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F14AS00434 NAWCA Small Grants - 0 views

    The U.S. Small Grants Program is a competitive, matching grants program that supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in the United States that further the goals of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. These projects must involve long-term protection, restoration, enhancement and/or establishment of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of all wetlands-associated migratory birds. A 1:1 match is required. Research funding is ineligible.

12th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusin... - 0 views

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of the P3-People, Prosperity and the Planet Award Program, is seeking applications proposing to research, develop, and design solutions to real world challenges involving the overall sustainability of human society. The P3 competition highlights the use of scientific principles in creating innovative projects focused on sustainability. The P3 Award program was developed to foster progress toward sustainability by achieving the mutual goals of improved quality of life, economic prosperity and protection of the planet -- people, prosperity, and the planet - the three pillars of sustainability. The EPA offers the P3 competition in order to respond to the technical needs of the world while moving towards the goal of sustainability. Please see the P3 website for more details about this program.

14-607 Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships - 0 views

    The Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) offers postdoctoral research fellowships to provide opportunities for scientists early in their careers to work within and across traditional disciplinary lines, develop partnerships, and avail themselves of unique resources, sites and facilities. The fellowship program is intended to recognize beginning investigators of significant potential, and provide them with experience that will establish them in positions of leadership in the scientific community. During tenure, fellows will affiliate with an appropriate research institution(s) and conduct research on topics supported by OCE. The OCE fellowship program has two tracks: 1) Track 1 (Broadening Participation) and 2) Track 2 (International). Fellowships are awards to individuals, not organizations, and are administered by the fellows.

N62473-14-2-0018 Burrowing Owl Surveys NWS Seal Beach, California - 0 views

    The purpose of this Agreement is to monitor and manage Burrowing Owls during 2014 at NAVWPNSTA Seal Beach. Under this Agreement the Recipient shall monitor, trap, and mark Burrowing Owls at NAVWPNSTA Seal Beach. Surveys will be conducted on the Burrowing Owls on the Station. Although no known predation of terns by burrowing owls has been confirmed at Seal Beach, other tern breeding colonies have reported such incidents. To monitor any potential interaction, burrowing owls will be trapped and banded with U.S. Fish and Wildlife bands and color bands. This monitoring effort will provide better resolution of population size and also the potential threat to the California Least Tern at NAVWPNSTA Seal Beach.

FA-FON0015-0001 Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) Primary Announcement (7 Statements) - 0 views

    Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) Primary Announcement (7 Task Statements) 1. Fuels Mapping for Emissions Inventories 2. Smoke Hazard Warning Signs 3. Implications of Changing Fuels and Fire Regimes 4. Fire Ember Production 5. Fire Effects on Soil Heating 6. Fire Weather and Decision Making 7. Re-measurement-Long Term Effects on Vegetation/Fuels. See Section IV of announcement for proposal submission requirements.

NOAA-NMFS-NEFSC-2015-2004221 Year 2015/2016 Atlantic Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside - 0 views

    NMFS, in coordination with the New England Fishery Management Council (Council), is soliciting Atlantic Sea Scallop (scallop) research proposals to utilize scallop Total Allowable Catch (TAC) that has been set-aside by the Council to fund scallop research endeavors through the 2015/2016 Atlantic Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside (RSA) Program. No federal funds are provided for research under this notification. Rather, proceeds generated from the sale of RSA quota will be used to fund research activities and compensate vessels that participate in research activities and/or harvest set-aside quota. Projects funded under the Scallop RSA Program must enhance the knowledge of the scallop fishery resource or contribute to the body of information on which scallop management decisions are made. Priority will be given to scallop research proposals that investigate research priorities identified by the Council, which are detailed under the Program Priorities section of this announcement.

FWS-WMGBP-FY2015 FY2015 Webless Migratory Game Bird Program RFP - 0 views

    This announcement serves as a Request for Proposals for the Webless Migratory Game Bird Program (WMGBP) for Fiscal Year 2015 (FY2015). The primary purpose of the WMGBP is to support activities that will improve management of the 16 species of migratory shore and upland game birds (MSUGBs, Table 1) in North America. The Migratory Shore and Upland Game Bird Support Task Force, organized through the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, developed a set of priority information needs by convening a series of workshops.

