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1More - EHR - Funding - Improving Undergraduate STEM Education - US National Science ... - 0 views

    Recognizing disciplinary differences and priorities, NSF's investment in research and development in undergraduate STEM education encompasses a range of approaches. These approaches include: experiential learning, assessment/metrics of learning and practice, scholarships, foundational education research, professional development/institutional change, formal and informal learning environments, and undergraduate disciplinary research. Both individually and integrated in a range of combinations, these approaches can lead to outcomes including: developing the STEM and STEM-related workforce, advancing science, broadening participation in STEM, educating a STEM-literate populace, improving K-12 STEM education, encouraging life-long learning, and building capacity in higher education.

National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship - 0 views

    The National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship (NSSEFF) program is sponsored by the Basic Research Office, Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (ASD (R&E)). NSSEFF supports innovative basic research within academia, as well as education initiatives that seek to create and develop the next generation of scientists and engineers for the defense and national security workforce.

ROSES 2013: Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research - 0 views

    Proposers must be affiliated with an institution at and, in general, NASA provides funding only to US institutions. Organizations outside the U.S. that propose on the basis of a policy of no-exchange-of-funds; consult Appendix B Section (l) of the guidebook for proposers ( specific details. Some NRAs may be issued jointly with a non-U.S. organization, e.g., those concerning guest observing programs for jointly sponsored space science programs, that will contain additional special guidelines for non-U.S. participants. Also ref. Sections 2.3.10(c)(vii) of the guidebook for proposers for special instructions for proposals from non-U.S. organizations that involve U.S. personnel for whom NASA support is requested.

Heliophysics || Postdoctoral Program || About the Program || Overview - 0 views

    In 2009, the NASA Living With a Star (LWS) program joined with the UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs (VSP) to create the Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.  The program matches early career PhDs with experienced scientists at U.S. research institutions. Hosting scientists mentor the postdoctorates during their two-year fellowships. The goal of the program is to train the next generation of researchers needed for the emerging field of Heliophysics.

NNH13ZDA001N-PACEST ROSES 2013: PACE Science Team - 0 views

    This ROSES NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences, including, but not limited to: theory, modeling, and analysis of SMD science data; aircraft, stratospheric balloon, suborbital rocket, and commercial reusable rocket investigations; development of experiment techniques suitable for future SMD space missions; development of concepts for future SMD space missions; development of advanced technologies relevant to SMD missions; development of techniques for and the laboratory analysis of both extraterrestrial samples returned by spacecraft, as well as terrestrial samples that support or otherwise help verify observations from SMD Earth system science missions; determination of atomic and composition parameters needed to analyze space data, as well as returned samples from the Earth or space; Earth surface observations and field campaigns that support SMD science missions; development of integrated Earth system models; development of systems for applying Earth science research data to societal needs; and development of applied information systems applicable to SMD objectives and data. 
1More - Funding - Theoretical Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology - US National Scien... - 0 views

    The Astrophysics and Cosmology Theory program supports proposals that primarily are involved with theoretical particle astrophysics and big-bang cosmology as well as more speculative string theory inspired cosmologies. Understanding the quarks to cosmos connection has been a recent focus of the program as well as better understanding the implications of the fluctuation spectra of the cosmic microwave background.  The cosmology and astrophysics research supported by the program is usually associated with people with training in particle theory and encompasses dark matter, dark energy, high energy cosmic rays as well as exotic cosmologies arising from Brane-world and String Theory scenarios.
1More - Funding - Particle Astrophysics - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - 0 views

    The Particle Astrophysics program supports university research in many areas of particle astrophysics, including the study of ultra-high energy particles reaching Earth from beyond our atmosphere, experiments or research and development projects for underground facilities and non-accelerator-based experiments studying the properties of neutrinos. Currently supported activities include: ultra-high energy cosmic-ray, gamma-ray and neutrino studies; the study of solar, underground and reactor neutrino physics; neutrino mass measurements; searches for the direct and indirect detection of Dark Matter; searches for neutrino-less double beta decay; and studies of Cosmology and Dark Energy.

