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Combating Wildlife Trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean - 0 views

    INL/C seeks to fund a project that builds Latin America's capacity to deter, detect, investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate wildlife poaching and trafficking cases. The scope includes the facilitative financial crimes (e.g. money laundering and corruption) that enable poaching and trafficking networks. The primary countries of engagement must include two or more of the following: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Guatemala, Belize, and Mexico. Additional countries in Latin America and the Caribbean may also be included

RFA-FD-18-008: Cooperative Agreement to Support the Western Center for Food Safety (U19) - 0 views

    FDA is announcing its intention to receive and consider a single source application for the award of a cooperative agreement in fiscal year 2018 to the University of California-Davis (UC Davis) to support the Western Center for Food Safety (WCFS). The purposes of this continued support are to 1. Carry out multidisciplinary applied research that addresses "real world" issues related to food safety and food defense, agricultural practices, and the impact of agricultural practices on subsequent food processing associated with FDA-regulated products; 2. Develop and implement outreach and communication programs with stakeholders to identify research needs and to facilitate the utilization of the knowledge produced by the research program; 3. Provide opportunities to leverage additional resources among U.S. government agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, industry, and consumers to achieve real-world solutions that address food safety and food defense issues. 4. Support the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) through research, education, and outreach with particular emphasis on the science behind the standards associated with the produce safety and preventive controls regulation.

National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council | US Forest Service - 0 views

    The National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program supports forestry projects on non-federal public land that have a national or multi-state impact and application. The application deadline is April 30, 2018.

FY 2018 - FY 2019 Pollution Prevention Grant Program - 0 views

    EPA is announcing a grant competition to fund two-year Pollution Prevention assistance agreements for projects expected to be performed in each EPA region that provide technical assistance and/or training to businesses/facilities to help them adopt source reduction approaches (also known as "pollution prevention" or "P2"). P2 means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. In keeping with the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, EPA is encouraging P2 because implementing these approaches can result in reductions in toxic pollutants, the use of water, energy and other raw materials, while also lowering business costs. For this current round of grants, EPA is putting additional emphasis on documenting and sharing the P2 best practices and innovations identified and developed through these grants so that others can replicate these approaches and outcomes. If Congress appropriates Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 and 2019 funds for the P2 Program at levels comparable to FY 2017 funding levels, the EPA may award a total of approximately $9.38 million in federal P2 grant funding for these two-year assistance agreements (approximately $4.69 million in FY 2018 and approximately $4.69 million in FY 2019 funds).

WCS Issues Request for Proposals for Nature-Based Climate Change Adaptation Projects | ... - 0 views

    The Wildlife Conservation Society is inviting proposals from nonprofit conservation organizations through its Climate Adaptation Fund. Building on the society's 120-year history in long-term conservation efforts, the WCS Climate Adaptation Fund will award up to $2.5 million in grants in 2018. The grants are designed to strengthen the capacity of wildlife and ecosystems to adapt to climate change by enhancing dynamic ecological processes and ecosystem functionality (as opposed to projects that benefit a particular species or landscape attribute). Projects should focus on improving the adaptive capacity of ecosystems rather than simply conserving or restoring their historic conditions. Projects that implement joint mitigation and adaptation (JMA) approaches are encouraged. To be eligible, applicants must be a U.S.-based nonprofit conservation organization with 501(c)(3) status that incorporates climate adaptation science into its proposal and uses strategic communications to increase the conservation impact of its results. The fund also seeks on-the-ground projects using strategic communications to leverage broader impact through replication of adaptation practices across landscapes.

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation | Course Hero-Woodrow Wilson Fellowship f... - 0 views

    The Course Hero-Woodrow Wilson Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching will support rising stars in the academy who love teaching, demonstrate excellence as educators, and are making their mark as exceptional researchers, poised to shape their fields. Designed for young scholars working towards tenure, the Course Hero-WW Fellowship is a "genius grant" that will emphasize the balance between scholarly excellence and commitment to teaching practice that draws on new approaches to pedagogy, creating a new level of engagement for students in and beyond the classroom. In short, Fellows will be emerging heroes in their fields, on a clear trajectory to become great college educators. In its inaugural year, the Course Hero-WW Fellowship will identify five outstanding junior faculty members. Fellows will receive a one-year grant of $40,000-approximately $30,000 to support the engagement of a student assistant and the balance to be used for research and travel support. Exceptional candidates teach in ways that build student confidence and mastery of a subject; encourage critical thinking; explore foundational concepts through the lens of broader themes and global events; promote the power of learning communities beyond the classroom; leverage technology to complement the classroom experience; consider and serve different learning styles; prepare students for lifelong learning; and can serve as replicable teaching models for other educators. Selection takes place in June 2018. The five Fellows will be invited to attend the Course Hero Education Summit in July 2018, where their Fellowships will be announced.

Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) (nsf18543) | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) is a broad-based research program investigating the physics of the Earth's magnetosphere and the coupling of the magnetosphere to the atmosphere and to the solar wind. The goal of the GEM program is to make accurate predictions of the geospace environment by developing physical understanding of the large-scale organization and dynamics from observations, theory, and increasingly realistic models.

Einstein Forum - Albert Einstein-Stipendium - 0 views

    The Albert Einstein Fellowship supports creative, interdisciplinary thought by giving young scholars the chance to pursue research outside their previous area of work. Candidates must be under 35 and hold a university degree in the humanities, in the social sciences, or in the natural sciences. Applications for 2019 should include a CV, a two-page project proposal, and two letters of recommendation. All documents must be received by April 15, 2018. At the end of the fellowship period, the fellow will be expected to present his or her project in a public lecture at the Einstein Forum and at the Daimler and Benz Foundation. The Einstein Fellowship is not intended for applicants who wish to complete an academic study they have already begun. A successful application must demonstrate the quality, originality, and feasibility of the proposed project, as well as the superior intellectual development of the applicant. It is not relevant whether the applicant has begun working toward, or currently holds, a PhD. The proposed project need not be entirely completed during the time of the fellowship, but can be the beginning of a longer project. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO FELLOWSHIPS WILL BE GIVEN FOR DISSERTATION RESEARCH. THE PROPOSED PROJECT MUST BE SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT IN CONTENT, AND PREFERABLY FIELD AND FORM, FROM THE APPLICANT'S PREVIOUS WORK.

Survey about OARS professional development offerings - 0 views

    Miami University researchers can provide input about the professional development opportunities they'd like to see OARS offer in the next year by completing this 5-minute survey.

Youth Service and Conservation Corps Workforce Development - 0 views

    The FHWA hereby requests applications for assistance to result in the award of a new Cooperative Agreement, entitled, "Youth Service and Conservation Corps Workforce Development." The purpose of this proposed Cooperative Agreement (Agreement) is to assist the Recipient in encouraging States and regional transportation planning agencies to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with qualified youth service or conservation corps to perform appropriate projects eligible under the Federal-aid highway program, and to expand youth workforce development opportunities while strengthening transportation career pathways. COST SHARING OR MATCHING: For this cooperative agreement, cost sharing or matching will NOT be required as the scope of work furthers the administration of the RTP, but cost sharing or matching is encouraged. If proposed, the Government will evaluate cost share as part of the cost/budget review. The degree of cost share and leveraging of non-Federal funds will be considered beneficial to the extent the cost share is considered feasible and demonstrates a furtherance of the goals of the program.

Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act - 0 views

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) requests interested entities to submit research, restoration, and Regional Project proposals for the restoration of the Great Lakes Basin fish and wildlife resources, as authorized under the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act (16 USC 941c). The purpose of the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act (GLFWRA) is to provide assistance to States, Indian Tribes, and other interested entities to encourage cooperative conservation, restoration and management of the fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in the Great Lakes Basin. Supported in part by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, we expect approximately $1.2 million to support projects this fiscal year. Available funding and project awards are subject to final Congressional appropriations for Fiscal Year 2018. Up to 33 and one-third percent of the total Congressional appropriation to the GLFWRA is eligible to fund Regional Projects. Successful restoration and research projects have ranged from $2,300 to $2,000,000 with the average project at $124,975.

2018 Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation - 0 views

    The United States Embassy in Georgia is accepting project abstracts for the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) 2018 Large Grants Program. The Program supports the preservation of major ancient archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, and major museum collections that are accessible to the public and protected by law in the host nation. The AFCP Large Grants Program gives top priority to project activities that are appropriate and in keeping with international cultural heritage preservation standards. An appropriate preservation activity is one that protects the values of the site as they are understood by stakeholders. Stakeholders may include national, regional, or local cultural authorities; the local community; and others with vested interests in the site and the outcome of a project.

National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Land Acquisition and Construction Pr... - 0 views

    The National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS or System) consists of estuarine areas of the United States and its territories designated and managed for research and educational purposes. Each Reserve within the system is chosen to represent a different bio-geographic region and to include a variety of ecosystem types in accordance with the classification scheme of the national program as specified in 15 CFR Part 921. By funding Reserve lead agencies and universities to conduct land acquisition and construction projects that support the NERRS mission, NOAA will strengthen protection of key land and water areas, enhance long-term protection of Reserve areas for research and education, and provide for facility and exhibit construction that meet the highest sustainable design standards possible. NOAA anticipates approximately $1.7 million in Fiscal Year 2018 will be available to designated lead Reserve agencies or universities in coastal states for approximately 1-10 construction and acquisition projects, and expected to range from approximately $20,000 to $800,000 per project and with project periods typically covering 12-36 months, depending on the availability of funds.

