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Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program - Auxiliary Prevention Projects - 0 views

    i. Purpose: The purpose of these activities is to support the goals of the HHS Action Plan for the Prevention, Care, and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis, 2014-2016 (available at by ensuring Hepatitis B-infected pregnant women are identified so that their infants can receive timely post-exposure prophylaxis, improvements in post-vaccination serologic testing to improve efficiencies, and data collection to assess infant outcomes ii. Outcomes: Increased identification of Hepatitis B-infected pregnant women; increased rates of post-vaccination serologic testing among infants born to Hepatitis B-infected pregnant women; and assessment of factors associated with infant outcomes iii. Strategies and Activities: Collaborations: To maximize opportunities for Hepatitis B prevention through vaccination, referral for care, and treatment of persons found to have chronic Hepatitis B infection, this FOA encourages Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program collaborations and service integration as a program imperative of the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. Such collaborations can increase efficiency, reduce redundancy, eliminate missed opportunities, and improve outcomes through the use of shared data and services. a. With CDC-funded programs: Applicants should create and build upon internal health department collaborations to improve identification of Hepatitis B-infected pregnant women; screen their household and sexual contacts for Hepatitis B and complete vaccination of susceptible persons; refer persons with chronic Hepatitis B infection for care and treatment; and report infants, household, and sexual contacts with chronic Hepatitis B infection to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. b. With organizations external to CDC: Opportunities for collaboration with non-CDC organizations will be encouraged; non-CDC organizations may include commercial laboratories and health system

BLM-WO Outcomes-Focused Recreation and Community Assessment Project - 0 views

    In the last several decades, there has been a growing recognition of how much recreation contributes to the quality of life, economy, society, and environment. Advances in recreation management knowledge and practices have been responsible for the evolution from activity-based management to experience-based management and, recently, benefits-based management. Each transition built on the management framework of the previous. Within the BLM, benefits-based management has further transitioned to outcomes-focused management. Outcomes-focused management is defined as an approach to recreation management that focuses on the positive outcomes gained from engaging in recreational experiences. The fundamental concept of outcomes-focused management is that benefits endure beyond the onsite recreation experience attained by individuals. Those experiences and onsite benefits stay with the individual when they leave the recreation area and cumulatively lead to offsite beneficial outcomes to communities, economies, and the environment.

State Public Health Approaches to Addressing Arthritis - 0 views

    Arthritis has a profound economic, societal and personal impact. Medical care costs and earnings losses among adults with arthritis were over $303 billion in 2013.(1) Arthritis affects more than one in four adults in the United States, or 54 million+ adults which will increase to 78 million by 2040, and limits 24 million in performing daily tasks.(2) One in 3 adults in rural areas has arthritis and over half of these have arthritis-attributable activity limitation.(3) Arthritis is significant, not just because of its negative impact on function, physical activity and quality of life, but because it is associated with leading causes of death, such as heart disease and diabetes.(4,5) Arthritis can also limit physical activity, which is recommended management for all of these conditions. The rising number of adults with arthritis and associated pain and activity limitations, and its ability to complicate the management of other chronic conditions and risk factors responsible for death, presents a critical public health problem.(2) Increased physical activity and participation in self-management education programs can help adults with arthritis reduce or manage pain and limitations.(6) The American College of Rheumatology's 2012 osteoarthritis management guidelines recommend exercise as a key, nondrug strategy to manage arthritis symptoms.(7) Adults with arthritis can reduce pain and activity limitations by up to 40% by engaging in PA and other management strategies.

BLM OR/WA - Oregon- National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center (NHOTIC) Geoscie... - 0 views

    The BLM has worked with the Geological Society of America GeoCorps America Program for over 15 years to provide geoscientists, college students, professionals, and retirees, hands on experience in overall land management. The need for geoscience expertise is great. In many cases, geoscience is not adequately addressed in education, resource management, geological hazards mitigation, and other geological work on public lands. The GeoCorps program, dating from 1997, strives to increase the number of geoscientists able to provide educational outreach to a multitude of diverse land managers in order to address a more global approach for overall land management decisions and to raise the publicÿfds knowledge and awareness of the value of geoscience resources on public lands. The objective of this program is to continue to provide geoscientists, college students, professionals, and retirees, hands on experience in resource management, geological hazards mitigation, and other geological work related to overall land management in order to develop skills and abilities in geosciences.