EPA-OECA-OEJ-15-01 Environmental Justice Small Grants Program - Application Guidance FY... - 0 views

    The Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG) Program provides funding for eligible applicants for projects that address local environmental and public health issues within an affected community. The EJSG Program is designed to help communities understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks. The long-term goals of the EJSG Program are to help build the capacity of communities with environmental justice concerns and to create self-sustaining, community-based partnerships that will continue to improve local environments in the future. The fiscal year 2015 program will consider proposals supporting community-based preparedness and resilience efforts (community climate resiliency). The goal is to recognize the critical role of localized efforts in helping communities shape climate change strategies to avoid, lessen, or delay the risks and impacts associated with climate change. An overarching goal of including this emphasis is to help bolster the efforts of underrepresented communities to address climate change vulnerabilities and develop solutions.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Partnerships for International Research and Education - US National... - 0 views

    Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) is an NSF-wide program that supports international activities across all NSF supported disciplines. The primary goal of PIRE is to support high quality projects in which advances in research and education could not occur without international collaboration. PIRE seeks to catalyze a higher level of international engagement in the U.S. science and engineering community. International partnerships are essential to addressing critical science and engineering problems. In the global context, U.S. researchers and educators must be able to operate effectively in teams with partners from different national environments and cultural backgrounds. PIRE promotes excellence in science and engineering through international collaboration and facilitates development of a diverse, globally-engaged, U.S. science and engineering workforce.

NOAA-NMFS-HCPO-2015-2004213 FY2015 Community-based Marine Debris Removal - 0 views

    The NOAA Marine Debris Program, authorized in the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act (33 U.S.C. 1951 et seq.) as amended by the Marine Debris Act Amendments of 2012 (P.L. 112-213, Title VI, Sec. 603, 126 Stat. 1576, December 20, 2012), provides funding to catalyze the implementation of locally-driven, community-based marine debris prevention, assessment, and removal projects that will benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and NOAA trust resources.

R14AS00074 Klamath River Restoration: Coho Salmon and its Critical Habitat: Request for... - 0 views

    The Mid-Pacific Region of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement for the following program - Klamath River Restoration: Coho Salmon and its Critical Habitat: Request for Proposals for FY 2015, under the authority of Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.517, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934, Public Law 85-624, 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq., as amended and the authority to the Bureau of Reclamation at 255 DM 1.1B. Estimated total amount of agreement is $3,000,000.00 with Reclamation providing $3,000,000.00 in Fiscal Year 2015. The purpose of this requirement is to provide improvement of fish and wildlife habitat within the Klamath River Basin as affected by Reclamation's Klamath Project to minimize the adverse effects associated with operation of the Klamath Project and to support restoration activities for Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast (SONCC) coho salmon and its critical habitat..
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program - US National Science Foun... - 0 views

    The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) application period is now open!  NSF is soliciting applications for the GRFP until the posted deadlines in late October and early November 2014.  Since 1952, GRFP has provided Fellowships to individuals selected early in their graduate careers based on their demonstrated potential for significant achievements in science and engineering. Three years of support is provided by the program for graduate study in science or engineering and leads to a research-based master's or doctoral degree.  The NSF expects to award 2,000 Graduate Research Fellowships under this program solicitation pending availability of funds. 

FWS-DMBM-BDJV-2014 BDJV FY14 Competitive Grant Program - 0 views

    The Black Duck Joint Venture (BDJV) is a partnership-based conservation program under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan that promotes the conservation of Black Ducks by providing greater knowledge for effective management. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a partner in the BDJV, administers grants and purchase orders on a competitive basis for projects/studies that advance both our and the general scientific community's understanding of Black Duck ecology and is seeking proposals from interested parties.

G15AS00004 Cooperative Research Units Program FY 2015 - 0 views

    The Cooperative Research Units Program is a unique collaborative relationship between States, Universities, the Federal government and a non-profit organization. The program is comprised of 40 Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units on university campuses in 38 states. Since the original nine Units were established in the 1930s, additional Units were established by Congress at specified universities. The 40 units in the program are jointly supported by the US Geological Survey, Host Universities, State Natural Resource Agencies, Wildlife Management Institute, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Long-Term Ecological Research - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - 0 views

    To address ecological questions that cannot be resolved with short-term observations or experiments, NSF established the Long Term Ecological Research Program (LTER) in 1980. Three components differentiate LTER research from projects supported by other NSF programs: 1) the research is located at specific sites chosen to represent major ecosystem types or natural biomes; 2) it emphasizes the study of ecological phenomena over long periods of time based on data collected in five core areas; and 3) projects include integrative, cross-site, network-wide research. Ongoing research at LTER sites must test important, current ecological theories and significantly advance understanding of the long-term dynamics of populations, communities and ecosystems. It often integrates multiple disciplines and, through cross-site interactions, examines patterns or processes over broad spatial scales. Recognizing that the value of long-term data extends beyond use at any individual site, NSF requires that data collected by all LTER sites be made broadly accessible.