ASMCUE-LINK Travel Award - 0 views

    The ASM-NSF Leaders Inspiring Networks and Knowledge (LINK) Program seeks to connect active research investigators and undergraduate educators interested in broadening participation in science and building interdisciplinary collaborations that benefit all partners and contribute to discovery and understanding while promoting teaching and learning. The LINK program is specifically interested in supporting collaborations involving trainees and early-career scientists underrepresented nationally in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to succeed in bioscience education, research and careers.
1More - 0 views

    This call for graduate student fellowship applications, entitled NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships (NSTRF) - Fall 2014 (NSTRF14), solicits applications from individuals pursuing or planning to pursue master's (e.g., M.S.) or doctoral (e.g., Ph.D.) degrees in relevant space technology disciplines at accredited U.S. universities. NASA Space Technology Fellows will perform innovative space technology research and will improve America's technological competitiveness by providing the Nation with a pipeline of innovative space technologies.
1More - Funding - Direct Detection Dark Matter Experiments - US National Science Foun... - 0 views

    This solicitation invites proposals for support of R&D and construction of future generation experiments that conduct direct-detection searches for dark matter particles.  Proposals are not limited to searches for WIMPs or axions; any viable dark matter species may be the object of an investigation.
1More - Funding - Experimental Gravitational Physics - US National Science Foundation... - 0 views

    The Gravitational Physics program supports research at the frontiers of science aimed towards answering questions about the nature of space and time, the gravitational attraction at atomically small and cosmological large distances and the use of gravitational waves to explore the universe. The Experimental Gravitational Physics program supports research that includes tests on the inverse distance square law of gravitational attraction, Lorentz invariance and Equivalence Principle as well as the direct detection of gravitational waves. This program oversees the management of the construction, commissioning, and operation of the Laser Interferometer Gravity Wave Observatory (LIGO), and provides support for LIGO users and other experimental investigations in gravitational physics and related areas. This includes tasks that range from instrument science, data analysis and detector characterization to source population calculations and the connection between the gravitational waves and the electromagnetic and neutrino signatures of astrophysical events.
1More - Funding - Theoretical Gravitational Physics - US National Science Foundation ... - 0 views

    The Gravitational Physics program supports research at the frontiers of science aimed towards answering questions about the nature of space and time, the gravitational attraction at atomically small and cosmological large distances and the use of gravitational waves to explore the universe. The Theoretical Gravitational Physics program supports research on classical and quantum gravity theory, including gravitational wave source simulations and other phenomena associated with strong field gravity and the interface between gravitation and quantum mechanics. This includes formulating new approaches for theoretical, computational, and experimental research that explore the fundamental laws of physics and the behavior of physical systems and, in some cases, interpreting the results of experiments. The effort also includes a considerable number of interdisciplinary grants.

NSF revised proposal due date listing - 0 views

    The following programs have due dates that fall between October 1 - 25, 2013, and these dates are being revised due to the Federal  government shutdown. These revised dates apply whether the proposal is being submitted via the NSF FastLane System or Due to compressed proposal deadlines resulting from the shutdown, proposers are advised that they may experience a  delay when contacting IT Help Central with technical support questions. Frequently asked questions regarding these date changes  are available on the Resumption of Operations page on the NSF website at: 

Faculty Development in the Space Sciences - 0 views

    The Geospace Section of the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, to ensure the health and vitality of solar and space sciences on university teaching faculties, is pleased to offer awards for the creation of new tenure-track faculty positions within the intellectual disciplines which comprise the space sciences. The aim of these awards is to integrate research topics in solar and space physics into basic physics, astronomy, electrical engineering, geoscience, meteorology, computer science, and applied mathematics programs, and to develop space physics graduate programs capable of training the next generation of leaders in this field. Space Science is interdisciplinary in nature and the Faculty Development in the Space Sciences awardees will be expected to establish partnerships within the university community.

