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Randy Kolset

Over 20 Free Digital Classroom Tools… Customize… Plus No Log In! | 21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning - 0 views

    " What amazed me most about was not the valuable tools provided, but the ability for teachers to easily customize these tools and use them in any subject area. If that is not enough, how about the ability to embed your newly made instructional resource on your own classroom website, wiki, or blog? Any educator will also like the fact that students have no need to log in or sign up for an account… and neither do teachers! Need tutorials… they are provided! Do samples help you understand better… you will find plenty! Is budget a problem… then free should be affordable! is the work of educator, Russel Tarr, Head of History at the International School of Toulouse, France. Upon entering the site, educators will see the listing of tools. Clicking on a tool allows teachers to individualize that specific tool for their own classroom needs. Teachers then have the option of copying a generated link to place on their own web site or of copying a generated code to embed as a tool (widget) on their classroom site. Also, on the front page, are some video links that will provide further information. Two videos that provide excellent information are the 1 Minute Overview and How to Create Games. The Listing Of Over 20 Digital Tools For Your Classroom The tools that you can even customize are included below. Along with this tool listing you will find descriptions of each tool, an overview of and samples of specific tools (if provided), and any related video (if provided). * Arcade Game Generator - Allows teachers to create concept builders, practice exercises, and reviews. Best of all, one set up feeds into five different game possibilities at the same time The teacher can choose which game, or allow students a choice. Make sure you check out all the examples and pre-made games in (overview and samples). Also watch the How to Create Games . * Random Name Picker - Can be used as an activity management tool or skip the names.
Randy Kolset

Mouse Mail - 1 views

    "MouseMail uses Active eMail Filtering to scan for inappropriate content, as well as non-approved contacts in every eMail. MouseMail scans all incoming and outgoing eMail messages for inappropriate content. Questionable messages will not be delivered to the child, but diverted to the parent for review. This filtering allows parents to passively monitor their children's communications, giving parents a chance to talk with their child if an issue arises before that issue becomes serious."
Randy Kolset

MouseMail - 0 views

    "MouseMail uses Active eMail Filtering to scan for inappropriate content, as well as non-approved contacts in every eMail. Questionable messages will not be delivered to the child, but diverted to the parent for review. This filtering alerts parents to any inappropriate communications, giving the parents a chance to talk with their child if an issue arises before it becomes serious."
Randy Kolset

cooltoolsforschools - Home - 1 views

    "This site has been compiled by Lenva Shearing If you are using a cool web2.0 tool in your classroom that is not included here, please email me and I will add it (email link in navigation bar)"
Randy Kolset

Posterous - The place to post everything. Just email us. Dead simple blog by email. - 1 views

    Blog from your email.
Randy Kolset

Free Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling - Online Sign Up Blog by VolunteerSpot - 0 views

    "Free Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling Organize Parent Teacher Conferences with Online Sign Up Sheets & Reminders Does the very thought of sending out an email about parent teacher conferences and waiting for tons of replies simply to get parents scheduled make you shudder?"
Randy Kolset

Gaggle - Safe Online Learning Tools - 0 views

    " 2010 SIIA CODiE FinalistGaggle's Student Email and Collaboration Tools are a 2010 CODiE Award Finalist in the category of Best Instructional Solution in Other Curriculum Areas."
Randy Kolset

Google Apps for Education - 0 views

    "Free Web-based email, calendar & documents for collaborative study anytime, anywhere."
Randy Kolset

60+ Great Educational Infographics for your Clasroom ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    "nfographics are an amazing learning and teaching tools. I said amazing because they present information and data in such a visually attractive way that increases students overall comprehensible input. I have received several emails from teachers from different countries sharing with me their successful use of these materials with their students. I particularly liked Yokama's lesson teaching Japaneses students English vocabulary using some of the Infographics I shared here."
Randy Kolset

Are 20% projects profitable? - SitePoint - 0 views

    "Are 20% projects profitable? Email Print By Craig Buckler | November 14, 2012 | Business | General business | Marketing | Revenue 7 Apple has launched an internal initiative named "Blue Sky" which allows a number of employees to work on personal projects. Blue Sky appears similar to Google's 20% time where engineers spend one day per week working on systems which aren't related to their job. Employees are encouraged to develop something new or fix something which is broken. The policy led to the introduction of GMail and Maps - two of Google's most successful offerings."
Randy Kolset

Copyright Guidelines - 0 views

    "It is the intent of Visalia Unified School District and its employees to abide by all copyright laws. This page is intended to help Visalia Unified staff members understand and abide by the laws and regulations of copyright protection. The guidelines are based on the Copyright Law and subsequent guidelines, amendments and endorsements. Please email any comments, corrections and/or suggestions to help use keep this work as up to date as possible. Last revised 10/06/2010. "
Randy Kolset

For Teachers - Google in Education - 0 views

    "Google Apps for Education - free email and collaboration for schools Educator resources - educator guides for Google products, and other magical tools Chromebooks - laptops that bring the power of the web to students Lesson plan search - lesson plans and curricula Classroom videos - videos and channels including the new YouTube for Schools, education only content "
Randy Kolset

teachwithyouripad - home - 0 views

    "Now that you have bought your iPad, what are the questions you need to ask? Questions: 1. What is an iPAD? -- The iPAD is a WiFI/ 3G slate computer that is based on the iPhone/ iPod Touch operating system. The iPAD can be used in any direction It can be used as a note-taking device; an e-reader; a web browser; to send email; and has many other uses as new applications are developed. The iPAD has accessories that can convert it into a laptop, or a projection device. Click here to learn how to set up the iPAD out of the box or the iPAD2 out of the box."
Randy Kolset

Yammer : The Enterprise Social Network - 0 views

    "logo Collaborate with your coworkers. Yammer is the free private social network for your company. Nue-lock-icon Only people with a verified company email address can join your company network. "
Randy Kolset

bloomsapps - 2 views

    "Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! If you find any that you have worked with in your classroom please email or tweet @bloomsapps or @dmileham75 with your suggestions. Thanks for checking the site! "
Randy Kolset

What is - iCanHelpline - 0 views

    "A joint project of nonprofit organizations #iCANHELP and NetFamilyNews Inc., it's a social media helpline for schools. We're piloting the helpline in California during the 2015-'16 school year. If you work for a school or district and want help with a problem that has shown up in social media - harassment, bullying, sexting, reputation issues, etc. - call, email or contact us through the form in this Web site, and we'll help you resolve it.  This pilot is the first step in developing a helpline for schools nationwide. "
Randy Kolset - Publish Your Student's Storybooks and Class Books! - 1 views

    Free book publishing for students printed and emailed
Randy Kolset

Voki Home - 0 views

    Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, and in email messages.
Randy Kolset

Simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by - 0 views

    Use to privately share your files and collaborate in real time by web, email, phone, mobile, and more. Create each drop in two clicks and share what you want, how you want, with whom you want
Randy Kolset

bloomsapps - 0 views

    "Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! If you find any that you have worked with in your classroom please email or tweet @bloomsapps with your suggestions. Thanks for checking the site! "
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