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RFA-NS-18-014: BRAIN Initiative: Targeted BRAIN Circuits Planning Projects TargetedBCPP... - 0 views

    The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) InitiativeSM is aimed at revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain. By accelerating the development and application of innovative technologies, researchers will be able to produce a new dynamic picture of the brain that, for the first time, will show how individual cells and complex neural circuits interact in both time and space. It is expected that the application of these new tools and technologies will ultimately lead to new ways to treat, cure, and even prevent brain disorders.

RFA-AA-18-008: Interaction of HIV Infection and Alcohol Abuse on Central Nervous System... - 0 views

    The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications to evaluate the cumulative and progressive effects on brain structure and cognitive/behavioral function of combined HIV infection and alcohol abuse. This project has recruited and longitudinally tracked a large cohort of individuals with HIV infection, or alcohol abuse, or the comorbid condition. As members of this cohort are growing older and living well longer due to antiretroviral medications, this project is well suited to address several questions of current interest in the HIV-AIDS research community. These questions include the effects of coinfection with the Hepatitis C virus, the involvement of peripheral neuropathy as a factor in frailty, potential neurotoxic effects of antiretroviral medications, and interactive effects with advancing age on sensory and motor functioning.

PA-18-495: Academic Research Enhancement Award in Diseases within the Mission of NIDDK ... - 0 views

    The purpose of the Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) program is to stimulate research in educational institutions that provide baccalaureate or advanced degrees for a significant number of the Nation's research scientists, but that have not been major recipients of NIH support. AREA grants create opportunities for scientists and institutions otherwise unlikely to participate extensively in NIH research programs to contribute to the Nation's biomedical and behavioral research effort. AREA grants are intended to support small-scale research projects proposed by faculty members of eligible, domestic institutions, to expose undergraduate and/or graduate students to meritorious research projects, and to strengthen the research environment of the applicant institution. The purpose of this FOA is to support AREA grants for clinical trials focused on diseases within the mission of NIDDK.

PAR-18-479: Detecting and Preventing Suicide Behavior, Ideation and Self-Harm in Youth ... - 0 views

    This initiative supports research to test the effectiveness of combined strategies to both detect and intervene to reduce the risk of suicide behavior, suicide ideation, and non-suicidal self-harm (NSSI) by youth in contact with the juvenile justice system. Opportunities for detection and prevention start at early points of contact (e.g., police interaction, the intake interview) and continue through many juvenile justice settings (e.g., pre-trial detention, juvenile or family court activities, court disposition, placement and on-going care in either residential or multiple community settings.) This FOA invites intervention strategies that are designed to be delivered in typical service settings using typically available personnel and resources, to enhance the implementation of interventions that prove effective, enhance their future uptake in diverse settings, and thereby reduce risk of suicide and self-harm in this population.

Risk Institute Seeks Proposals for Research on Risk Management | The Risk Institute - 0 views

    The Risk Institute at The Ohio State University's Fisher College of Business invites area-specific and inter-disciplinary proposals for research covering all areas in risk and risk management. Priority will be given to topics of the Risk Institute's 2017-2018 risk series: Fraud & ethics Protectionism Macroeconomic consequences of demographic change Weather and Climate risk Longevity risk Digital risk The main focus of the research proposal should be understanding or managing risks with respect to any of these topics.

RFA-DA-18-020: NIDA Translational Avant-Garde Award for Development of Medication to Tr... - 0 views

    The purpose of this award is to support outstanding basic and/or clinical researchers with the vision and expertise to translate research discoveries into medications for the treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) stemming from tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or prescription opiate use. Eligible applicants must demonstrate the ability to develop molecules with the potential to treat SUDs and advance them in the drug development continuum. The ultimate goal of this FOA is to bring molecules closer to FDA approval. The UG3/UH3 Phased Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement involves 2 phases. The UG3 will support a project with specific milestones to be accomplished at the end of the 2-year period. The UH3 will provide funding for 3 years to a project that successfully completed the milestones set in the UG3. UG3 projects that have met their milestones will be administratively considered by NIDA and prioritized for transition to the UH3 phase. Investigators responding to this FOA must address both UG3 and UH3 phases.