2019 Empowering Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities through Chronic Disease Self-... - 0 views

    The Administration on Aging (AoA) within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) forecasts the possible availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 funds to make three-year grants to approximately 10 entities to develop capacity for, bring to scale, and sustain evidence-based programs that empower older adults and adults with disabilities to better manage their chronic conditions. ACL intends to compete these 10 grants via two options (both with 36-month grant periods): (A) Sustainable Systems Grants: approximately six grants of $500,000 to $900,000 focused on developing integrated, sustainable systems for delivering evidence-based chronic disease self-management education and self-management support programs. (B) Capacity-Building Grants: approximately four grants of $50,000 to $150,000 to build capacity to introduce and deliver evidence-based chronic disease self-management education and self-management support programs within underserved areas and/or populations.

2018 Empowering Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities through Chronic Disease Self-... - 0 views

    The Administration on Aging (AoA) within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) forecasts the possible availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 funds to make three-year grants to approximately 10 entities to develop capacity, bring to scale, and sustain evidence-based programs that empower older adults and adults with disabilities to better manage their chronic conditions. ACL intends to compete these 10 grants via two options (both with 36-month grant periods): (A) Sustainable Systems Grants: approximately six grants of $500,000 to $900,000 focused on developing integrated, sustainable systems for delivering evidence-based chronic disease self-management education and self-management support programs. (B) Capacity-Building Grants: approximately four grants of $50,000 to $150,000 to build capacity to introduce and deliver evidence-based chronic disease self-management education and self-management support programs within underserved areas and/or populations.

Health Workforce Improvement Program (HWIP) - 0 views

    The purpose of the Health Workforce Improvement Program (HWIP) is to address critical human resources challenges in Ethiopia's health sector. The program will build on the work carried out under the Strengthening Human Resources for Health (HRH) Cooperative Agreement (AID-663-A-12-00008) that was awarded to Jhpiego in 2012. The Health Workforce Improvement Program will work with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MOSHE) at the national level and their respective structures at the sub-national levels (regional, zonal and woreda levels), Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) levels that provide healthcare education at national and sub-national, and targeted health worker professional associations to improve the quality of Ethiopia's health workforce. The focus areas of this Activity are: 1. Institutional and individual capacity building to improve the quality of pre-service education for priority clinical cadres to improve the competency of clinical health workers, 2. Improve the human resource for health management and regulation capacity of national and sub-national entities. The program will target program managers at MOH, Regional Health Bureau (RHB) and District Health Office; and faculty at HEIs, building their leadership, management and governance capacity for human resource development and management. 3. Improve the generation and utilization of evidence to inform HR planning, development and management

CDC-RFA-GH15-1560 Technical Assistance for Laboratory Systems Strengthening in Mozambiq... - 0 views

    Reliable, efficient laboratory services and networks are fundamental components of effective, well-functioning health systems and are essential for patient management, disease detection and control and surveillance. The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support the Ministry of Health in Mozambique to strengthen the integrated national laboratory network in order to ensure the provision of quality laboratory services for clinical diagnosis, screening, research, and surveillance to support HIV care and treatment and the achievement of an AIDS free generation. The FOA will address the following cross-cutting elements of laboratory systems: governance and management of the integrated laboratory network, strengthening institutions to build and retain a quality laboratory workforce, and building technical and scientific capacity and implementing quality management systems towards accreditation. The expected project outcomes include:* Increased efficiency of laboratory network operations* Increased implementation of quality management systems through a technically and financially sustainable quality improvement and accreditation program owned and implemented by the Ministry of Health* An increase in the coverage and quality of external quality assessment (EQA) services* Improved adherence to laboratory biosafety standards* Improved quality of laboratory pre-service training * Increase in number of laboratory managers and leaders with Master's level training* Improved capacity of laboratory workforce and decreased reliance on external training support

Chronic Illness Self-Management in Children and Adolescents (R21) - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage research to improve self-management and quality of life in children and adolescents with chronic conditions. Managing a chronic condition is an unremitting responsibility for children and their families. Children with a chronic condition and their families have a long-term responsibility for self-management. This FOA encourages research that takes into consideration various factors that influence self-management such as individual differences, biological and psychological factors, family and sociocultural context, family-community dynamics, healthcare system factors, technological advances, and the role of the environment.

