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PAR-16-448: Basic and Translational Research on Decision Making in Aging and Alzheimer'... - 0 views

    This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) invites applications for basic research to better characterize the affective, cognitive, social, and motivational parameters of impaired and intact decision making in both normal aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Research is sought that will characterize the extent to which basic behavioral and neural processes involved in decision-making are differentially impacted in normal aging and AD, investigate the influence of social factors on decision-making, and investigate the decision-making factors that render older adults (with or without cognitive impairment) vulnerable to financial exploitation and other forms of mistreatment and abuse. The FOA also invites applications to apply basic research on the processes involved in decision-making to the design of decision-supportive interventions for midlife and older adults with and without AD. Specific opportunities include the development of decision-supportive interventions to leverage cognitive, emotional and motivational strengths of these populations; tools to assess decisional capacity; strategies for simplifying choices and offering better defaults; and the promotion of timely adoption of optimal delegation practices (e.g., power of attorney, living wells, etc.).
    This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) invites applications for basic research to better characterize the affective, cognitive, social, and motivational parameters of impaired and intact decision making in both normal aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Research is sought that will characterize the extent to which basic behavioral and neural processes involved in decision-making are differentially impacted in normal aging and AD, investigate the influence of social factors on decision-making, and investigate the decision-making factors that render older adults (with or without cognitive impairment) vulnerable to financial exploitation and other forms of mistreatment and abuse. The FOA also invites applications to apply basic research on the processes involved in decision-making to the design of decision-supportive interventions for midlife and older adults with and without AD. Specific opportunities include the development of decision-supportive interventions to leverage cognitive, emotional and motivational strengths of these populations; tools to assess decisional capacity; strategies for simplifying choices and offering better defaults; and the promotion of timely adoption of optimal delegation practices (e.g., power of attorney, living wells, etc.).

Smart and Connected Communities | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    Cities and communities in the U.S. and around the world are entering a new era of transformational change, in which their inhabitants and the surrounding built and natural environments are increasingly connected by smart technologies, leading to new opportunities for innovation, improved services, and enhanced quality of life. The goal of this Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) solicitation is to support strongly interdisciplinary, integrative research and research capacity-building activities that will improve understanding of smart and connected communities and lead to discoveries that enable sustainable change to enhance community functioning. Unless stated otherwise, for the purposes of this year's solicitation, communities are physical, geographically-defined entities, such as towns, cities, or incorporated rural areas, consisting of various populations, with a governance structure and the ability to engage in meaningful ways with the proposed research.
    Cities and communities in the U.S. and around the world are entering a new era of transformational change, in which their inhabitants and the surrounding built and natural environments are increasingly connected by smart technologies, leading to new opportunities for innovation, improved services, and enhanced quality of life. The goal of this Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) solicitation is to support strongly interdisciplinary, integrative research and research capacity-building activities that will improve understanding of smart and connected communities and lead to discoveries that enable sustainable change to enhance community functioning. Unless stated otherwise, for the purposes of this year's solicitation, communities are physical, geographically-defined entities, such as towns, cities, or incorporated rural areas, consisting of various populations, with a governance structure and the ability to engage in meaningful ways with the proposed research.

Infrastructure Management and Extreme Events | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The IMEE program supports fundamental, multidisciplinary research on the impact of hazards and disasters upon civil infrastructure and society. The program is focused upon research on the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from multi-hazard disasters. Community and societal resilience and sustainability are important topics within the research portfolio of IMEE. The program is deeply multidisciplinary, integrating multiple perspectives, methods and results from diverse areas in engineering, social and natural sciences, and computing. Among these are civil, mechanical, transportation and system engineering; sociology, cognitive science and psychology, economics, geography, political science and urban planning; geology, biology and meteorology; and applied computing. Methodological innovations that span multiple, diverse disciplines are strongly encouraged.

Contraception Research Centers Program - 0 views

    The purpose of this announcement is to support and facilitate multidisciplinary approaches to the development of new and/or improved contraceptive methods for both men and women.  This FOA expands the scope of the former program by calling for Centers to inform contraceptive development and improve contraceptive use by integrating the biomedical research and development with behavioral and social science research, e.g., demography and other population sciences, psychology, economics, and sociology.  These Centers also will serve as a national resource for development of early stage investigators electing to pursue careers in contraceptive research.
    The purpose of this announcement is to support and facilitate multidisciplinary approaches to the development of new and/or improved contraceptive methods for both men and women.  This FOA expands the scope of the former program by calling for Centers to inform contraceptive development and improve contraceptive use by integrating the biomedical research and development with behavioral and social science research, e.g., demography and other population sciences, psychology, economics, and sociology.  These Centers also will serve as a national resource for development of early stage investigators electing to pursue careers in contraceptive research.