National Trails System Information, Corridor Protection, and Training - 0 views

    The purpose of this proposed Cooperative Agreement (Agreement) is to assist the Recipient in providing National Trails System Information, Corridor Protection, and Training to build capacity to better administer, manage, and sustain National Trails. The primary focus is to support National Scenic Trails and National Historic Trails.

Grant Seekers | SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund - 0 views

    The SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund works with purpose and passion on behalf of wildlife and habitats worldwide, encouraging sustainable solutions through support of species research, animal rescue and rehabilitation, and conservation education. Since its inception in 2003, the fund has awarded more than $15 million to over twelve hundred projects around the world. To that end, the fund is accepting applications for projects related to species research, habitat protection, conservation education, and animal rescue and rehabilitation.

Flexible Funding Model - Infrastructure Development and Maintenance for State Manufactu... - 0 views

    The intended outcome of this FOA is to advance efforts for a nationally integrated food safety system (IFSS) by supporting Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS), Rapid Response Teams (RRT) and Food Protection Task Force (FPTF) programs, as well as special projects. For the purposes of this FOA, the term State encompasses all eligible organizations as defined in Section 3.

Partners for Fish and Wildlife - 0 views

    The Partners for Fish and Wildlife (PFW) Program is a voluntary, incentive-based program that provides direct technical assistance and financial assistance in the form of cooperative agreements to private landowners to restore and conserve fish and wildlife habitat for the benefit of federal trust resources. The PFW Program is delivered through more than 250 full-time staff, active in all 50 States and territories. Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program staff coordinate with project partners, stakeholders and other Service programs to identify geographic focus areas and develop habitat conservation priorities within these focus areas. Geographic focus areas define where the program directs resources to conserve habitat for federal trust species. Project work plans are developed strategically, in coordination with partners, and with substantial involvement from Service field staff. Projects must advance the Department of the Interior's mission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's mission, and PFW's mission, promote biological diversity, and based upon sound scientific biological principles. Program strategic plans inform the types of projects funded under this opportunity. Applicants seeking funding under this program should contact the appropriate PFW Regional Program office prior to submitting an application for funding. ***Applicants seeking technical or financial assistance from the PFW Program are requested to consult with the Regional PFW Program office BEFORE developing or submitting an application (see Section VIII. Agency Contacts).***Legal authorities: Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act of 2006, S.260 Public Law 109-294; Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, 16 U.S.C. 742a-c, 747e-742j; and Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958, 16 U.S.C. 661 667(e).

Fiscal Year 2018 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowships in Marine Resource Economics - 0 views

    The Fellowship Program expects to award two new Ph.D. Fellowships each year to students who are interested in careers related to the development and implementation of quantitative methods for assessing the economics of the conservation and management of living marine resources. Fellows will work on thesis problems of public interest and relevance to National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) under the guidance of NMFS mentors at participating NMFS Science Centers or Offices. The NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship in Marine Resource Economics meets NOAA's Healthy Oceans goal of "Marine fisheries, habitats, biodiversity sustained with healthy and productive ecosystems." The expected annual award per Fellow will be $46,000 (Federal plus matching funds), which is funded jointly by NOAA Fisheries and Sea Grant.

Outstanding New Environmental Scientist (ONES) Award - 0 views

    The Outstanding New Environmental Scientist (ONES) Award is intended to identify the most talented Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) who intend to make a long-term commitment to research in the Environmental Health Sciences and assist them in launching an innovative research program focused on the understanding of environmental exposure effects on peoples health.

Texas NRCS Urban Conservation Project - 0 views

    The NRCS - Texas State Office, an agency under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is seeking support from and opportunities to partner with like minded natural resource conservation partners. The overall intent of this solicitation is to solicit partnerships to help enhance the implementation of key conservation objectives and priorities outlined further in this document.Proposals will be accepted from eligible entities for projects located in Texas. NRCS anticipates that the total amount awarded under this announcement in Federal fiscal year 2018 will be approximately $150,000. Proposals are requested from eligible non- profit organizations, independent school districts, institutions of higher education, and federally recognized Native American tribal governments for competitive consideration of grant awards for one year in duration.The Texas NRCS Urban Conservation Project is an effort to challenge community organizations, educational institutions and Indian tribes to establish community and school gardens across Texas. The simple act of planting a garden can help unite neighbors in a common effort and inspire locally-led solutions to challenges facing our state. Challenges that can be addressed with locally-led solutions can be diverse in an urban setting. Addressing hunger with an urban garden can bring communities together and initiate other positive outcomes for people. Pollinator habitat planned with urban gardens can provide an increase in harvest potential while providing food and habitat for declining insect communities in Texas.As part of the USDA's Urban Agriculture toolkit, the Texas NRCS Urban Conservation Project will provide technical and financial assistance to eligible entities to establish gardens for food production and for attracting and maintaining monarch butterflies and the establishment of seasonal high tunnels to extend the growing season of fruits and vegetables.
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