Motorola Solutions Foundation - Motorola Solutions - 0 views
MiamiOH OARS on 11 Dec 20Our grant program has three primary areas of focus: Technology and engineering education: Engaging students in innovative, hands-on activities, such as coding, programming, computer science and robotics to prepare the next generation of innovators. Public safety education: Providing resources to first responders and the communities they serve and supporting fallen first responders' families; Investing in key policing initiatives - specifically, preparing youth for public safety careers, conducting school safety training, supporting mental wellness and providing leadership training for women and people of color. Blended programs: Programs that combine both technology and engineering education and public safety education. Within each area of focus, our grant program supports underrepresented populations, including persons of color and females. The Motorola Solutions Foundation is proud to announce that the majority of 2020 grant funding will be awarded to programs that directly support people of color.