Allows teachers to turn You Tube videos into instructional lessons. Teachers input questions into specific parts of videos. Students respond to the questions. Allows teachers to differentiate.
I've never assigned a video before. The "notetaking tool" for students to use with video watching is an interesting learning tool. I'm wondering about combining this with something like Kahn Academy. I'm going to want to experiment with this one.
Marilyn Burns through the Gates Foundation created this helpful formative assessment for students around grade 3 and up. It assesses math reason for three areas: Number sense, decimals and fraction. Looks like a great diagnostic tool.
Hi, I figured out how to share Diigo sites to our group. Here's how. Create a bookmark in Diigo. At the bottom of the bookmark check Share to Group. Select the group, Ogden Friends and you get the link. Very cool communication! Please share with me as well. Thanks, Pattii