Chronic Illness Self-Management in Children and Adolescents (R01) - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage research to improve self-management and quality of life in children and adolescents with chronic conditions. Managing a chronic condition is an unremitting responsibility for children and their families. Children with a chronic condition and their families have a long-term responsibility for self-management. This FOA encourages research that takes into consideration various factors that influence self-management such as individual differences, biological and psychological factors, family and sociocultural context, family-community dynamics, healthcare system factors, technological advances, and the role of the environment.

BLM-New Mexico (NM) CESU Montezuma Quail Research, Initiative for the Management of Wil... - 0 views

    To assist the Bureau of Land Management in managing Montezuma quail populations by evaluating Montezuma quail responses to common silviculture and rangeland practices in the Fort Stanton Snowy River National Conservation Area (NCA). (1) To describe spatial patterns and habitat use prior and after thinning projects (canopy cover reduced to a mosaic of 30% to 40% canopy cover) (2) controlled burns determine habitat use in relation to canopy cover (3) determine population characteristics (sex and age composition, survival rates, cause -specific mortality and density) of Montezuma quail in the NCA. Because few studies have been published on Montezuma quail using radio-telemetry, our knowledge on habitat use and life history is overly dependent on anecdotal observations. This study will be the first to document habitat use in relation to canopy cover, thinning projects and response to controlled burns. This project will address several conservation actions and monitoring recommendations for Montezuma quail. We will allow determination of current habitat use as well as provide needed information to construct management schemes to improve or maintain current Montezuma quail habitat. Ultimately, the understanding of the dynamics and ecology of Montezuma quail will aid in their management and the habitat they reside in.

Chronic Condition Self-Management in Children and Adolescents (R01 Clinical Trial Optio... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage research to improve self-management and quality of life in children and adolescents with chronic conditions. Managing a chronic condition is an unremitting responsibility for children and their families. Children with a chronic condition and their families have a long-term responsibility for self-management. This FOA encourages research that takes into consideration various factors that influence self-management such as individual differences, biological and psychological factors, family/caregivers and sociocultural context, family-community dynamics, healthcare system factors, technological advances, and the role of the environment.

2020 Empowering Communities to Address Behavioral Health and Chronic Pain through Chron... - 0 views

    This funding opportunity is designed for applicants to propose how they will develop capacity for, deliver, and sustain evidence-based self-management education and support programs that address behavioral health and/or chronic pain among older adults and adults with disabilities. Goal 1: Through robust partnerships, develop a result-based, comprehensive strategy for addressing behavioral health and/or chronic pain among older adults and adults with disabilities living in your community. Goal 2: Significantly increase the number of older adults and adults with disabilities who participate in evidence-based self-management education and/or self-management support programs to empower them to better manage these chronic condition(s), while concurrently pursuing the sustainability of these programs beyond the end of the grant period.

2020 Integrated Networks to Deliver and Sustain Evidence-Based Chronic Disease Self-Man... - 0 views

    Through this funding opportunity, the Administration on Aging (AoA), part of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), plans to award 2-3 cooperative agreements to domestic public or private non-profit entities. The intent of these awards is to strengthen integrated networks that address the behavioral and social determinants of health of older adults and adults with disabilities, and increase the number of these individuals who participate in evidence-based chronic disease self-management education and self-management support programs. Goal 1: Strengthen integrated state or regional networks that address the social and behavioral determinants of health of older adults and adults with disabilities. Goal 2: Significantly increase the number of older adults and adults with disabilities who participate in chronic disease self-management education and self-management support programs.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    The purpose of this initiative is to support research in self-management focused across conditions. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identifies the epidemic of chronic condition as the nations leading health challenge and calls for cross-cutting, coordinated public health actions for living well with chronic illness. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) addresses that recommendation by describing an initiative that focuses on self-management as a mainstream science in order to reduce the burden of chronic illnesses/conditions. Self-management is the ability of the individual, in conjunction with family, community, and healthcare professionals, to manage symptoms, treatments, lifestyle changes, and psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual consequences associated with a chronic illness or condition.

