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NSF Accepting Proposals Related to Hurricane Harvey - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) and its staff are deeply concerned for the people and institutions affected by Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath. Now that the consequences of Hurricane Harvey are upon us, new science and engineering questions are being raised. Through this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), NSF encourages the submission of proposals that seek to address the challenges related to this storm. NSF also will support fundamental science and engineering research projects whose results may enable our country to better prepare for, respond to, recover from, or mitigate future catastrophic events. Research proposals relating to a better fundamental understanding of the impacts of the storm (physical, biological and societal), human aspects of natural disasters (including first responders and the general public), emergency response methods, and approaches that promise to reduce future damage also are welcome. With NSF support, researchers have a long history of advancing understanding and knowledge about natural and built environments, as well as the relationship between humans and their environments in the context of large-scale disasters. Researchers also have improved our ability to better predict, with longer lead times, the path of tropical cyclones. NSF support for researchers has led to the deployment of underwater rescue robots in an effort to safeguard emergency workers, developed real-time flood potential models, conducted effectiveness assessments of oil plume dispersants, assessed and advised better hazard-resistant buildings, and developed liquefaction mitigation methods in response to earthquakes.

EarthScope - 0 views

    EarthScope is an Earth science program to explore the 4-dimensional structure of the North American continent. The EarthScope Program provides a framework for broad, integrated studies across the Earth sciences, including research on fault properties and the earthquake process, strain transfer, magmatic and hydrous fluids in the crust and mantle, plate boundary processes, large-scale continental deformation, continental structure and evolution, and composition and structure of the deep Earth. In addition, EarthScope offers a centralized forum for Earth science education at all levels and an excellent opportunity to develop cyber infrastructure to integrate, distribute, and analyze diverse data sets. ThisSolicitation primarily encourages submission of proposals that integrate and synthesize major outcomes of EarthScope research and education and outreach efforts with the goal of elucidating and documenting the advances the EarthScope program has made since its inception.

Shell Foundation Grant | Instrumentl - 0 views

    Shell is a leading oil and gas producer in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, a recognized pioneer in oil and gas exploration and production technology and one of America's leading oil and natural gas producers, gasoline and natural gas marketers and petrochemical manufacturers. Focus on energy awareness with special publics, increasing interest in technical careers among students and professional development in science and math among educators. We support K-12 programs that boost math and science skills, as well as university programs that aid engineering and geoscience students and departments. Shell funds projects at vocational and technical schools where chemical and refinery operators and technicians are trained. We are especially interested in supporting educational outreach in math, science and technology to women/minority students and academic institutions with ethnically diverse enrollments. Focus on biodiversity initiatives with support to programs that restore critical ecosystems, address water, air quality research, preserve wetlands and sponsor wetlands initiatives. As part of our commitment to environmental stewardship, we support projects that restore and protect critical ecosystems. In addition to restoration and preservation efforts, we fund research projects for threatened wildlife and/or habitats.

Arctic Research Opportunities (nsf13592) - 0 views

    The goal of the NSF Section for Arctic Sciences, Division of Polar Programs (PLR), is to gain a better understanding of the Arctic's physical, biological, geological, chemical, social and cultural processes; the interactions of oceanic, terrestrial, atmospheric, biological, social, cultural, and economic systems; and the connections that define the Arctic. The Arctic Sciences and other NSF programs support projects that contribute to the development of the next generation of researchers and scientific literacy for all ages through education, outreach, and broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Program representatives from polar and other non-polar NSF programs that support arctic research coordinate across NSF, including joint review and funding of arctic proposals and mutual support of special projects with high logistical costs.

National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Collaborative Science Program 2019 - 0 views

    This funding opportunity will provide support for the grantee to develop and administer a comprehensive national program that funds extramural collaborative science projects to address the system-wide research and management needs of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System, while being responsive to local and regional reserve priorities and those of NOAA. The NERRS collaborative science program is intended to deliver highly credible and relevant information to the coastal management community by incorporating user input into the design and implementation of research projects and ensure that the outcomes support the needs of stakeholders. This program will also increase the capacity of the NERRS management, research, education, stewardship, and coastal training sectors to transfer information and skills to end-users and more effectively support coastal and estuarine resource management.

National Geographic Accepting Applications for Participatory Science | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    The National Geographic Society is accepting applications for its Participatory Science program, which supports the development or innovative use of data-driven, technology-powered tools that increase the understanding, preservation, and protection of our planet. Applicants should propose tools that support citizen science work, particularly data collection or data analysis, in ways that create learning experience for citizen scientists, including students. Priority will be given to research, education, and technology projects that create and execute new digital applications, transform existing applications and products, or use current technologies to do one or more of the following: teach students and other citizen scientists about the planet using experiential, crowdsourced technology; encourage individuals who engage with these technologies and projects to build the attitudes, skills, and knowledge necessary to become stewards of the planet and contribute to solving real-world issues; and generate data and/or develop open-source technologies that contribute to scientific inquiry and advance our understanding of the planet.