Funding Opportunity: The Social, Economic, and Political Effects of the Affordable Care... - 0 views

    This Russell Sage Foundation initiative will support innovative social science research on the social, economic and political effects of the Affordable Care Act. We are especially interested in funding analyses that address important questions about the effects of the reform on outcomes such as financial security and family economic well-being, labor supply and demand, participation in other public programs, family and children's outcomes, and differential effects by age, race, ethnicity, nativity, or disability status. We are also interested in research that examines the political effects of the implementation of the new law, including changes in views about government, support for future government policy changes, or the impact on policy development outside of health care.

SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (SPRF) (nsf16590) | NSF - National Science Founda... - 0 views

    The Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) offers Postdoctoral Research Fellowships to encourage independence early in the Fellow's career through supporting his or her research and training goals. The research and training plan of each fellowship must address important scientific questions within the scope of the SBE Directorate and the specific guidelines in this fellowship solicitation. The SPRF program offers two tracks: (I) Fundamental Research in the SBE Sciences (SPRF-FR) and (II) Broadening Participation in the SBE Sciences (SPRF-BP). See the full text of the solicitation for a detailed description of these tracks.
    The Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) offers Postdoctoral Research Fellowships to encourage independence early in the Fellow's career through supporting his or her research and training goals. The research and training plan of each fellowship must address important scientific questions within the scope of the SBE Directorate and the specific guidelines in this fellowship solicitation. The SPRF program offers two tracks: (I) Fundamental Research in the SBE Sciences (SPRF-FR) and (II) Broadening Participation in the SBE Sciences (SPRF-BP). See the full text of the solicitation for a detailed description of these tracks.

Funding Opportunity - Program on Social Inequality | Russell Sage Foundation - 0 views

    The Russell Sage Foundation's program on Social Inequality supports innovative research on whether rising economic inequality has affected social, political, and economic institutions, and the extent to which increased inequality has affected equality of opportunity, social mobility, and the intergenerational transmission of advantage. We seek investigator-initiated research projects that will broaden our understanding of the causes and consequences of rising economic inequalities in the United States.

Improving Smoking Cessation in Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations via Scalable... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide support for innovative and promising intervention research designed to improve smoking cessation outcomes among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. Specifically, this FOA is intended to stimulate research efforts aimed at the development of smoking cessation interventions that: 1) are targeted to socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and 2) could be made scalable for broad population impact. Applicants may propose projects that develop and test novel cessation interventions with the potential to be scaled up, as well as projects that focus on enhancing the effectiveness, quality, accessibility, utilization, and cost-effectiveness of currently scaled smoking cessation interventions. This FOA provides funding for up to 2 years for protocol development and early phase, pilot, or exploratory projects.

RFA-DK-16-021: NIDDK Short-Term Research Experience Program for Underrepresented Person... - 0 views

    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH.  The over-arching goal of this National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) R25 program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral and clinical research workforce.  NIDDK's Short-Term Research Experience for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) provides funding to research institutions to provide for a national summer research experience program for both high school and undergraduate students for eight to ten weeks.  STEP-UP seeks to facilitate exposure opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds underrepresented in biomedical research on a national basis, including individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and individuals with disabilities.

Explorations in Global Health - GHRIC, Miami University - 0 views

    The Global Health Research Innovation Center (GHRIC) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for faculty research grants. These grants are designed to foster the development of research initiatives and partnership projects in global health. Grants will be made to Miami faculty to undertake small-scale, collaborative pilot research projects in global health and/or travel (of Miami faculty or domestic/international collaborators) to cultivate research relationships through establishing institutional linkages and jointly developing or writing research proposals. The expectation is that at least one outcome of each project will be the submission of an external grant proposal. Proposed projects must involve at least two Miami faculty members from different departments. Budgets are expected to be between $4000-$8000. We expect to award at least 2 grants for the 2016-2017 academic year. If funded, additional funding of up to $1000 may be available to help support presentation of the proposed project at either the annual conference of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health or the Global Health and Innovation Conference (Unite for Sight).

FY 2016 Communities Connecting Heritage Program - 0 views

    In support of U.S. Department of State foreign policy objectives, the FY 2016 Communities Connecting Heritage program is an international people-to-people exchange program that engages communities and empowers people through the exploration of cultural heritage issues. The program brings together U.S. and international communities, especially youth, women, ethnic minorities and other underserved groups, through collaborative exchange projects that focus on cultural heritage and may also include social issues, such as social inclusion, interfaith tolerance, women's empowerment, and/or youth development. The program will include six to eight international exchange projects that develop and showcase new partnerships between U.S. and foreign cultural organizations and the communities they serve, while advancing cultural heritage through community outreach and public education.

Countering Violent Extremism Grants - 0 views

    The FY 2016 CVE Grant Program supports programs, projects and activities that prevent recruitment or radicalization to violence by interrupting those efforts, building community-level resilience to them, and identifying the early signs of radicalization to violence and providing appropriate interventions through civic organizations, law enforcement or other entities. Community resilience in the CVE context means those communities where violent extremists routinely meet disinterest and opposition, recruitment attempts routinely fail, and communities know what tools and support are available to assist individuals that may be on a path towards violence.