CDC-RFA-GH15-1544 Implementation of Sustainable Laboratory Quality Systems in the Repub... - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to provide technical assistance (TA) to the Government of Kenya (GOK) and PEPFAR implementing partners in strengthening medical laboratory systems for diagnosis, management, and surveillance of HIV, TB and other related opportunistic diseases. Up to five grantees will be selected. Each will work in one of four specific regions (A, B, C and D) covering several counties to support all technical areas described below in each region. Except, the grantee supporting Region A will additionally support laboratory systems at National Public Health Laboratory Services and Ministry of Health (MOH) headquarters. The grantee(s) will: (1) Provide technical assistance to develop laboratory policies and systems for sample handling/processing, laboratory networking, information management, supplies management, human capacity development, biosafety, quality management systems (QMS), and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

CDC's Collaboration with Academia to Strengthen Public Health Workforce Capacity - 0 views

    PART A -- Core Curricular Enhancements Strategic Direction A2 -- Promote educational enhancements that include transdisciplinary and interprofessional population health training Activity I: Medical Assistants Resources and Training on Immunization (MARTi) MARTi is a website hosted and updated by the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR). MARTi was developed to provide a collection of immunization training, education, and resource materials for medical assistants and those responsible for their training, such as office managers or supervisors. The website provides reviewed and credible training and education programs and resources specifically developed for the education and reading level of medical assistants. Activities will include the following: --Manage and update the website content and resources as new vaccine recommendations and best practices become available and redesign the navigation of the website to feature resources offering continuing education (CE) credits --Create newsletters and social media announcements --Develop responsive design website to provide access through mobile devices --Assemble a committee of experts to advance use of the website and recommend improvements. Committee will convene via conference call (3 or 4 times a year). The committee will consist of key groups including the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) and the Professional Association of Healthcare Organization Management (PACHOM) as well as post-secondary institutions training future medical assistants. CDC will not direct or manage any aspects of the committee.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    This FOA will support national facility based case management activities implemented through associations of persons living with HIV (PLHIV). Activities include peer support for HIV treatment adherence, preventing and minimizing loss-to-follow-up and improving retention in care, and facilitating linkage of all HIV patients and others affected by HIV to comprehensive HIV services. The FOA will support planning, program and financial management; coordination and collaboration with partners and stakeholders; capacity building at different levels; training and deployment of case managers and adherence supporters to high load HIV care and treatment facilities. The awardee will conduct supportive supervision, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation of case management activities, and will maintain an updated inventory of available services in the catchment area of respective health facilities. These activities will minimize patient attrition, optimize adherence and improve patient outcomes.

BLM-Oregon, land Health Monitoring Vale District - 0 views

    In 2004, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) conducted a program evaluation of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) resource protection activities. The OMB found gaps in the monitoring of resource conditions to support management decisions and that the BLM had no reliable mechanism for reporting on the condition of public lands above the local scale. The BLM established an Interdisciplinary Core Team that evaluated assessment processes, resource inventories, and monitoring procedures and developed a comprehensive plan of action that would lay the foundation for a monitoring strategy. Two reports, (1) the Local Workgroup Report for the National Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring Strategy (BLM 2007) and (2) the Findings and Recommendations for Regional Monitoring for Wildlife and Water with an Emphasis on Energy Development (Falise et al. 2008), were also completed and provided vision toward developing an Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) Strategy. Additional or supplemental data collection for fuels treatments (pre and post treatment), wilderness study area monitoring, and rangeland health indicators provide the information to determine the effectiveness of management actions, and may be shared across BLM offices and interested publics.

CDC-RFA-GH15-1529 Surveillance, Service Data Analysis and Capacity Building to Support ... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Haiti (GOH) to effectively prevent HIV infections; improve care and treatment of HIV/AIDS and co-infections with emphasis on tuberculosis; build the capacity for the local and regional collection of strategic information and its use for program management and development; and increase the Government of Haiti's capacity to lead and manage a sustainable response to the HIV epidemic. The awardee will work directly with the GOH (and their local implementing partners) to identify the country's needs and priorities in managing a sustainable country-led response to the HIV epidemic. By the end of five years, the awardee will have provided sufficient technical assistance and capacity building in the identified priority areas to achieve an increased ability for the partner country to sustainably lead the activity. The recipient (grantee) of these funds is responsible for activities in multiple program areas designed to target underserved populations in Republic of Haiti. The grantee must show a measurable progressive reinforcement of the capacity of indigenous organizations and local communities to respond to the national HIV epidemic, as well as progress towards the sustainability of activities.
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