PA-18-482: NICHD Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21 - Clinical Trial Optional) - 0 views

    The NICHD Exploratory/Developmental Grant program supports exploratory and developmental research projects that fall within the NICHD mission by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a major impact on a field of biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research.

PA-18-465: Developing the Therapeutic Potential of the Endocannabinoid System for Pain ... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support projects that will elucidate the therapeutic potential of the cannabinoids and endocannabinoid system in the development of mechanism-based therapies for pain.

PAR-18-478: Cancer Research Education Grants Program - Research Experiences (R25) - 0 views

    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this NCI R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation's biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Research Experiences. Applications are encouraged that propose innovative, state-of-the-art programs that address the cause, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer, or the continuing care of cancer patients and the families of cancer patients.

PA-18-379: Obesity and Asthma: Awareness and Self- Management (R01 Clinical Trial Optio... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage research that examines the relationship between asthma, obesity and self-management. It seeks to build the science of obesity, asthma, and self-management awareness.

Topics in Biological, Physiological, and Behavioral Adaptations to Spaceflight: Integra... - 0 views

    NASA's Human Research Program (HRP) has released solicited research response area NRA 80JSC017N0001-BPBA "Topics in Biological, Physiological, and Behavioral Adaptations to Spaceflight: Integrated One Year Mission Project and Other Opportunities" that solicits applied research in support of HRP goals and objectives. The first topic in the solicitation is for proposals in the area of Analyses of the Temporal Nature of Human Adaptation to Long-Duration Low-Earth Orbit Missions. HRP has a requirement for sufficient crewmember experience at one year in spaceflight to demonstrate the presence or absence of unacceptable deleterious physiological, psychological and medical effects of spaceflight on human health and performance beyond the experience base of six-month expeditions and to permit extrapolation to early interplanetary expeditions with durations of up to two to three years. Therefore, HRP is proposing an integrated One-Year Mission Project on the International Space Station (ISS) consisting of five one-year missions five standard-duration six-month missions paralleling the year-long expeditions, and five short-duration crew vehicle exchange expeditions lasting up to two months to occur at the mid-point of each 1YM. Proposals are solicited by NASA in the additional areas of Biological, Physiological, and Behavioral Functions of Mice during Partial (0 - 1) G-Exposures Provided by Centrifugation on the International Space Station; Novel Spaceflight-Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome Hypotheses and Countermeasures; Medical Countermeasures Targeting Multiple Tissues at Risk from Exposure to Space Radiation; Individual and Team Problem-Solving Skills Training for Exploration Missions; Sensory Stimulation for Cognitive and Behavioral Health; and Human Capabilities Assessments for Autonomous Missions (HCAAM) Virtual NASA Specialized Center of Research.

RFA-MD-18-005: Youth Violence Prevention Interventions that Incorporate Racism/Discrimi... - 0 views

    The purpose of this initiative is to support research to develop and test youth violence prevention interventions that incorporate racism/discrimination prevention strategies for one or more health disparity populations. The target age range includes middle school to high school-aged youth, corresponding to an approximate age range of 11 to 18.

Female Fellowship Applications 2018 | Prevent Blindness Ohio - 0 views

    The Ohio Affiliate of  Prevent Blindness is accepting applications for its 2018 Young Investigator Student Fellowship Awards for Female Scholars in Vision Research. The Fellowship Program is designed to provide support for outstanding female scientists committed to pursuing biomedical, behavioral or clinical research careers relevant to the mission of Prevent Blindness - to prevent blindness and preserve sight.  Grants will be awarded for the summer 2018 session.  Awards will range from $3000-$5000 depending upon the availability of funds. The deadline for receipt of applications is Feb. 15, 2018. Applicants must be post-baccalaureate students enrolled in a master's or doctorate program during the summer of 2018, female, citizens or permanent residents of the United States, and conducting their research with a recognized academic institution in the State of Ohio. Applications from diverse fields in the health sciences including, but not limited to ophthalmology, optometry, nursing, genetics, public health, nutrition, gerontology, and bioengineering, are appropriate to the goals of this fellowship award. The Ohio Affiliate of Prevent Blindness encourages fellowship applications which investigate public health issues related to the burden of eye-related health and safety topics.