L'Oréal USA For Women In Science Program - 0 views

    The L'Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program is a national awards program that annually recognizes and rewards five U.S.-based women researchers at the beginning of their scientific careers. Recipients receive up to $60,000 each that they must put towards their postdoctoral research. The program's partner, AAAS, manages the peer-review process. Launched in 2003 as the U.S. Fellowships component of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Fellowship program, the program aim to: Raise awareness of the contribution of women to the sciences Identify exceptional female researchers in the U.S. to serve as role models for younger generations An inter-disciplinary panel of scientists reviews all applications submitted. The top candidates chosen by the review panel are then forwarded for final selection to a distinguished Jury of career scientists and former North American L'ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Laureates. The Jury seeks candidates with exceptional academic records and intellectual merit, clearly articulated research proposals with the potential for scientific advancement and outstanding letters of recommendation from advisers. New to the program this year, applicants will also be evaluated in part on their commitment to supporting women and girls in science.
MiamiOH OARS - 0 views

    During the 2015 grant cycle, the Foundation will specifically target five specific themes for funding.  These themes, developed in close consultation with conservation and research specialists, are:  * Human elephant conflict action;  * Action to eliminate illegal killing and trafficking of elephants;  * Community capacity building;  * Conservation education; and  * Management of elephant populations.

Patagonia Grant Guidelines for Organizations that Identify and Work on the Root Causes ... - 0 views

    Patagonia funds only environmental work. We are most interested in making grants to organizations that identify and work on the root causes of problems and that approach issues with a commitment to long-term change. Because we believe that the most direct path to real change is through building grassroots momentum, our funding focuses on organizations that create a strong base of citizen support. We support small, grassroots, activist organizations with provocative direct-action agendas, working on multi-pronged campaigns to preserve and protect our environment. We help local groups working to protect local habitat, and think the individual battles to protect a specific stand of forest, stretch of river or indigenous wild species are the most effective in raising more complicated issues - particularly those of biodiversity and ecosystem protection - in the public mind. We look for innovative groups that produce measurable results, and we like to support efforts that force the government to abide by its own - our own - laws. Your efforts should be quantifiable, with specific goals, objectives and action plans, and should include measures for evaluating success. 

Arctic Goose Joint Venture Request for Proposals 2014-15 - 0 views

    The Arctic Goose Joint Venture (AGJV) is a partnership-based conservation program under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan that promotes the conservation of northern-nesting geese by providing greater knowledge for effective management. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a partner in the AGJV, administers grants, purchase orders, and contracts on a competitive basis for projects/studies that advance the general scientific community's understanding of goose ecology and management and is seeking proposals from interested parties
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Genealogy of Life - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - 0 views

    All of comparative biology depends on knowledge of the evolutionary relationships (phylogeny) of living and extinct organisms. In addition, understanding biodiversity and how it changes over time is only possible when Earth's diversity is organized into a phylogenetic framework. The goals of the Genealogy of Life (GoLife) program are to resolve the phylogenetic history of life and to integrate this genealogical architecture with underlying organismal data. The ultimate vision of this program is an open access, universal Genealogy of Life that will provide the comparative framework necessary for testing questions in systematics, evolutionary biology, ecology, and other fields. A further strategic integration of this genealogy of life with data layers from genomic, phenotypic, spatial, ecological and temporal data will produce a grand synthesis of biodiversity and evolutionary sciences. The resulting knowledge infrastructure will enable synthetic research on biological dynamics throughout the history of life on Earth, within current ecosystems, and for predictive modeling of the future evolution of life. Projects submitted to this program should emphasize increased efficiency in contributing to a complete Genealogy of Life and integration of various types of organismal data with phylogenies. This program also seeks to broadly train next generation, integrative phylogenetic biologists, creating the human resource infrastructure and workforce needed to tackle emerging research questions in comparative biology. Projects should train students for diverse careers by exposing them to the multidisciplinary areas of research within the proposal.
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