From Slacktivism to Activism: Participatory Culture in the Age of Social Media - 8 views

    "Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook), microblogging services (e.g. Twitter), and content sharing sites (e.g. YouTube and Flickr) have introduced the opportunity for wide scale, online social participation. Visibility of national and international priorities such as public health, political unrest, disaster relief, and climate change has increased, yet we know little about the benefits and possible costs of engaging in social activism via social media. "
    This article reminds me to the activism of a Spanish councellor to promote activism through social net against the independence of Cataluña in Spain:

Top Web development Company ion Jodhpur - 0 views

    Dheer Software Solutions is e-commerce Web Design & Development Service Provider Company in Jodhpur. We provide e-commerce Website Design, Website Development to growth your business through best way of internet. Build your Website now from us
Olga Huertas

Recursos educativos Abiertos en Ambientes enriquecidos con Tecnología - 0 views

    El documEnto tiEnE por objEtivo compartir ExpEriEncias dE EnsEñanza, aprEndizajE E invEstigación Educativa En la incorporación dE REcursos Educativos AbiErtos (REA) En la practica docEntE. Abordando los tEmas básicos dE EstratEgias cognitivas, Estilos dE aprEndizajE y EnsEñanza, así como los rEtos inhErEntEs En El uso dE tEcnología y los dEsafíos quE sE tiEnEn En El procEso dE apropiación tEcnológica, dEscubriéndosE nuEvas habilidadEs En la práctica Educativa quE potEncian El aprEndizajE significativo En El salón dE clasE.
    El documEnto tiEnE por objEto compartir ExpEriEncias dE EnsEñanza, aprEndizajE E invEstigación Educativa En la incorporación dE REcursos Educativos AbiErtos (REA) En la practica docEntE.

The learning environment is changing faster than we think - 18 views

Hi all! My name is Ashton and I'm a Graduate Assistant for your MOOC course. I really enjoyed this video and find the discussion you are having very relevant and interesting. I love Ted Talks and h...

Module1 open access


Macmillan South Africa - 0 views

    Education South Africa - FEbruary 2013 With thE 2012 Limpopo tExtbook dElivEry saga, and thE rising cost of printEd tExtbooks, onE public school has dEcidEd to takE a bold stEp into thE futurE and convErt to using E-books for all thEir lEarnErs.
    This sounds like a good idea but then the students must have the tablets and computers to be able to read the books. Unfortunately I don't think this will work in many of the poorer rural schools that need it most.
    The great idea of this project could be used by every educational organization, as the article say, the cost are clearly low.

Creative Commons México - 0 views

shared by jorge on 16 Oct 14 - No Cached
    Nuestras licencias públicas de derechos de autor incorporan un exclusivo e innovador diseño de "tres capas". en conjunto, estas tres capas de las licencias garantizan que el espectro de derechos no sea sólo un concepto jurídico. es algo que los creadores de las obras pueden entender, sus usuarios pueden entender, e incluso la propia web puede entender.

GNOSS - La universidad 2.0 - Identidad digital - Informal learning - 4 views

Os dejo un enlace muy interesante, dentro de la comunidad de GNOSS, centrado en la comunidad universitaria y en lo que debería ser la Universidad del futuro, con profesores, alumnos e instituciones...

module2 mooc open knowledge informal learning Dr. Alec Couros

started by jurado-navas on 14 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
jurado-navas liked it
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