Global Innovation Initiative - 0 views

    The Global Innovation Initiative is a joint effort of the United States and the United Kingdom to strengthen global multilateral collaboration through grants to university consortia focusing on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related issues of global significance that foster cutting-edge multinational research and strengthen institutional international partnerships.
1More - Funding - East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students ... - 0 views

    NSF and selected foreign counterpart science and technology agencies sponsor international research institutes for U.S. graduate students in seven East Asia and Pacific locations at times set by the counterpart agencies between June and August each year. The Summer Institutes (EAPSI) operate similarly and the research visits to a particular location take place at the same time. Although applicants apply individually to participate in a Summer Institute, awardees become part of the cohort for each location. Applicants must propose a location, host scientist, and research project that is appropriate for the host site and duration of the international visit. An EAPSI award provides U.S. graduate students in science, engineering, and education: 1) first-hand research experiences in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, or Taiwan; 2) an introduction to the science, science policy, and scientific infrastructure of the respective location; and 3) an orientation to the society, culture, and language. It is expected that EAPSI awards will help students initiate professional relationships to enable future collaboration with foreign counterparts. The NSF award includes participation in the Pre-Departure Orientation, summer stipend of $5,000, and roundtrip airplane ticket to the host location. EAPSI partner agencies pay in-country living expenses during the Summer Institutes.
1More - Funding - NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering - US Na... - 0 views

    The Directorates for Engineering (Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental & Transport Systems), Geosciences (Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences) and Mathematical and Physical Sciences (Divisions of Astronomical Sciences and Physics) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Office of Science/Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (SC/FES) of the Department of Energy (DOE) are continuing in FY2014 the joint Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering begun in FY1997 and continued in FY2000, FY2003, FY2006 and FY2009. As stated in the original solicitations (NSF 97-39, NSF 99-159, NSF 02-84, NSF 05-619, NSF 09-596), which are superseded by the present solicitation, the goal of the initiative is to enhance plasma research and education in this broad, multidisciplinary field by coordinating efforts and combining resources of the two agencies. The current solicitation also encourages submission of proposals to perform basic plasma experiments on the Large Aperture Plasma Device (LAPD) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), a unique user facility designed to serve the needs of the broader plasma community.

Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship (OARS) - Miami University - 0 views

    We are pleased to announce that the new OARS website is up and running (although the new Research Compliance and Undergraduate Research sections are still in development).   If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, we hope you will soon.  Once you've visited, we'd be grateful if you'd give us five minutes of your time to let us know how we're doing by completing a brief eight-question survey at Finally, don't forget to update any bookmarks you may have to material on our old website!

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    The Gravitational Physics program supports research at the frontiers of science aimed towards answering questions about the nature of space and time, the gravitational attraction at atomically small and cosmological large distances and the use of gravitational waves to explore the universe.The Experimental Gravitational Physics program supports research that includes tests on the inverse distance square law of gravitational attraction, Lorentz invariance and Equivalence Principle as well as the direct detection of gravitational waves. This program oversees the management of the construction, commissioning, and operation of the Laser Interferometer Gravity Wave Observatory (LIGO), and provides support for LIGO users and other experimental investigations in gravitational physics and related areas. This includes tasks that range from instrument science, data analysis and detector characterization to source population calculations and the connection between the gravitational waves and the electromagnetic and neutrino signatures of astrophysical events.In addition, the program supports infrastructure activities such as short- and long-term visitor programs, workshops, and research centers involving the participation of external scientists from universities, national laboratories, and industry, as well as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
1More - Funding - Geospace Environment Modeling - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - 0 views

    GEM is a broad-based, community-initiated research program on the physics of the Earth's magnetosphere and the coupling of the magnetosphere to the atmosphere and to the solar wind. The purpose of the GEM program is to support basic research into the dynamical and structural properties of geospace, leading to the construction of a global Geospace General Circulation Model (GGCM) with predictive capability. The exact structure of a GGCM may be modular or may consist of a "spine" such as a global MDH model with links to special modules. The strategy for achieving GEM goals is to create a series of Focus Groups, each of which addresses a specific problem in understanding and modeling the magnetosphere.
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