U.S. EPA: Environmental Health Disparities Centers Kick-off Meeting Wed, Jul 20, 2016 a... - 0 views

    The Centers of Excellence on Environmental Health Disparities (EHD) research program is a collaborative effort supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that encourages basic, biological, clinical, epidemiological, behavioral and/or social scientific investigations of disease conditions that are known to be a significant burden in low socioeconomic and health disparate populations. The centers define environmental health disparities as inequities in illnesses that are mediated by disproportionate exposures associated with the social, natural and built environments. The kick-off meeting will feature presentations from each of the five funded centers highlighting their proposed research.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is now accepting proposals for a new grant called the Saudi-American Educational and Cultural Initiative Grants (SAECIG) and is for Saudi and U.S. non-governmental and community organizations, universities, entrepreneurs, cultural organizations or qualified individuals who propose to work together to develop or expand educational, professional and cultural exchange activities and promote dialogue and partnership between the people of the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The new grant will support innovative forms of collaboration to expand the diversity of activities in the U.S.-Saudi partnership and develop the next generation of leaders, especially among youth, young professionals and women, and to promote mutual understanding and respect through long-term partnership and cooperation between our two countries.

Basic Biopsychosocial Mechanisms and Processes in the Management of Chronic Conditions - 0 views

    This FOA calls for exploratory/novel research projects on the basic behavioral, social and biopsychosocial (also called biobehavioral or biosocial) mechanisms that empower or impede a person's management of one or more chronic conditions.

Population Dynamics Centers Research Infrastructure Program FY 2016 - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to advance the field of population dynamics research by increasing research impact, innovation, and productivity; develop junior scientists; and maximize the efficiency of research support.

Using a Total Environment Framework (Built, Natural, Social Environments) to Assess Lif... - 0 views

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, seeks applications for research on how pollution affects human health in the context of the total environment - built, natural, and social environments interacting together with inherent characteristics and interactions. Proposed research should develop and test innovative models or impact assessment approaches to examine causal relationships of chemical pollutants and health effects with modifying interactions among the variables representing all of the major stressors and factors involved in a person's life. Proposals that integrate a diverse field of disciplines (social science, economics, epidemiology, engineering, environmental science, biology, statistics, toxicology, chemistry, etc.) to address the complexity of the total environment research problem are highly recommended.

AJS - 0 views

    The Association for Jewish Studies is pleased to announce the Berman Foundation Dissertation Fellowships in Support of Research in the Social Scientific Study of the Contemporary American Jewish Community. The Berman Fellowships - two awards of $16,000 each for the 2014-15 academic year -aim to support the development and expansion of the field of the social scientific study of Jewish Americans and the contemporary Jewish-American experience; enhance funding opportunities for up-and-coming scholars in the midst of institutional cutbacks in higher education; and encourage graduate students in sociology, social psychology, social anthropology, demography, social work, economics, and political science to expand their research to include the study of North American Jewry. Fellowships will be awarded for one academic year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year. Preference will be given to applicants seeking support for doctoral research, but requests for funding to support the writing phase of the dissertation will also be considered. Support for this project is generously provided by the Mandell L. and Madeleine H. Berman Foundation.

Establishing Behavioral and Social Measures for Causal Pathway Research in Dental, Oral... - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to encourage the establishment of measures of specific behavioral or social phenomena that can be used to test causal hypotheses about behavioral and social contributors to dental, oral or craniofacial diseases. This announcement encourages the development and testing--or the adaptation and testing--of two types of measures: 1) measures of the health behaviors, social interactions, community characteristics, built environments, etc., targeted by behavioral or social interventions to improve oral health; and/or 2) measures of the hypothesized moderators and mediators of a behavioral or social intervention's effect. Regardless of the type of measure being developed, applications should establish reliability and validity of the measure, and demonstrate acceptability of using the measure with the target population. Note that this announcement does not support the conduct of clinical trials, consistent with the NIDCR policy for acceptance, peer review, and funding of clinical trials (see NOT-DE-11-002).

PA-14-128: Targeted Basic Behavioral and Social Science and Intervention Development fo... - 0 views

    The goal of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to provide a global outline of areas for innovative, targeted basic behavioral and social science research and intervention development research to reduce the number of new HIV infections and improve the overall health of those living with HIV and encourage research grant applications in these areas. This FOA encourages research designed to (a) conduct basic behavioral and social science research that is needed to advance the development of HIV prevention and care interventions, (b) translate and operationalize the findings from these basic studies to develop interventions and assess their feasibility and (c) conduct tests of the efficacy of HIV prevention and care interventions. The R21 mechanism is specifically intended to encourage new exploratory and developmental research projects. These studies should break new ground or extend previous discoveries toward new directions or applications. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel methodologies, tools, technologies, or interventions that could have a major impact on health research and practice. Unlike applications under the R01 mechanism, preliminary data are not required for R21 applications. Preliminary data may nonetheless be included if available.
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