Apply for a Grant - IEEE Foundation, Inc. - 0 views

    Raise awareness and understanding of science and technology and their potential to address a global challenge. Request for Proposals: For 2018, the IEEE Foundation Grants Program will invest approximately $304,000 to raise awareness and understanding of science and technology and their potential to address a global challenge. Proposals are invited from IEEE Organizational Units for projects that promote public understanding about how science and technology are being or could be used to address global challenges - including energy, cybersecurity, security, health care, and sustainability. In evaluating proposals, the Grants Committee will seek to determine the extent to which the proposed project: Provides technical information at a level that can be understood by the general public Reaches a broad cross-section of society Has a well-articulated communications plan, that includes social media, designed to increase awareness and engagement of the target audience Presents, in a neutral and balanced manner, an analysis of the social benefits and costs of deploying the subject technology Avoids advocating a particular action but encourages and enables participants to make an informed decision Directly involves IEEE members including, as appropriate, student members Encourages the active participation of the target audience Provides an effective means of determining the impact of the project Matches the IEEE Foundation's Grant criteria

The Eppley Foundation For Research | Support for Advanced Scientific Research - 0 views

shared by MiamiOH OARS on 05 Feb 18 - No Cached
    The Eppley Foundation supports advanced, novel, scientific research by PhDs or MDs with an established record of publication in their specialties. The Foundation does not support work in the social sciences, education or computer science, and only rarely funds research into diseases that have considerable financial support available, such as AIDS, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Particular areas of interest include innovative medical investigations, climate change, whole ecosystem studies, as well as research on single species if they are of particular significance in their environments, in the U.S. and abroad. The Foundation does not fund work that can qualify for funding from conventional sources such as the National Science Foundation or the National Institutes of Health, or similar agencies at the state level. It is important to the Foundation that the work proposed be novel in its insights and unlikely to be underway elsewhere. The Foundation is prepared to take risks.

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants in the Directorate for Biological Sciences (DD... - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation awards Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants in selected areas of the biological sciences. Proposals must fall within the scope of any of the clusters in the Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) or the Behavioral Systems Cluster in the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS). These grants provide partial support of doctoral dissertation research for improvement beyond the already existing project. Allowed are costs for doctoral candidates to participate in scientific meetings, to conduct research in specialized facilities or field settings, and to expand an existing body of dissertation research.

Career Awards at the Scientific Interface | Burroughs Wellcome Fund - 0 views

    BWF's Career Awards at the Scientific Interface provide $500,000 to bridge advanced postdoctoral training and the first three years of faculty service. These awards are intended to foster the early career development of researchers who have transitioned or are transitioning from undergraduate and/or graduate work in the physical/mathematical/computational sciences or engineering into postdoctoral work in the biological sciences, and who are dedicated to pursuing a career in academic research. These awards are open to U.S. and Canadian citizens or permanent residents as well as to U.S. temporary residents.

American Academy of Underwater Sciences Research Scholarship & Kevin Flanagan Student T... - 0 views

    Research Scholarship The American Academy of Underwater Sciences awards two research scholarships to graduate students engaged in, or planning to begin, a research project in which diving is or will be used as a principal research tool or study scientific diving. The Kevin Gurr Scholarship awards $3,000 to a Master program student, and the Kathy Johnston Scholarship awards $3,000 to a Ph.D. candidate. The AAUS may also award two additional $1500 scholarships to the next two proposals that are ranked the highest. If the additional scholarships are awarded, they may be split between the Master program and the Ph.D. program, or they may be both awarded within a single program. Kevin Flanagan Student  Travel Award The Kevin Flanagan Student Travel Award provides up to $800 to undergraduate and/or graduate students interested in diving science to attend AAUS scientific meetings. The award is competitive merit-based. As many as three students may be funded annually. The Kevin Flanagan award was established in collaboration with Kevin's family as a legacy to his commitment to AAUS and scientific diving. Kevin served as AAUS board member (2009-2011) and diving safety officer at the University of Hawaii and East Carolina University prior to his death in May 2012. Our goal is to develop this as the first endowed award of the AAUS Foundation, permanently funded through interest earned on the raised capital.

Challenger Society Travel Awards | Instrumentl - 0 views

    The Challenger Society has members in Universities, research institutes, regulatory agencies and more widely in the UK and indeed worldwide. The society thereby is the main academic society representing the UK academic marine research community. It also has strong links to and members with the UK marine technology sector and policy community. The UK marine science community is strong, large and world-leading with its ships and scientists operating around the world. The Society was founded in 1906 and over a century later brings together scientists working and researching in all areas of the marine sciences.