PAR-18-250: Improving Smoking Cessation in Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations ... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide support for innovative and promising intervention research designed to improve smoking cessation outcomes among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. Specifically, this FOA is intended to stimulate research efforts aimed at the development of smoking cessation interventions that: 1) are targeted to socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and 2) could be made scalable for broad population impact Applicants may propose projects that develop and test novel cessation interventions with the potential to be scaled up, as well as projects that focus on enhancing the effectiveness, quality, accessibility, utilization, and cost-effectiveness of currently scaled smoking cessation interventions. This FOA provides funding for up to 2 years for protocol development and early phase, pilot, or exploratory projects.

PAR-18-226: Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders... - 0 views

    Avenir means future in French, and this award looks toward the future by supporting early stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies. The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field. NIDA has developed two Avenir Award Programs, one for HIV/AIDS research and the other for genetics or epigenetics studies. The Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders Avenir Award program supports early stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies that open new areas of research for the genetics or epigenetics of addiction. These may be novel methods or approaches that can potentially be applied to the analysis of the genetics or epigenetics of addiction. Investigators outside the field of addiction interested in applying their novel approaches to the genetics or epigenetics of addiction are encouraged to apply. The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field of genetics or epigenetics of substance use disorders.

PAR-18-224: NIDA Research Center of Excellence Grant Program (P50 Clinical Trial Optional) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide support for research Centers that (1) conduct drug abuse and addiction research in any area of NIDA's mission, (2) have outstanding innovative science, (3) are multidisciplinary, thematically integrated, synergistic, and (4) serve as national resource(s) to provide educational and outreach activities to drug abuse research communities, educational organizations, the general public, and policy makers in the NIDA research fields It is expected that a Center will transform knowledge in the sciences it is studying. Incremental work should not be the focus of Center activities; rather, new and creative directions are required. The P50 Center of Excellence is expected to foster the career development and mentoring of new investigators who would be given meaningful roles to play in the Center projects. A goal of this program is to create NIDA Centers that are national community resources for furthering drug abuse research by sharing their findings, their data, and their resources as appropriate for researchers to use and build upon and to advance research in this field

PAR-18-222: Multi-Site Studies for System-Level Implementation of Substance Use Prevent... - 0 views

    As part of the Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN) initiative, NIDA, NIAAA, and NCI join to issue this FOA. The purpose of this FOA is to support the development and testing of interventions, models, and/or frameworks that examine system-level implementation of evidence-based interventions, guidelines, or principles to improve the delivery, uptake, quality, and sustainability of substance use prevention and treatment interventions and services.

PA-18-399: Research on Autism Spectrum (R03-Clinical Trial Optional) - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage research grant applications to support research designed to elucidate the etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and optimal means of service delivery in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

NSPIRES - Solicitations Summary - 0 views

    Research in HRP is organized around 32 risks and two concerns as outlined in the Human Research Roadmap ( In this appendix of the 2017 HERO NRA, HRP is soliciting research for the following topics: · Topic 1: Analyses of the Temporal Nature of Human Adaptation to Long-Duration Low-Earth Orbit Missions Virtual NASA Specialized Center of Research (VNSCOR) · Topic 2: Biological, Physiological, and Behavioral Functions of Mice during Partial (0 - 1) G-Exposures Provided by Centrifugation on the International Space Station · Topic 3: Novel Spaceflight-Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome Hypotheses and Countermeasures · Topic 4: Medical Countermeasures Targeting Multiple Tissues at Risk from Exposure to Space Radiation · Topic 5: Individual and Team Problem-Solving Skills Training for Exploration Missions · Topic 6: Sensory Stimulation for Cognitive and Behavioral Health · Topic 7: Human Capabilities Assessments for Autonomous Missions (HCAAM) Virtual NASA Specialized Center of Research (VNSCOR)

PAR-18-254: Increased Knowledge and Innovative Strategies to Reduce HIV Incidence-iKnow... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to promote innovative research that addresses one or both of the following objectives: · Devise optimal strategies to improve the identification of persons unaware of their HIV-1 infection and successfully link them to HIV testing, treatment, and prevention interventions. · Develop and examine the feasibility and acceptability of novel integrated interventions of biomedical and behavioral strategies that substantially reduce the likelihood of onward HIV transmission in these populations.
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