Research Grants | Human Frontier Science Program - 0 views

    Emphasis is placed on novel collaborations that bring together scientists preferably from different disciplines (e.g. from chemistry, physics, computer science, engineering) to focus on problems in the life sciences. The research teams must be international. The principal applicant must be from one of the eligible countries. However, other participating scientists and laboratories may be situated anywhere in the world.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology - US National Science ... - 0 views

    The Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) awards Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology to recent recipients of the doctoral degree for research and training in selected areas supported by BIO and with special goals for human resource development in biology.  The fellowships encourage independence at an early stage of the research career to permit Fellows to pursue their research and training goals in the most appropriate research locations regardless of the availability of funding for the Fellows at that site.  For FY 2013, these BIO programs are (1) Broadening Participation in Biology; (2) Intersections of Biology and Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering; (3) National Plant Genome Initiative Postdoctoral Research Fellowships; and (4) International Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology.  These areas change periodically as new scientific and infrastructure opportunities present themselves. For this reason, this solicitation will be changed as necessary to reflect the areas being funded.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program - US National Science Foun... - 0 views

    The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) application period is now open!  NSF is soliciting applications for the GRFP until the posted deadlines in late October and early November 2014.  Since 1952, GRFP has provided Fellowships to individuals selected early in their graduate careers based on their demonstrated potential for significant achievements in science and engineering. Three years of support is provided by the program for graduate study in science or engineering and leads to a research-based master's or doctoral degree.  The NSF expects to award 2,000 Graduate Research Fellowships under this program solicitation pending availability of funds. 

Climate Program Office, Regional Integrated Sciences & Assessments (RISA) | Department ... - 0 views

    The RISA program supports the development of knowledge, expertise, and abilities of decision-makers to plan and prepare for climate variability and change. Through regionally-focused and interdisciplinary research and engagement teams, RISA builds and expands the Nation's capacity to adapt and become resilient to extreme weather events and climate change. RISA teams accomplish this through co-developed applied research and partnerships with public and private communities. A central tenet of the RISA program is that learning about climate adaptation and resilience is facilitated by and sustained across a wide range of experts, practitioners, and the public. As such, the RISA program supports a network of people, prioritizing wide participation in learning by doing, learning through adapting, and managing risk with uncertain information. Early decades of the program focused on understanding the use of climate information at regional scales (e.g., through experimental seasonal outlooks), improving predictions and scenarios, building capacity for drought early warning, and advancing the science of climate impact assessments. More recently, emphasis has shifted to address the growing urgency to advance approaches that tackle the complex societal issues surrounding adaptation planning, implementation, and building community resilience. To do so, RISA continues to prioritize collaborative approaches that incorporate multiple knowledge sources and integrate social, physical, and natural science, resulting in long-term support of and increased capacity for communities.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The Climate and Environmental Sciences Division (CESD), Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) of the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in collaboration with the Amazonas Research Foundation and the S?o Paulo Research Foundation of Brazil, hereby announces its interest in collaborative grant research applications in support of the upcoming GreenOceanAmazon2014 experiment (GOAmazon2014).
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The objective of the program is to provide a basis for advancing science-based fisheries management for Atlantic bluefin tuna. Such advancement will depend upon improvements in understanding of the fisheries harvesting and the biology of bluefin tuna, especially regarding the effects of mixing and movement between the eastern and western Atlantic stocks on monitoring stock abundance. Contracting Parties to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), of which the US is one, and other partners have embarked upon a $25 million research program on bluefin tuna, expected to span 6 years as a step toward improving ICCAT's science based management approach for fisheries affecting bluefin. Research sponsored under this funding opportunity represents a contribution to this partnership.
MiamiOH OARS - 0 views

    The Science Transfer Programis designed to promote partnershipsthrough the communication of information aboutGreat Lakes ecosystems and theirfish communities,sea lamprey control, and emerging ecological concepts and technologiesto fishery researchers andmanagers, governments, and the public. The programprovides a dedicated source of funding to supportthe objectives and activities described in A Joint Strategic Plan for Management ofGreat Lakes Fisheries and the commission's partnership vision statement. Types of Pjt roecs: S icence t franser proj tecsi ldncue all forms of commi isson‐sponsored communi ticaon reltdae to scientific and technical information. Types of activities used to disseminate informationmay include, but are notlimited to: - science‐transfer and trainingworkshops - other workshops and symposia - management planning and objective setting - development andmaintenance of lake‐wide databases - development ofscientific review papers - publication ofresearch in print, CD, and web‐basedmedia
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation awards Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants in selected areas of the biological sciences. Proposals must fall within the scope of any of the clusters in the Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) or the Behavioral Systems Cluster in the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS). These grants provide partial support of doctoral dissertation research for improvement beyond the already existing project. Allowed are costs for doctoral candidates to participate in scientific meetings, to conduct research in specialized facilities or field settings, and to expand an existing body of dissertation research.
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